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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. That Richard guy is a complete joke. It's fucking embarassing. He needs to be put out of my misery.
  2. http://www.themag.co.uk/the-mag-articles/newcastle-fans-need-let-go-bitterness/ Let's all be super nice to Mr Ashley and Mr Pardew and they'll reward us by being more ambitious. Seriously, you can't make this shit up, so much How can we do anything with these limp wristed window lickers undermining the cause??
  3. Doesn't mean he can't be accused of it and have more negative press to dent his ego. Guaranteed moolah betting against us in the cups, that's pretty much match fixing iyam.
  4. Tbf you deserve the black eye and bloody nose just for that haircut.
  5. He once touched my pet rabbit inappropriately.
  6. You'd assume that one of the outfield players would replace him in goal and the shootout would continue. Not actually sure though. Correct What would happen in said scenario if the offending team still had a substitution available?
  7. So happy for Hull City today, their supporters must have been shitting it when they went 2-0 up, imagine coming that close to relegation??
  8. Mattoon

    Arsene Wenger

    His breast milk is 99% bullshit so we was energyless
  9. Yorkie dislikes this. And what pray tell is wrong with Fleetwood town may I ask? Who did they beat? I didn't think that one through very well did I?
  10. Yorkie dislikes this. And what pray tell is wrong with Fleetwood town may I ask?
  11. Fleetwood Town have just secured their spot in the league 2 playoff final, my hometown club so I have a soft spot for them, would be a double promotion too, no mean feat.
  12. Fleet wood Town is my home town club and on the verge of a double promotion to the first division, might have to take a closer eye on them next season
  13. I can't actively follow/support this soulless shell any more. "Pound for pound" we're in a positive for transfer expenditure ffs, does that mean we can't compete with anyone in the league now?? Scraping the European bargain bucket for the players marked down with whoops stickers? We built a Pardew team for £5m net spend, we can't compete with the"traditional" top 15 but Premier league survival is our aim so job done. On that note it's blatantly clear the only way Pardew will ever be canned is if we're relegated, not flirting with, not rooted to the bottom of the table, not even another near miss. Actual loss of our Premiership attendance and even then I'd imagine he'd get first crack at bringing us back up. It's gone too far now, the public backing of Pardew and the reaffirmation of the lack of any progress and/or ambition tells you all you need to know. Newcastle United merely exists, a soulless, lifeless, driftwood of a club that holds nothing but disdain for the toon faithful that has forever been it's lifeblood. NUFC is dead and in its place resides SDFC poisoning everything around it. Sad, hurtful but true.
  14. Show progression on the pitch, play a certain style/way and entertain the fans, can't do that? Jog on! I'm not going to stick by some hoofball merchant in the blind hope the football might get better. A manager that is playing good football and has a clear philosophy will get the patience he deserves.
  15. Sorry I stole this for twitter but it's getting a lot of attention and retweets so can only be a good thing.
  16. ....and we get labelled delusional, managers dropping like flies for being better in every sense than Pardew to the Nth degree, how dare we want, nay, expect better?!? Fick Jawdees!
  17. The fear here is we have a chance to rebuild, it looks like at least some funds will be released and if Pardew has too much of a say in those dealings it will be an abomination. This will more than likely lead to us struggling and eventually lead to the long overdue sacking of Pardew. A new manager comes in with not much to work with and Ashley feels burnt after spending the cash to no avail, hence won't be tempted to do it again any time soon. Not getting rid of Pardew has disaster written all over it on so many levels, both in the short term and long term interest of the club.
  18. We're getting away from the main issue that's bothering us again. We all know there'll never be decent investment in the team or trophy signings that could really kick us on but outside of the big spenders there's progress to be made on the pitch. I'd love us to win something but my main concern at the moment is what I'm watching on the pitch, even if it is another yes man it could very well be a yes man that can make the most of the players that we do manage to sign and show some intent where it counts, on match day. My concern right now is that they've ridden out the storm with it building momentum so late in the season and yes fans will probably begin next season more placated, but when the inevitable shit hits the fan who's going to stand up and be counted? So many have jacked in their season tickets if imagine a fair few of the vocals won't be there next season.
  19. Tbf Ashley is at least 3 men
  20. It does seem daft doesn't it? But it's no more daft than keeping the cretin in charge after the last 2 seasons, just another opportunity for Ashley to stick his fingers up at us and laugh.
  21. The report said that there will be a club announcement.
  22. No announcement yet, just an "understanding" from Anal Oliver, so there's still a faint glimmer of hope and a little more time to delude myself.
  23. 50% bullshit 50% astronomical cunt
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