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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Didn’t say there was anything wrong with different opinions. Doesn’t mean I think they are right though. Its no about different opinions, it's about a shed load of new sign ups with the same opposed opinion that's the issue and it's relentless
  2. Nice one Rob, good call. Glad you got Max Rushden and not that tool Adrian Durham Good listen and articulate, well done Rob
  3. All these regens with Intelligence 0 stats, what's gannin on?
  4. Absolutely, the most important part is we all stay away, after that who cares how people watch/celebrate, that's a personal choice that doesn't affect Ashley's tenure.
  5. Mattoon

    Women's Football

    i dont particularly , i just like to watch the really good teams as opposed to the usually shite england ones
  6. This place has gone crazy, but it always does during the off season, add a takeover saga and losing our best manager since SBR then you've got a real Molotov cocktail. I can't understand why everyone is so upset with Odin, tensions are high but there's much worse on here in terms of annoyance. Maybe not the wisest move but it's not The end of the world! Agreed, Ashley is the real problem, I'm gutted that Rafa has gone, it's a really low point even for Ashley's NUFC but it is recoverable with a change of ownership. The focus definitely needs to be on if Ashley stays we go, last chance saloon, if Ashley stays after this then I don't see an end in sight.
  7. What the hell is wrong with you. Another one that had been quiet since Rafa has being going about his job professionally and making us better than the sum of our parts. I can see a few of them crawling back to the forum to try and twist this into something of an "I told you so". Best not rise to the bait, you can't argue with stupid
  8. He should and needs to but I don't think he will. Keegan did and it didn't make a difference to the sheep anyway Short memory? The fans at the time protested and most hard-core supporters voted with their feet, unfortunately they were replaced by happy clappers, but there has to be a breaking point for even those "supporters" surely? I think we'll see a significant drop in crowds if Ashley still owns the club.
  9. Yep 100% totally and utterly, unmitigatedly done with NUFC in its current guise, there is no bounds to Ashley's disregard, disrespect and devaluing of NUFC. His vindictiveness has no scale, only when/if there is a take over could I possibly come back.
  10. Which other football club includes wages and agent fees into it's transfer budget? Surely they have a separate wage budget? If that's the case then our actual transfer budget will be lucky to be 35 million. It's a joke like. Where's the money going/gone Mike? If we've factored in those wages at purchase then why did we have to wipe off so much in wages in the championship season and what happens about the wages we factored in if we sell a player, do they get added back on with the transfer fee? Why is no one in the media at all asking any questions about the dodgy way we deal with our financials?? What a joke of a club, I'm just waiting for the sale to be called off and I'll be calling it off now, SD United is not good for the blood pressure and I'm not getting any younger.
  11. Fwiw I think it's a good time to buy GAME, when they went into administration last time it was because of the gap in hardware sales, towards the end of the PS3/XB360 cycle the sales really dried up and it killed the industry. Streaming is still a relatively far way off, too many hick towns and underprivileged countries don't have the infrastructure to support streaming. Microsoft came out and said they won't be considering streaming services for the foreseeable future. Sony believe the PS5 will be the last console to support physical media though. I think once these new consoles land there will still be some legs in GAME but it's not a long term venture, it's days are numbered if they exist as they are today.
  12. Tbf I'm a squeezer not a stirrer
  13. Unpopular opinion but I'm actually partial to a fig roll, Nice has got to be up there too fwiw
  14. Option 1 for me, as much as I believe the interest in the club is real I also know how Ashley likes to think he's "won" a deal and will keep moving the goalposts. Gut feeling is that the takeover will collapse because of time wasters (Ashley being impossible yo work with) and that'll be the final straw for Rafa. I pray I'm wrong but 12 years of disappointment makes you a little negative for some reason.
  15. "The transfer fund of £50m is non-negotiable" there they go twisting the issue again to try and make out that Rafa is asking too much when anyone who knows will understand that Rafa is more bothered about who we can recruit.
  16. Slightly off topic, hence this thread, please delete if not allowed. My daughter has been picked as one of the top 60 athletes in the world under the age of 14 in the world! Shed been invited to go to a camp in Atlanta Georgia, we've had 5 weeks to find £3000 and are just £900 short, we're supposed to fly in 11 days so I'm trying everywhere I can, I've emailed big and small businesses, we've had some help but just need 1 last push to get her there. She's only the second ever athlete to be chosen from the UK so it's a pretty big deal. If anyone would like to help or knows someone that possibly could we have a gofundme page here: https://www.gofundme.com/angel-hardaker-next-gen-2019 If you think you can/want to help it would be massively appreciated, even if you could just share it for me that'd be great. If not, no worries and thanks for your time all. What's the phone number for our Sheik again?
  17. Why anyone would buy a season ticket to No Comment United at the moment with so much in the air I cannot fathom. Also if you hate your Mrs that much that you'd rather watch Curbishly relegate a MA team then it's probably time you reevaluate your relationship.
  18. Rafa is the only manager I want here at the moment and he deserves his chance with some money to spend for this connection he's made with the club, the fans and the city. However, that being said Ashley leaving is infinitely more important than anything else at the moment and given a direct choice I'm afraid it would be Ashley gone every time. We can only hope for both of these to happen. I still think it was a misconstrued (probably on purpose to sell some rags) quote, BZG, I believe, only stated that their main priority is buying the club, as it should be and if they were to miss out on Rafa then there are other options, the rest has been pure guesswork and blown out of proportion.
  19. It takes a week. My understanding is that the process needs to be instigated by nufc. It could be that BZG have submitted paperwork to nufc and Big mike has binned it Takes a good while to print off a document that big with a dot-matrix tbf
  20. I second that sentiment, sometimes it's just good to vent
  21. Make or break for me this, I can't follow a rafa-less SD United with Ashley still in charge. I'm currently 50/50 it feels like there's a lot of effort to play this down, but at the moment it's just unfounded "sources" through the media. They say there's no smoke without fire, but the problem is there's a lot of smoke coming from all directions, so where's the fire?
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