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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. One of two things here, he's looking to sell up (please be true, please be true) or either he or Pardew will be in charge of transfers from now on!!!
  2. Last line was probably : ' You have a butt that won't quit ' ' but it's about time I do ' ' cuz at my job I'm shit '
  3. It just stinks of reactive press to me, Ashley must have got wind of the season ticket dip by now. Another PR stunt to keep the masses mildly satisfied, as much as I hate Kinnear he's an easy scape goat. Still 1 down 2 to go but I don't believe this is anything but papering over the cracks. Honestly if it was about not getting Cabella then I'm pretty sure Ashley could have stepped in at any time to get it over the line.
  4. Payments for next season start this month, this season is paid for so it doesn't affect it. Loads will renew in the summer. probably although, while stating the obvious, it will all depend how we finish the season, when pardew resorts to hoofball and we get a few humpings then the current bad feeling isn't going to go away anytime soon.
  5. I'm not reading that s****, he can't even spell Newcastle right. So much on there my head is spinning. It's like the guy's prepubescent.
  6. Mattoon

    Papiss Cissé

    Wait for the "we beat away several offers for Papiss over the transfer window, Cisse is integral to our team and did everything we could to keep hold of him." Along with a spattering of "like a new signing." Thanks Joe, you're a diamond!
  7. Absolutely to those that have cancelled, I don't live in the area but have stopped any revenue going into the club, merchandise etc since the Wonga ordeal (I bought every kit up until then) I have also stopped going in SD and would rather pay a premium at JD than put any more money in his coffers. I know it must be hard on you guys and I absolutely respect you for that! Reading a lot over the internet since the Cabaye debacle and it seems like this has more legs on it than I anticipated. My only hope is that in the unlikely event we beat Chelsea it'll get brushed under the carpet again as we "do it for mike".
  8. Premier league teams no longer need to be successful to be shown around the world, we're almost at saturation point with TV exposure, that's all he needs. It doesn't benefit him for us to have worldwide fans, merely global exposure for his shitty brand. Ergo (I love an ergo) us simply existing in the top tier is his only requirement. You're right in suggesting no one wants to deal with him in business as they know he fleeces the market, he will only sell NUFC if he did it for a song. Our only hope is to somehow, some way bring him (in regards to NUFC) to his knees, if he wants out enough, really wants out, our best chance is him accepting a break even offer. If we manage to make it worthless to him or risk him losing money/face he will sell up acceptably, as it stands we're worth more to him than any potential buyer would be willing to pay.
  9. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Amazing piece by Caulkin again, sums it up in its entirety and kudos for getting his rightful dig at the lot of them and not allowing Pardew exception from blame. Love the guy, his writing is spot on very time.
  10. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Damnit!! I missed the blog, any other links? I know he's usually happy about it being shared by other means
  11. Let's ignore the fact he can't pick a team/beat teams below us at home/formulate any kind of sustainable tactics/get a team hyped up for a derby at home. Yes poor little Pardew and those nasty men above him that keep taking his toys away, of which he isn't complicit.... Honest!
  12. Exactly right GB, more than sums it up, had way too much leeway and exhoneration, the interminable lies and deceipt have awarded him, quite rightly IMHO, with distrust, disbelief and disdain. The fact his every word and action is dissected and criticized is borne from his own misgivings, there's no sympathy there from me I'm afraid.
  13. The main crux of my post was of a hyperthetical scenario, whereby if he were to sell up and we were to get an owner, not necessarily rich, just wanting us to do the best we can on and off the pitch I'd take the heartache of relegation today. It's the limbo and the indefinite mediocrity that hurts the most. The better the devil you know bullshit doesn't wash with me, not here, not now. I know, no matter what, there's always the possibility of worse, but right now is that not a risk worth taking? This current regime has no plan that involves football, no desire for the club, it's Groundhog Day.
  14. As much as I have rebuffed the idea of relegation in the past as a means to an end as opposed to my love of NUFC it now feels like if there's no other option and it would ensure a change of ownership I would gladly take a year in the league below and a rebuilding exercise for a new, ambitious owner.
