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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Aye by rimming the boss at every public opportunity, guy must have an iron jaw.
  2. If you have a range of people writing the articles, I don't see the problem. It's just a different format for the same stuff. Some people just don't do forums, and I understand why. This is a major factor IMO, you get the same sites popping out the same trash, the odd blog offers decent opinion but most fan written sites are mind numbing on Newsnow, I'm sick of reading on-the-fence what Pardew needs for next season articles and we should buy such and such a player clap-trap. I think the diversity of opinions and ideas on here could make for some good articles. Collaborative opinion rather than one man in his bedroom.
  3. It was the main site that brought me on here many years ago, remember it well. I think there's a lot to write about at the moment, we've shared a lot of fact, stats and information on here regarding the Ashley/Pardew regime that aren't made public enough. Our ideas have made a ripple in the waters and it feels good, but I feel for the admins, it is a lot of work and they're right, once this has blown over it will probably have outlived its usefulness. However if it can crank the pressure up even more, is it worth it right now? Newcastle-Online is more than a forum already, it's a highly dysfunctional family that I'm proud to be a part of.
  4. It's good that the tide has finally turned but man some people are just plain stupid, there's still so many supafans out there posting pro-Pardew/anti-Hatem tripe. Uneducated sheep, pisses me off as much as Pardew's utter bullshit!
  5. These cunts have systematically destroyed my love of the game and any affinity I had left with the club. I couldn't even be arsed to watch the highlights last night, not seen anything to do with the game at all. If Pardew is still here next season I'm taking a step away, i can't watch another year of this dross.
  6. You owe me a new phone screen, you made me smash mine!
  7. Exactly, spending a few quid doesn't excite me when we have these bargain bin coaches. Think the analogy has been used before, but it's akin to buying a Bentley then asking a monkey to chauffeur you around in it!
  8. I knew I wasn't going mad. So how can Pardew claim everything is rosy when he hasn't spoken to Ashley?? From the donkey's own mouth.
  9. Am I holucinating or did I read he'd been having a chat recently with the club captain?
  10. True story he's not spoken to the King in 3 weeks? Yet he's been out with Colo? Sounds ominous if you're Pardew.
  11. The only "little runs" we've had are small pockets of wins that have kept us afloat, the embarrassing, white flag waving capitulations are the norm. Shitstain of a man. Just F.....U....C....K OFF you waste of skin.
  12. disagree, from ashleys pov he's completed the "perfect" season, top 10 (barring some kind of freakish results for palace) with very minimum levels of cash spent (2 loan fees) and the best player flogged for a nice profit mid season. Why would he get rid of him right now? What incentive is there for Ashley as someone who really doesn't give 2 s***s for the club beyond the bottom line to fork out a large enough payoff to pardew and try and get a new guy who will match the same criteria as Pardew already does? To stay a premier league club. This and just looking at some of the players reactions today there's clearly a divide in opinion on Pardew in the dressing room, clearly unrest. I imagine there'll be a fair few players knocking on Ashley's door by the end of the season with a him or me ultimatum, doesn't bode well for the coffers if you're replacing half a team like!
  13. It's simply him or Pardew, depends who the fat guy sides with. I'd 100% go for losing Pardew over signing a £10m player, that's the choice if news reports are anything to go by.
  14. Mattoon

    Steven Taylor

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. He's just another chest-beating substandard England rejected Pardew type player. Had potential, never realised it, shouldn't be here.
  15. He still thinks the media have whipped all of this up. Deluded c***. TBF it's because we're outside of that middle class Southampton educated area and we're easily swayed by the left wing whipping frenzy. Poor old Pards.
  16. His ego has well and truly burst. He's that far departed from reality that he probably thinks it's a small section of supporters, rather than the actual millions that follow the club. He also probably thinks that the 3-0 win will change our minds and that if the supporters that left had have stayed then it would've turned in his favour. Or, he's right, we're wrong and we're all a bunch of ungrateful cunts for doubting King Pardiola.
  17. We can't afford decent bedsheets like say Southampton, sovereign bedding!
  18. We're gonna look absolute dicks if there's not a walkout now after all the coverage!
  19. We'll be 1-0 down by the 60th I reckon, just hope it's enough to drive the masses out as we'll huff and puff and end the game 2-0 on the counter.
  20. "Hatem, why are you tracking back much??? Get forward!!"
  21. Mattoon

    Kevin Keegan

    There's only room for one King in the Toon, King Kevin, Pardew's not even a street hooker.
  22. He is unreal like "oh they're criticising me for losing, how dare they! I'll be the bigger man and rise above it.". It's ok though folks, he's got a little bit of that winning mentality and he'll just dig deep to find the process to win. But if we don't it's because they have more to play for getting out of relegation. They had that je ne se qua about them, that little bit more desire, we can't expect to compete with that. The most important thing though is that Alan lies through his back teeth.
  23. Not prepared to quit apparently:
  24. Oh ye of little faith! Have faith in Pardball, that's what got us here and that's what's gonna get us through this, 0-2
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