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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Now for the tactics and gameplan... If all 3 happens at the same time i think we can safely assume that hell has in fact frozen over. Its the Pardocalypse!!
  2. Wow, just wow! Regardless of being brainwashed by Pardews Hatem Hate Machine, he's the only attacking threat we have from a midfield position. It seems so obvious, put him on the right ffs, give him the ball and have some movement around him, give him some options. Give him 90 minutes and a few games and I guaranty he'll be pulling the strings again. He's not a one trick pony but he's asked to be and then demolished for being so. But it's ok if Sissoko is struggling we can always shift Ameobi or Cisse out on that flank!
  3. Just a HBA short of our best line up, pleasantly surprised at that! Might actually watch this now.
  4. Mattoon

    Loïc Remy

    He's on a soundbite rampage at the moment, each more ridiculous than the last. He must be on a bet or something?!
  5. Many of which we are now repeating. I'm not as hateful of Pardew as most: he's average. My problem is with the owner: after being relegated the last time you would have thought that he would know that a top class striker in particular is needed to maintain PL status. However, he we are with 2 on loan strikers, another who is woefully out of form and one who is past it (if he ever had it in the first place). I'm very concerned that without the individual goals of Remy that we will be in relegation bother next year. The midfield is not creative, requiring a striker that can feed off his own scraps. Who will that be once he is gone? This is it for me where would we be without Cabaye and Remy this season? We've already lost one, very doubtful the other will stay. We won't replace Remy for less than £15m (£35m with wages) and we know Fat Ash won't pay that. I'm really worried for next season!
  6. Mattoon

    Loïc Remy

    Ambition.... Gone in the morning!
  7. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Carr and Pardew have very different jobs. Carr may be bringing Pardew the best players available for the money but Pardew, when picking his team, has to consider many differing factors other than "who are the best 11 players?" Pardew has to account for the opposition and their weaknesses, the shape we're going to use to exploit those weaknesses, who has played well in training, who is fully fit, what are the individual players' attitudes like - is their head in the game or not, are the alternatives in that position better, are they in need of game time, does the shape require someone more solid or with more flair? Carr doesn't have to deal with any of that. I rate him. His record at Newcastle has been very good. But none of that comes into play when Pardew, or any other manager, is picking the team. "My chief scout said he's ace so I need to play him week in week out," is a shitty way to pick a team. Might as well make Carr manager at that point. Completely missed my point didn't you? Carr has bought what he deems to be good players, I wasn't talking about whether Pardew played them or not?! The fact is, yes he chooses what players to play an in what position (generally the wrong one) but the point I was making is what players have truly progressed under him? How many have gone off the boil, regressed or failed? My argument is either Carr isn't very good at spotting talent or Pardew, when, if and how he plays them is causing them to regress. It's nothing to do with who he plays and when or where he plays them as you suggested, I have no idea how you thought that was a pertinent argument? If you're just talking about HBAs development then fair enough. If you're making any argument about HBA being in the team (which most in here are) then it's completely relevant to the point. To address form in general: players hold more responsibility for their own development than managers and coaches do. There are plenty of examples of players who have improved under Pardew, the most obvious one being Perch. Williamson is having a good spell right now. Cabaye had both good and bad spells. His value increased significantly in his time here. Colo has dealt with a lot of personal issues but has had his head kept in the game and been one of our top performers. If Pardew gets s*** on because some players aren't performing then he gets credit for those that do. Of course that's never going to happen on here. Playing well = well done Mr Player, sir. Playing badly = Pardew is such a c***. Or, in your case, complete denial anyone has ever had a good spell under Pardew's management. When did I deny any player had progressed? I was merely noting the alarming number that are are regressing, MYM, Sissoko, HBA (he did have a good spell but has been badly mismanaged since), Cisse, but to name the worst affected. Yes Cabaye had a good spell, it may very well be down to Pardew, he deserves some credit for that but the cynic in me would say he was playing for a move away. Williamson has come in well, Colo has kept a great standard throughout bar when he first came, I won't deny any of those, but the bad outweighs the good IMO.
  8. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Carr and Pardew have very different jobs. Carr may be bringing Pardew the best players available for the money but Pardew, when picking his team, has to consider many differing factors other than "who are the best 11 players?" Pardew has to account for the opposition and their weaknesses, the shape we're going to use to exploit those weaknesses, who has played well in training, who is fully fit, what are the individual players' attitudes like - is their head in the game or not, are the alternatives in that position better, are they in need of game time, does the shape require someone more solid or with more flair? Carr doesn't have to deal with any of that. I rate him. His record at Newcastle has been very good. But none of that comes into play when Pardew, or any other manager, is picking the team. "My chief scout said he's ace so I need to play him week in week out," is a shitty way to pick a team. Might as well make Carr manager at that point. Completely missed my point didn't you? Carr has bought what he deems to be good players, I wasn't talking about whether Pardew played them or not?! The fact is, yes he chooses what players to play an in what position (generally the wrong one) but the point I was making is what players have truly progressed under him? How many have gone off the boil, regressed or failed? My argument is either Carr isn't very good at spotting talent or Pardew, when, if and how he plays them is causing them to regress. It's nothing to do with who he plays and when or where he plays them as you suggested, I have no idea how you thought that was a pertinent argument?
  9. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When does the penny finally drop? It is unanimously agreed that Carr is one of the best scouts in the country, he know how to find them and how good they are, yet all but one or two have regressed. Now either he's fooling everyone and he's clearly shit at his job or Pardew is seriously mismanaging his team, you decide? Before you berate the players "they're not as good as some make out, they're only average" etc... It might be worth considering your thoughts on Carr as something has to be to blame, whether it be Pardew, Carr or ALL the players (scouted by Carr).
  10. Here's another one they probably think but don't share with you: What more do they want for a poor little club up north? Deluded facking Geordies." We're just a "wee" club with delusions of grandeur, we should accept we're nothing but a midtable club with little finances and should settle for mediocrity. There's no point in doing a Leeds or a Portsmouth just to break into the top 6! We can't expect to contend with the likes of Grimsby in the transfer market, sovereign states you know.
  11. This is gonna get nasty now, they have to go on and win this now though. Proper dodgy sending off like, completely sold it to the ref.
  12. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/sport/football/premierleague/article2290867.ece Caulkin tweeted this link, it's behind the pay wall but you can read the first paragraph, which is pertinent to pretty much this entire thread and Pardew in particular. Read it and try and defend this absolute fucktard!
  13. Harsh! This is why you should contain and defend at all times!!
  14. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Any manager, in any walk of life, worth his salt will nurture the best qualities out of the staff at his disposal, not rely on the self driven ones to make him look good and blame the others for any/all failings. As a manager I wouldn't expect to last two minutes in my job with that attitude and I wouldn't expect my staff to want to work for me. This is no different.
  15. Tbf "half" of him does, shame the half is his arsehole that he's clearly talking out of.
  16. We wouldn't want to be in their position, down the bottom half of the table, not for all the cups in the world, think of the balance sheet you crazy bastard!
  17. Mattoon


