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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. What the hell!? Watched the game at work, kept up in here too and all was going well, get home from work and everyone's at each others throats take a chill pill guys! It was another professional performance and we were never in danger of losing, sitting pretty at the top and yet arguing about a trivial decision that matters not to the final result. Where is the love? ?
  2. Mattoon


    Fuck em, I want them gone and I want them in free fall but I want to add a little more pain to that fall into obscurity, is that too much to ask?
  3. You aren't comparing Moyes and Benitez are you? Unlike some on here I've never rated Moyes, it's unbelievable he can still get a job. However seeing Gayle/Mitrovic isolated up front next season is not something to look forward to. What in the hell are you talking about, man? I'm talking about only playing one up front, something I'm fairly sure you don't like either. There's definitely a difference between a manager of Moyes ilk playing one up top and a master craftsman such as Rafa using a system with one striker. The major difference being under Rafa you can be damn sure whoever it is won't be isolated.
  4. Mattoon


    We need to put them back down where they belong before we flush them. We definitely owe them a stuffing like.
  5. Someone trapped BlueStar in Google translate ffs
  6. Mattoon


    That's definitely outside, it's on the outside of the alarm panels for the store.
  7. What is this god botherer stuff? Why are people that aren't concerned about god always worried about those that do man? So weird I'm not concerned about god, I'm concerned about those that believe in one. At one end of the spectrum they tell people how their lives should be lived, at the other end they behead people and fly planes into buildings. Im not religious but I'm sorry, that's wrong, people have every right to beleive in what they want, and just because a small minority do barbaric things, doesn't mean the others should should be looked down upon. A lot of atheists are just as bad, like somehow they are morally/intellectually superior for not being religious. agree with this also, don't tarnish everyone from every group with the actions of a minority. No need in bashing someone for having differing views to yourself.
  8. Obviously the two are incomparable but it's a bit hypocritical to mouth off and make fun someone for having a medical condition and then play the race card when said person snaps back. Not that I'm defending the use of racial abuse, I think both of them were abhorrent in this situation if Shelvey did lash back.
  9. Mattoon


    Totally forgot about this again, not that I'd have bothered to watch it if I remembered. Glad that's the break over, can we get on with some actual football again now please?
  10. Pardew on Aarons: Pardew on Cisse:
  11. 100% would prefer a top with Brown Ale on it, bet it would shift a truck load too, whatever we may lose in sponsorship from a morally corrupt corporation we'd probably gain in shirt sales. If either of those amounts make it to Rafa's available spend is a totally different question like.
  12. Mattoon


    I agree it's one of the weakest squads we have had but the management doesn't help by choosing the wrong players from the pool we have, continuously.
  13. Mattoon


    So disillusioned with the national squad at the moment, just a hunch of overpaid headless chicken primadonna millionaires. Watching them play bores me to tears, missed last night's game due to playing PS4 and completely forgot about, that never used to happen. Don't give a shit who is manager tbf, another wasted generation. England has been on the decline since 1996.
  14. Rumour has it that the victim was all shook up I heard it all broke out just cuz he stepped on his blue suede shoes
  15. Tightening the angle to make a difficult shot for your opponent so that they hit the woodwork, keepers tipping a shot with their fingers onto the woodwork, but two of the examples proving it's not luck but good play. Some may be luck, aye, but I wouldn't say every shot that hits the woodwork is immediately deemed lucky.
  16. I can't believe our ordacity to allow a player free roam offside, unbelievable!
  17. Innocent til proven guilty marra! All seriousness, I hope it's a misunderstanding and Shelvey wouldn't be so daft as to racially abuse someone, but if he has he needs to be made an example of as should anyone else who does it.
  18. They're still in that period of denial where some of the supporters want him gone and the other half are still defending him, spouting the "who would do better in these conditions" line. Not long now until the worm turns. I've never known a manager turn supporters to wanting their own team to get stuffed so they can get out of purgatory like this guy does.
  19. They got in a cup final last season, what more do they expect, I think he's doing a cracking job, deluded Palace supporters, careful what you wish for, who would replace him??
  20. Exactly, he wasn't just a shit manager we had to persevere with for a fleeting moment in our history, he changed people's perception of the game and ruined a deep grained love for our club as a whole. That doesn't come back over night, Rafa is not just rebuilding our club he's fixing a broken relationship.
  21. Nah, fuck that, Ashley was the instigator but Pardew was the facilitator, it takes a special kind of twat to play that role. Pardew single handedly made me hate football, actively want us to lose and thousands of supporters jack their tickets in. Pardew deserves to be vilified, I hate the cunt and with plenty of reason. Ashley gets a stay of execution because of the Rafa effect, he's keeping his nose clean and will probably be left alone while things stay as they are. Pardew however keeps spouting his bullshit and making up stories of his time here and until he's engulfed in the burning pits of hell he'll continue to get dogs abuse. I want him relegated because I want no way back for the slimy fucker, no excuse for Ian Wright and his other cronies to crawl out of the woodwork when he gets sacked and declare he's one of the best, would have turned it round, didn't get a chance. If he's to go it has to be ignominiously.
  22. If I have to choose one can it be on the proviso that we smash the other one 5-1 in our first season back?
  23. Both, can I say both? Yeah, both.
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