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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Self-aware, much? too much irony in that post!
  2. What does that even mean??
  3. "We lost cuz we was confused that the poll was still open on Newcastle-Online and Science was a fret"
  4. Can we not just put Pardew on the banner and cut the rope at 30,000 feet?
  5. I like how the poll resembles the giant cock manyoo will fuck us with on Saturday!
  6. Which 5 posters on here or regular crack smokers/mackems/really shit April foolers?
  7. Another unwanted stat. He is certainly good at collecting s*** records. Is there a list anywhere of negative records he has broken with us? Something that needs to be shared I reckon.
  8. Here's hoping it's the beginning of the end.
  9. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Soundbites = fact evidently
  10. Ashley probably doesn't give a shit how we play, no, but he can't be happy with us dropping down the table and losing money? He can't be happy that he's spending x amount on players with the intention to make a profit only to see them devalued by this clueless nugget. There are plenty of ways in which Pardew is currently costing him cold hard cash, season ticket renewals (allbeit not as consequential) look to be hurting his pocket too. Where does the line end and what does it take to cross it?
  11. Can't imagine Ashley could be satisfied with what he's seeing right now? He doesn't like to spend money and with this clown at the helm what he is spending is being pissed up against the wall! Good players are turning into gash, played out of position and having the skill coached out of them in favour of graft. If there is a modicum of truth in the Ashley wants to see attacking football quotes from Pardew then he must have some interest in what goes on on the pitch and he sure as hell can't be happy with what he's seeing. Ashley is a cunt of the highest order but he's no mug and Pardew's soundbites of front foot football won't be fooling him. Maybe I'm clutching at straws, but we all know that even though Ashley has no ambition for the club but even as an advertising vehicle there needs to be a modicum of success. Unless we see an upturn in results I think he may be gone at season end, gut feeling and as bad as it sounds because I feel dirty for wanting us to lose, my main fear is that Remy will supply him with a lifeline again. Again pure conjecture, maybe wishful thinking, but with his reappearance at games I don't think all is well at camp Pardew. Finish bottom half after the season of turmoil he's given us and it could be the last straw. It makes financial sense, even in terms of league placing, could a better manager get us to top 7 or 8? Those extra payments for placing would eradicate Pardews wages for a year.
  12. That ESPN video is unreal, perfect bio of Pardew right there yet so many lap up his bullshit excuses! As for the Chron and blaming HBA for yesterday (he went off at 1-0 down ffs!) they can go fuck themselves as well bunch of fucktards! If Ashley has any modicum of self respect he'd hurl the shitehawk out of the club as soon as the final whistle blows, last match, fuck off!
  13. Nobody has failed to score as many times as us, nobody has lost more games than us and only two teams have conceded more goals. Those teams are currently in the relegation zone. That's fucking embarrassing!
  14. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I have noticed some absolute p*ss poor stuff from our fans tbh. At the Everton game, a load by me were going mad because Hatem didn't win a tackle. I was literally just shouting "he's a f***ing attacking player not a full back". Depressing man Aye, against Everton it was the Mbiwa hatred, as if it was an experienced accomplished RB making these rookie fullback mistakes. Fair enough having a bad game but no need to hurl the abuse full on from the stands. That's cuz all our players are shocking and to be blamed for everything and Pardew is the second coming and should be lauded!
  15. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Damn that french breathing, how dare he!?!? I take back what I said!
  16. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's obviously Hatems fault though, he's so difficult... Doesn't track back... Loses the ball... Too fat... CBA with all the shit excuses anymore, anyone who defends Pardew over Ben Arfa needs their nut sack cutting off with a rusty fucking breadknife, wake the fuck up you sheep!
  17. You know Remy's just gonna come back and save his bacon again
  18. Done Done. Done. Get it circulating on twitter. Done. Shared on Twitter and Facebook. Done, ball = rolling
  19. They did what we haven't, they sacked Pardew. And they've got better players. Our players are clueless and that's down to the coaching. The buck starts and stops in one place only, if the players aren't playing then the manager isn't getting enough out of them, if they're playing to the best of their ability then it must be the tactics and/or formation. Players may very well be at fault, gutless, shit, underperforming, whatever, it's still the managers responsibility to get the best out of them.
  20. If Ruud Gullitt had said that while he was manager he'd have been chased down with pitchforks. Yet this c*** is repeatedly patronising the north east and he gets away with it. The daft b******s in the stands will probably be singing his name in their Sports Direct bought Newcastle shirts. This totally amazes me (not in a good way) 10 years ago this fucking clown would have been lynched, hung, drawn and fucking quartered, the Toon Army has turned into the fucking Toon Peace Corp.
  21. Don't joke about things like that, you'll have Brett and Ian jumping off the nearest building ffs!
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