  15. Ok so say you went to a restraunt and the food was shit, you'd rightly complain (I agree with that point) but then would you go back and eat said dog food every time you went out? After all you went there all the time with your dad and the food was great! Granted it's not quite the same, but the principal is.
  16. Other than the clueless prick "in charge" Cabaye's (along with others) loss of form last season was a great deal to do with our struggle, even then we were even more clueless in the games he didn't play in. The thought of a whole season without his input isn't worth considering and unless we replace him like for like in the summer... Well next season will be embarrassing to say the least.
  17. I just can't understand how easy he has it, in stark contrast to some of the visceral the old regime / aweful managers had before. We've really lost our mojo!
  18. Going to matches ATM IMO is akin to feeding your mrs lard pies every day and then being shocked that she's getting so fucking fat.
  19. Poor little Pardew, lost Cabaye and doesn't know what to do. It's not his fault they sold the player who made things happen despite suspect tactics; not his fault we played 2 DMs, at home, to relegation strugglers; not his fault we played hoof it to lurch; not his fault we played our only attack minded flair player in the wrong position and he was nullified from the game; not his fault he can't get players fired up for a derby! Blame the players, blame the board, but don't blame poor little Pardew. Ffs sack the lot. I know Pardew is only a symptom to the Ashley disease but fuck me, it's nice to have symptom relief when you're feeling as shitty as us right now!
  20. Think I've started to realise why mackems have been so bitter and twisted all those years! On another note I spent half an hour carefully constructing a comment on Sky's match report last night about how Ashley has created a self sufficient driftwood of a club to use as a free advertising board for his shit brand and anyone who thinks Pardew isn't completely complicit to that is deluding themselves. It was carefully thought out, not angry or abusive, no bad language and yet it was never posted. The level of comments accepted on the page range from window lickers to crayon eaters, it's like the media purposefully seek out a certain level of support to build a picture of us.
  21. Easy target, played out of position and asked to do Cabaye's job, aye he was shite but I wouldn't see it going any other way under Pardews ineptitude. No one can hold their head high after that performance but Ben Arfa is not a central midfield lynchpin ffs. As for Shola..... Really people are defending him?? He can only be exonerated by the fact it's not his fault he keeps getting played.
  22. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Robert was a cracking player for us, no doubt, but as tmonkey has so eloquently put he had a world class manager who knew how to utilise what he had and how to cover for his weaknesses by utilising the players he had in a formation that suited us and tactics that benefitted our gameplan and not neutralise the opposition! Not much Ben Arfa can do on his own with the ball sailing over his head. But he still gets me on my feet nearly every time he has the ball! I'd love to see what he could do under a decent manager.
  23. achieving better results ie finishing higher risks europa league and in order to have a serious go at the high reward of champions league cash requires large investment which is a big no no I would say that he may get rid due to today putting more pressure on him after the transfer fiasco but I honestly don't think he gives a flying f*** about what we think. Any other Premiership club would of sacked Pardew after the derby and Liverpool games last year, the fact he didn't tells a big story. Probably gets a buzz out of us being s*** in the games that actually matter to us (cups and derby) so long as we're not flirting with relegation. Spot on he hates us and is getting ample payback whilst at the same time making good money all around due to his involvement. He will go, but I fear it won't be for a long while and I honestly believe if some rich consortium were going to buy us, they would have by now. I wouldn't be surprised if he's had a few inquiries, but how much is the club worth to him in advertising alone for x amount of years? You can't put a price on that and he knows that. Unless we get relegated he's going nowhere fast, not without some kind of clause in the purchase regarding free advertising.
  24. Mattoon


    I thought it was depressing when we were neck and neck with Spurs, we were both at a crossroads and they made the right move at the right time with twitchy face and moved forward while we coughed and spluttered and eventually got relegated. But watching teams like this pick us off at home and actually slowly start gaining some momentum whilst we still splutter along with the odd impressive win sandwiched by total shit is too hard to swallow. Just glad Cabaye didn't go in the summer now or where would we be??
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