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Everything posted by Mattoon
They also say they want us to replace him with Mourinho or Wenger but quote a source as saying "there's other options". Totally fabricated nonsense to sell red top rags.
Klopp deserved that I'd say after losing out on the league with 97 points, they've had an amazing season. Just back from a bunch of Scouse mates house, what a dull game though, Spurs had all the ball but were so poor in the final third, was there even 6 shots on target between the teams over the 90 minutes? Spurs seemed to wake up after the 2nd went in, not sure what they expected to do at 2-0 down with 7 minutes left. For the neutral it was a dull final, but least worst team won.
An Ashley source stated: “Mike is starting to think that it’s another publicity stunt, which will ultimately end in the club remaining unsold. He now wants those representing the Sheikh to either put up or shut up. We’ve had fake Sheikhs before. He’s hoping this isn’t another one.” Wow... I said it in another thread, but that's really worrying if true. If you read between the lines it's obvious they were asked about the deal being quick enough and what if Rafa's contract were to run out and the natural reply is if he does find another job then there are other options. That's how I read it. Filling column inches with he said she said drivel, sources close to, etc.. not the horses mouth, yawn.
He's not doing anyone any harm, personal attacks are out of order, if you don't want to hear it you can mute the guy and if you're bored of the speculation just stay out of the thread, it's like some weird kind of masochism?
Heartening to read this as a recovering alcoholic when so much else of the thread is ill informed, insulting, heartless and brainless bullshit. Honestly it's been a painful read, seeing some of the very strong "opinions" that we're up against, as well as an exasperating and often crippling mental illness. I'm 3 and a bit years sober but often the easiest way to stay that way is to disengage with much of the world, as there are judgemental people all over just dying to tell you their "opinion" on stuff they know nowt about. My sobriety doesn't make me any better than Gazza, I could drink any day but if I did I wouldn't have to put up with knackers up and down the country pointing their finger and making their judgement on my situation. And this is not a pop at people like Bimpy who have had a real life experience of alcoholics close to them being destructive and putting their next drink, i.e. Feeding their addiction, ahead of everything else. I know that's what happens as I was getting to the stage of doing the same to everyone around me before I was lucky enough to be able to draw on various resources and stop. But anyone trying to make this a black and white issue without any understanding of the illness that I and many others live with can absolutely get fucked. Awesome that you're sober mate and I wholeheartedly hope that continues for you. Far too many judgements being thrown around by ill-informed, judgemental keyboard warriors. It's an horrific disease and as usual people don't understand the intangible diseases in society, it must be a simple case of "pull yourself together" or "cheer up", if only it were that easy. I've seen it destroy my sister's marriage, as much as I hated his alcoholism and what the guy did to my sister, I couldn't help but also feel for his plight, I know what drove him to alcohol and I know he didn't want to be the guy he was but it was his only escape. It's easy to judge someone who has had everything and is seemingly throwing it all down the drain, but you don't know what demons he is fighting, what daily struggles he faces. I don't profess to understand, I can't empathise but I can sympathise, I hope he can get help and I hope he can stay clean.
RIP another life taken too soon
Walk a mile in his shoes, judgemental pricks
I was supposed to be meeting Gazza on the 8th June, such a shame, he clearly has some major issues but the people that associate with him don't help. It's not as easy as just stopping and anyone that has had an addiction or knows someone that has suffered with one will attest to that.
If it wasn't clear my delete the forum comment was in jest, these crazed musings of would be Columbo's on here is the only thing keeping me sane from real life at the moment. Crack on! If you don't like it, don't read it, I hate this mentality, no one is forcing your eyes open and pressing F5 for you. Let the nutters have some fun and go chat elsewhere, it ain't hard, one little click
Delete the forum
Covered all bases Trying to get a job at the Chronic? 5 things we learned from the bid next...
Its been a while since I've had to scroll past the list of names to see the topics on a non-match day
I'm just sat here quietly waiting on Black Cloud to confirm.
I'm trying not to listen to every ITK and "journalist" guessing by throwing as much muck at the wall as possible so that when inevitably some sticks they can say they called it. Not worth getting your knickers twisted over inane silence fillers. We'll know more when both/either side wants us to know more and until we get official word from the horses (camels?) Mouth I'm not buying into all this he said she said. M'Bappé though
Is this how a mackem takes their yearly bath?
English press in building up and shooting down shocker. They know naff all and are throwing out stuff in the dark, before we all go jumping off the closest bridge it might be best to wait until official clarification. I just want my club back, a club to be proud of and not cringe every time I see that barrow boy in the paper, a club that deserves Rafa and club that Rafa deserves, I don't care if we do or don't get bank rolled, hell I could even handle the SD signage for another couple of seasons if we had to. Just get that poison out of our club and fumigate the place, set the foundations and get back to the top 10 where a sans ASHLE Y NUFC belongs.
Seriously I've seen better knock off Fortnite t-shirts at the outdoor market better quality than that. Hands down the worst NUFC top I've ever seen. Not one redeeming feature other than maybe I'd do the painting in it. Someone needs shot.
What's the cheapest template you've got? Excellent, now what about the cheapest material? At £60 a pop that's got to make at least £59 profit, absolutely hideous in every way.
This is my view too id be absolutely amazed if he stays and I think these fucknuts who run our club are just dragging it out so come 30th June they will just make a statement and appoint Dennis Wise. Id also be amazed if that little shit hasn't been in Ashleys ear along with his other cronies telling him that we don't need Rafa http://i.ytimg.com/vi/b3w6c7RUbUs/hqdefault.jpg
That game was eye bleedingly bad, most of the supporters will have neck ache today from looking up for 90 minutes as the ball barely touched the ground. As annoying as it was watching them fight it out like 2 one legged men in an arse kicking contest and for Sunderland to get back to Wembo, I think we'd all prefer cheesy chips and tears on Wembley way than a semi final defeat.
No hint of irony: https://twitter.com/keast_rob/status/1128767551088070656?s=19