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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Wouldn't say there expectation are decreasing. Their match report on the Albion game pretty much says we should go all out for the FA cup. However Niall Mackenzie wrote that report. I hadn't read it just going off what was said.
  2. He has a bean fetish, even Real couldn't afford that add-on
  3. So even .com is falling for the dampening of expectations now?!? There was enough quality on that pitch, allbeit not correctly implemented, to see off Cardiff any day of the week.
  4. All that was said was Ashley was to sanction 4 transfers, one loan in 3 fringe players out?
  5. I'm surprised he's not used the gypsy curse excuse yet
  6. Aye - pish. Probs went with him, due to the Home Counties accent. Evidently we didn't try because there's no champions league berth for the winner, get a grip you mong! Missed the point entirely fucktard.
  7. Pardew speaks fluent broken English with a hint of bullshit accent.
  8. I think we'll trail off with a whimper now, jobs done, we're all but safe and no silverwear left to play for, I'd be surprised if we pick up many more points now. We've hit that wall of negativity again and Pardew doesn't know how to get out of a rut historically, I don't fancy our chances of shaking it off. Given the last couple of weeks I honestly feel like we're gonna have another Liverpool/Scum back to back games last season only substitute Liverpool with City. Icing on the cake!
  9. Hope it's a freephone number. still waiting on the phone. They rang me back. They've let me go, as they are so busy tonight. They are gonna 'try' and call back. So that's where my fucking licence money's being spent?!?
  10. Obvious to those who don't wear Pardew coloured shades of course
  11. The FA Cup is just another piece of our proud history being taken away from us by the cunts in charge. I feel like the clubs turned into an empty, soulless shell, just another corporation piece with nothing but balance sheets at its heart. The day Ashley and his cronies fuck off and die can't come quick enough!
  12. If he starts with HBA on the left and Shola up front I'm not fucking watching!
  13. Definitely lost confidence in this one now, would like to see us have a real go at it though. Hope we get to see how the Remy, HBA, Cisse dynamic plays out, not a Pardew setup though unfortunately.
  14. Voted must win as being knocked out of the cup would mean a depressing run up to the end of the season just watching it unfold with nothing to look forward to other than a mediocre mid-table finish.
  15. Yep, we were right, that was a sack of shit! "We kept West Brom very quiet..." Fuck off Pardew, why would it be about us keeping THEM quiet, like that's some kind of little victory?!? They've been quiet for over a month ffs!
  16. I think it's fair to blame the players for some of the performance, Shola was shocking (again) Debuchy had a rush of blood and HBA made some bad decisions. BUT the same people that accuse people of being negative towards Pardew are the ones that fault the players for a bad game and praise Pardew for a good one. Glass houses! As soon as I saw the starting line up I blamed Pardew, the writing was on the wall, yes it's an away game but to play a defensive 4-4-2 against this lot was rediculous. No disrespect to Brom but we should have been taking the game to them. I agree we have players who must be feeling it by now but there's no rotation there, Pardew's won a few games on the bounce and is shit scared to change anything, irrespective of what effect it might have on the tired players or team performance. This was the perfect game to start Ben Arfa ON THE RIGHT, these out if position sub performances are doing no one any favours. I have him his praise when he was getting it right, this time Pardew, you were a fucking tool, admit it, change it and win us some matches or fuck off.
  17. The top 6 was there for us to make a claim, we've fallen right off the pace now and there's only one person to blame. Gave the guy his plaudits when he deserved them, he deserves a slating for today, negative from the start. Shola needs to stay away from the team, it's beyond a joke.
  18. If people are thinking we could lose this then the expectation dampening must be in full swing. A draw away to most sides is acceptable, a win here is more than doable, a loss is unacceptable. There's no such thing as an easy game in the premiership.... Yadda yadda. We're 8th on merit, they're 15th for the same reason and on nearly half our points, there's a gap in quality and we SHOULD be winning this.
  19. But it's very uncouth to be yobbish whilst one is watching the Gooners play squire
  20. Voted 7th, this season is a write off for spuds, can't see Sherwood leading them on a march to glory, Southampton have vertigo and are tumbling back down, we should be aiming to take on Everton and a poor Man U for 6th but think we may come up short.
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