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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. If they repeat their last 10 games form... Over a quarter of a season without a win, shiiiit!
  2. Nothing is impossible in the shit stakes with Pardew, he holds the record for shit records.
  3. They're still split, a lot have seen through him now but there's still the ones saying "it's just a bad patch." and "bed wetters can just leave the forum." It won't be too long until they're mostly singing from the same hymn sheet.
  4. 2 shots on target 2 goals, good old pardew living on the knife edge. Not the total annihilation the cunt deserves but winless in what, 10 in the league now? Definitely turned into a looking down rather than up situation. They're certainly not safe yet, though they'll probably stay up by the skin of their teeth, I can't see them getting many more points this season. Next season is where it gets really interesting now should he keep his job, it'll only be sweeter if we stay up and can kick on next season.
  5. But people still think we're waiting to win a cup!!! I think it's not so much people waiting for us to win something, more the fact we've got the resources to be so much more than we are. We know our potential, just ask Happy Face for a rundown sometime, it's that fat fuck Ashley that prevents any of it happening.
  6. Mattoon


    Surely her "defence" of him being honest doesn't hold any water when he's spent their entire relationship cheating on her with "multiple other women (girls?)". I've seen plenty of people stick to bad relationships and go back once cheated on because they "love" that person or want to try and make it work. I think it's unfair to immediately label her a gold digger just because you can't see the world through her eyes. It could very well be just about the money but it could just as easily be about failed human nature, I can't judge.
  7. Majorly bipolar report, supporting him then admitting he was crap?!
  8. Fucking telegraph, clueless fucktards: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/picturegalleries/12172166/Hated-by-their-own-10-good-football-managers-the-fans-couldnt-stand.html?image=2
  9. Mattoon


    Either way it's no excuse, ignorance is not a get out of jail free card, however as has been said they've done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law, if legally he wasn't allowed to play then that would have been stipulated in his bail conditions. As it stands Sunderland have made themselves morally bankrupt, is there a case to answer other than that? The FA need to decide if this is classed as bringing the game into disrepute. I get what's being said though, had Ashley done the same with one of our players then they'd get what was coming to them from the fans, I wouldn't be burying my head in the sand and blaming everyone else but those in charge.
  10. Sunderland obviously, followed by Palace by association to Pardew but also the way in which they went on about us having taken Pardew away from us (eternally grateful for that), Liverpool, because scousers, Manchester United for their superiority complex and self entitlement, Aston Villa for 2009 (yeah I can hold a grudge) and Mike Ashley's Newcastle United because it's everything a football club shouldn't be.
  11. Mattoon


    Lee Ryder is just preparing to tweet that there's nothing in it any time now. "According to my club sources at the club who have told me, there's nothing concrete in the Johnson case about Johnson right now"
  12. Mattoon


    You got access to Johnson's search history?
  13. Most pointless exercise in the world.
  14. Mattoon


    Evidence last week suggested he sent a picture of his "shaved groin area" to the girl, today he said he only ever shaves his chest on holiday so it isn't as sweaty and never his legs. But surely the picture can be traced to its origin?
  15. Mattoon


    You're so weird. Hold on a second....you've had 'a few' dances off her? Why did you keep getting dances off her? I've only just noticed that now. Maybe he likes the smelly snatches, maybe he's just short on cash?
  16. 2 minutes for Tottenham to get something, not looking good. Pards ffs
  17. Mattoon


    Going for "8 in a row" next month allegedly, due to the "secret derby" I so hope we fuckin do these, whatever else happens we have to get that monkey off our backs.
  18. Probably on Ashley's shortlist tbf
  19. Fucking twilight zone! Even down to the: 7 years later and Colo is still doing us proud ffs
  20. He's not a reporter. Just a shitty player playing in the second highest level in Norway. I have no idea, but he's not wrong.
  21. Just found the quote it was actually a reporter over there, my memory is crap these days, blame it on old age:
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