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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Warmed my cockles that. Hope he chokes on his turkey. I hope he gets the short end of the wishbone
  2. Merry Christmas to my adopted Geordie family, great group of people on here and we may argue and have differing views sometimes but I love you all (no homo). Have a great day people.
  3. Allardyce will make them boring but solid, probably a good fit for him and I think they'll be happy with him tbh. The fat corrupt wanker shouldn't be allowed to work in football again but it's pretty much corrupt to the core anyway. Pardew will now hopefully fade into the distance, the only better thing that could happen at this stage is for Sunderland to grow tired of Moyes' outspoken shit and replace him with Pardew, 2 birds with one stone when they finally get relegated.
  4. I would love to hear somebody present these stats to one of his mates/defenders in the media. Fuck me, that's shit all compared to the turgid records he set for us, barely even scrapes the surface. They ought to count themselves lucky he didn't have chance to do more damage.
  5. Mattoon


    Of course it's SP that should take a lot of the credit, there were mumblings going on, but it was still a them and us scenario when they went to print, infighting over "careful what you wish for" "best we can get under Ashley..." etc... Had they not galvanised the support and torn Pardew apart with facts in black and white I've got a feeling he may still be here. Just as KI said, it was always going to get worse before it got better, the end game was for Ashley to have nowhere left to go and no choice but to burn his bridges, but the lucky fucker landed on his feet when Rafa came knocking on his door. He'll get his reprieve until/unless he screws over Rafa, at which point expect AO to go back into full swing.
  6. This makes for some quality reading today https://twitter.com/AlanPardew_1?s=09
  7. Definitely too soon, Palace didn't get full on Pardewed, 2 years too early for them. But at least I don't get to see his smug backpfeifengesicht on my TV anymore. Merry Fucking Christmas N-O!!!
  8. According to the Chronic the findings will be viewable after Christmas, at which time they'll print what they can I'd assume and the club will decide if they want to appeal.
  9. I'd like to think that Shelvey is telling the truth and the fact that three witness statements do not corroborate doesn't seem to add up. However I will reserve judgement until the report is published and we get a clearer picture of what's been said. On a more positive note it seems like Shelvey will be available for the next game and possibly the following game if the appeal is filed. It's not good if you can fling these allegations around without any ramifications if you're found to be lying, conversely if it is Shelvey that is lying then he deserves all he gets. I'm on the fence for now.
  10. Mattoon


    100% yes Absolutely, regardless of the dross at the bottom of the league that squad is absolute pony.
  11. Mattoon


    This is amazing, for once it's not us and even better it's the inbreds down the road keep it coming.
  12. I wasn't aware Pardew was Canadian
  13. Barely got into 2nd gear and we look good for the 1-0 we'll turn the screw second half when they come looking for the goal.
  14. He'll do what he did with us, have them floating lower-mid with the odd flirtation with relegation. What do they expect though? That FA Cup final will haunt them for eternity.
  15. I hope he beats Hull, it's an irrelevant match in the grand scheme of things and it prolongs the agony of those sanctimonious Palace fans, so have at it Pardew, do a little dance for the TV.
  16. Mattoon


    Ah well if they go down then it's farewell for a long time, if they stay up it gives us an opportunity to right some wrongs with an actual manager in charge.
  17. I have known some dubious calls go for us in the past, concensus of opinion is usually, yeah we were lucky to get that. Certainly if a red card was rescinded for something like that I would, as I'm sure most on here, hold my hands up and say fair call. I don't get the small time mentality, when half the footballing world knew the ref had a shocker, to then make out we're having preferential treatment?!? They cheated, they won, it got overturned, laugh it off and carry on, you've still won regardless of the outcome of those red cards ffs. Bitter faux mackems.
  18. More annoyed than ever now, it's good they've been rescinded and both players are free to play but it's annoying as fuck the FA have basically admitted we were cheated out of 3 points and there's fuck all we can do about it. Lansbury should get a 4 game ban for cheating and the ref should be handed his P45 for one of the worst performances I've ever seen.
  19. I think both would be better off going for Defoe tbh. Irregardless of what the mackems say or think if a London club came in for him he'd be begging them to leave
  20. It's obvious the FA will turn a blind eye to it, but if any of the officials had actually seen the Shelvey incident, it was handbags, yellow for both and play on. If the ban stands for Shelvey then Lansbury should be banned too. The correct decision is to drop Shelvey's red to yellow but it doesn't work like that.
  21. More to do with the initial tackle and kick out at Shelvey before he retaliated tbf
  22. If he plays all our players should go down clutching a random body part every time he comes near them. Either that or rough the fucker up to tears. He's gonna get dogs abuse if he dares show his face, that much is fact.
  23. Can't argue with this tbh I do however want us to build a gap as big as possible, as early as possible from all the other teams. If only to make me feel some sort of satisfaction. And I guess many others on here feel the same and that it's not about being "worried" about other teams. we have a point to prove and mouths to shut and daylight at the top will do that. We should and will build it sooner rather than later. Teams in the chasing pack losing just help solidify our position earlier.
  24. Pretty happy that they won today tbh, deluded Palace fans, what do they expect to win every week and be in the champions league? He's won a game, he's clearly a good manager... And so it begins, the perpetual 1 game from the sack, only to defy the odds and paper over the cracks, just keeping their heads above water, flirting with but never actually meeting relegation, slowly but surely destroying the soul of the club. ENJOY!
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