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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Shola on for Ben Arfa, there goes our only chance of scoring.
  2. Backs against the wall for half an hour again, we're fucked again here!!
  3. I've taken to wearing my old purple shirt, it's a luck thing, this seasons shirt has been a crap one for me!
  4. They look dangerous, we need to get a goal soon! All good and well playing better and having the most of the ball but we're not doing enough with it. We look like we're the home side, but the longer we go without scoring I can see them nicking one and finishing us off.
  5. So good to have Colo back, he's such a dominant figure, good run from Ben Arfa
  6. Happy so far but will reserve judgement until I see how we come out second half... THAT WAS FUCKING IN!!!!
  7. My Live Score Addicts app on iPhone has us in a 4-5-1
  8. I would take that right now. Although really we should be thinking like Wigan and going flat out for the win. We have the players to do it, and we aren't going to win this game by sitting back. Get at them and let them deal with Ben Arfa, Gouffran and Cisse at full throttle. Not just for the win but for the confidence and to send out a message, we need a win to lift the air, a draw and the nerves will still be there.
  9. Come on, we can do this, finally have a team set up to attack, now just fucking ATTACK and keep it on the deck where we can do more damage!!
  10. Even without Sissoko we have a strong enough midfield to win the midfield battle, providing we use it. Sadly they'll probably spend most of the match watching the ball sail over their heads.
  11. Don't disgard Pardews penchant to really rile us up and have Cisse on the wing with Shola the sole forward. The line up is just as, if not more nerve wracking than the actual game!
  12. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    That's not real, right? If the media don't run with how mental that is...I don't know what. In (begrudging) defence of Pardew, I think he's referring to goals conceded from set plays (a stat I haven't been able to track down). However he really is clutching at straws by finding the right stats to defend his tenure. The truth is we've conceded 66 goals and where they've come from is irrelevant.
  13. I know Tbf I feel the same.I'm debating whether to watch it or not. Me too, don't think I can take another 90 minutes watching our "team" getting Mandingoed! If Carroll scores I'm turning it off. What I'd love is for the squad to give a big f*** you to everyone, go out there and absolutely dick them. It's all dependant on "pards" though Get their heads up, play a blinder, get us safe and then they can campaign against Pardew as much as they want.
  14. I know Tbf I feel the same.I'm debating whether to watch it or not. Me too, don't think I can take another 90 minutes watching our "team" getting Mandingoed!
  15. Yeah get excited and blindly optimistic, then spend the rest of the day crying into your pint wishing you never watched the game.
  16. If jose came here I would die a happy man - immediately. I don't think I could handle myself In a river of your own uncontrollable baby batter?
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