    I'll watch it because I'll take great delight if ManC turn up and fucking throttle them but the minute it becomes a nervous affair it's going off!
  18. Try some new formations? I'm pretty sure he tried them all in the last match alone?
  19. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    What a waste of talent, one of the worst things to come out of the Pardew era, sure he does himself no favours sometimes and is not completely blameless, but his mismanagement is there for all to see. A good manager would have him on a strict training regime and be working hard on his confidence levels (see also Cisse) not chucking him on the pitch on 80 mins and saying "Give me some magic" then berating him for not winning you the game when you're already 2-0 down and dropping him.
  20. Mattoon


    How long would they hold it over us for if they actually won something NETD marra!!!
  21. Tbf just looking for a player is probably quite a bit more active than we have been. Understatement of the year though.
  22. That just sums up his whole mentality. Get to 75 minutes at 0-0 then see what happens. That's the absolute limit of his ambitions. It's so utterly dreadful. We never ever go out to try and put teams to the sword. It's graft, contain, graft, contain, graft and contain. With a bit of Welly-hoof-magic thrown in if we're lucky. I couldn't be more bored watching us plod our way through games. It's so interminably dull. I barely even celebrate our goals, mainly because each one means we have to look forward to a little bit longer of seeing week after week of turgid dross served up in front of us. Flair and guile mean nothing to this man. He'd have a peak-form Ginola shipped straight out. Laurent Robert would likewise last about 2 minutes as well. Indeed all the kinds of players that people would actually want to pay to see play have no place under Pardew. Those players that can excite you, get you on the edge of your seat. There'd be no Scott Sellars, no Asprilla. No Waddle and no Gascoigne. No Marveaux, no Ben Arfa. Just 10 try-hard grafters with perhaps one fairly talented grafter like Remy there to bail the rest out after 75 minutes of boredom. God I hate our team so much. Really desperate to see Pardew sacked before Marveaux and Ben Arfa depart. Absolutely convinced that a half decent, sensible manager would find a way to incorporate both into the team and possibly get us playing decent, meaningful football where we actually look to fashion chances using some guile/vision/technique rather than Pardew's trademark blind hope approach. I mean, even Alan Curbishley, as dire a manager he is, was a marked improvement over Pardew when replacing him at West Ham by virtue of simply deciding to play Tevez, a decision which kept them up in the end. that quote does have a certain "How the fuck did that happen?" Ring to it!
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