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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. He'll be massivley up for this game knowing he's got scouts watching him. He might even snatch and grab us 3 points Probably saving himself for the world cup. Can't see him performing against his potential future club. I can and I have no problem in him playing a blinder and scoring our only goal in an 8-1 thrashing. If he wants to go to Arsenal he needs to show them why he should.
  2. Today he could get a full house on his own! Attom didn't help, Arsenal full strenff, 53 first teamers out injured, crowd made us nervy, not enuff fret, we was more energyless, too long between games (we was rusty), they was nervous cuz my quality was back on the touchline. ..
  3. absolutely this. Have it so he's completely finished, drained and done with. Even the biggest ego has a breaking point, the sooner he finds his the better.
  4. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    90 minutes of "Hatam Ben Arfa" guaranteed, that's gonna sting!
  5. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That'll depend on the new manager i would think. (if we get a new one before Pardew gets the chance to hoy Hatem out). can't see ashley and co letting him stay whatever happens and manager wont have a say Seems to me it's aimed at Pardew, not the club as such. doesn't matter they'll probably just get rid of him anyway if he's giving the hint he wants to buyout his contract or run it down. I think that's more of a him or me threat as it also says he has no desire to leave the club.
  6. He says as he proceeds to put a glove on his right foot and shove his left shoe up his arse. Why go for a natural left shoe on left foot scenario when the right shoe gives you more stability and the left shoe up your arse in case the toilet paper doesn't offer enough defence? You can wear the right glove after you get home and blame it for the frostbite you've endured all day.
  7. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    #TeamHatem get it trending
  8. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That'll depend on the new manager i would think. (if we get a new one before Pardew gets the chance to hoy Hatem out). can't see ashley and co letting him stay whatever happens and manager wont have a say Seems to me it's aimed at Pardew, not the club as such.
  9. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Good on him, about time he stood up to the cowardly charlatan, he's consistently used him as an escape goat, libellous surely?
  10. This, would rather he hadn't came back to England. I love how bitter people are about the 'parking the bus' malarky. As if drilling a side in that manner isn't a massive skill in it's own right. You may not like it but you've got to concede it's effective and highly practiced/drilled. f*** me, if AP could do it, we'd have less than 2 goals in every one of games. Bitter ? Whatever :lol: Yeah, I wouldn't say it was bitterness. It's just not what I watch football for and it's came back to England in a big way since Mourinho's return. We had years of end-to-end goal-fests amongst the top sides while he was away, now we're back to that stuff. I do concede it's highly effective, it just f***s the spectacle of seeing 2 good sides going at each other. Yeah, perhaps bitterness was the wrong word. I wouldn't want to watch it often but it's certainly got it's place imho. If we had Mourinho and had just shut down one of the most effective attacking sides in years, we'd be f***ing delighted. I'm perhaps a bit biased though because I think Mourinho is absolutely brilliant. His record is unreal. I'd love for him to manage NUFC. He'd be our best manager since Alan Pardew. Woah, woah, woah!! He's good, yeah, but he's no Pardew, wind your neck in!
  11. Will probably only devote 10 minutes to the game, rest will be abouts todays game . True, unfortunately. "With Newcastle on the beach and safe in the top half it should be another step towards CL qualification for the Gunners" Love Pardew quotes me.
  12. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ff0ZApsp9I8/TqLwTDb4u7I/AAAAAAAABTY/KrQFjG9tlsE/s1600/Dourif+Lord+of+the+Rings.jpg "It's the lazy foreigners Lord Ashley, they want to lose you money"
  13. Fantastic if true, no smoke without fire and there's been murmurings of dressing room unrest for a while now. How any professional footballer could be happy with playing Pardball I do not know. Btw I said professional so Ameobi, Blob and Gosling don't count. Ofc theres always the lazy foreigner excuse.
  14. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nailed it. Pardew in not fielding his most derided player shocker! Hardly a secret.
  15. I guess why I don't want them to win is because I'm surrounded by plastic scousers, first time I've known half these people were Liverpool "supporters" this season.
  16. Apart from detesting the bin dippers I have a bet on with a mate at work that they won't win the league so happy with today's result.
  17. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Tbf if Arsenal turn up with their kits on they'll be more prepared.
  18. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'll bet the shares price of Prozac will take a major plummet when this muppet gets the boot. The relief on Tyneside will be tangible, I'd accept an open top bus through the city on his departure! The euphoria will be like winning a cup.
  19. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew still trying his hardest to get the bullet I see? One of Ashley's favourite players iirc and the fans favourite. He'll get mauled by an almost full strength Arsenal team, no creativity and reverting back to 4-4-2 with Sissoko back on the right and Ameobi/Remy upfront. Probably blame Hatem for it somehow. I don't care he's not playing, we're less of a fret without him and so long as Pardew gets canned before HBA gets peddled then it's all good.
  20. Should be practicing his chest beating iyam
  21. Mattoon

    Zoet or Forster

    Sack Pardew, keep Krul?
  22. We do need new players, we are lacking in some areas, can't fault him for noticing something a trained monkey can see. However if I was MA my concern would be what players he thinks we need, what positions will he play those new left backs in and what formation/tactics he plans to use for the first 10 minutes of every game before he reverts to 4-4-2. Giving new players to Pardew is like buying a 2 year old an iPad, they'll both be used in completely the wrong way and wrecked in a couple of weeks.
  23. Popular opinion of football fans of other teams in my personal experience has changed considerably in the last few weeks regarding Pardew, he's been found out. Probably since the nationals have mostly changed their tune. From the outside it may have looked like the ungrateful Geordies should be happy with 8th and good ol' Pards was doing a fantastic job under difficult circumstances, but after recent form even Stevie Wonder can see our glaringly obvious managerial deficiencies. Losses can be explained, lack of form somewhat acceptable... Getting a Sunday league hiding once a week, from technically poorer sides? Pardewed, it's such common knowledge the term is being introduced to the 2014 Oxford English.
  24. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fair bit of Hatem love/Pardew hate already on there
  25. I'd hazard a guess that it's more than the drop from 10th to 11th and more to do with the capitulation and landslide down the table. Literally the only way we could have done worse in 2014 is to have been deducted points ffs.
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