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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Nice. Will tear that league a new one.
  2. We’re fucked in all places (esp with regards to strength in depth) with the exception of centre back and goalkeeper. Even then, it was Rafa that was able to get the most out of the players we’ve got there. The only ones with genuine quality are Schar and Lejeune.
  3. How they treated Jonas was absolutely disgusting like. Tells you all you need to know about that fat cunt and his lackeys. No way to treat a human being, let alone a consummate professional and employee.
  4. toon25

    Isaac Hayden

    That’s peanuts if that price is correct
  5. Been saying this same thing all week. It's way past bordering as far as I'm concerned. It is deliberate sabotage. I’ve been thinking the same. Spot on. Made worse by the fact that they undoubtedly knew Rafa was going long before the announcement was made. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve known for 6 weeks or more. Fucking cunts.
  6. It’s an absolute fucking joke, like. If the count had any balls he’d be doing everything he could to get some light shed on the dodgy fat bastard.
  7. Villa are investing. Norwich have a great team ethos and work ethic (I think they’ll stay up) and are adding to the squad.
  8. Fucking hell. A windup merchant surely. I wish we had fucking done a Leeds and gone down the pan. At least there’s some dignity and integrity in rallying together to get back up. This club is like some fucking vegetable on life support.
  9. Honestly never thought it’d be possible to reduce a club of this size to some cheap, shitty, tin pot wreck. Always thought fan power would stop that from happening. Fuck man, we’re like some vegetable that needs life support turning off. There’s fuck all left.
  10. This club is fucking dead, man. I still wonder why BZG are being taken for mugs though. If it’s off, surely they’d come out and say so? Why be taken the piss out of by this fat cunt and have their own reputations tarnished?
  11. :thup: He’s a right smug cunt.
  12. I don’t understand what the fuckwit is playing at. He’s either asset stripping before a sale or deliberately devaluing his investment.
  13. £16 million is laughable in the market today. We’ll have been had.
  14. Imagine being City’s feeder club
  15. I’m absolutely certain this will be the Almiron money recouped. And all that loverly cash will be siphoned into Mike’s back pocket whilst the club is left repaying the Barclays loan. Wondering what else could possibly happen (with the obvious non-takeover news taken as gospel) to further fuck us up this summer?
  16. This. Further asset stripping from the fat cunt. No wonder the chopper was in town.
  17. :lol: https://mobile.twitter.com/bigGraemeD/status/1145807810514554886/photo/1
  18. Last 3 minutes are my comments... https://talksport.com/radio/listen-again/1561993200/1562000400/
  19. What did you say? Did you get any pushback from the usual morons on there? I said that Darren Gough was talking bollocks in suggest we were a mid table side, and frankly Ashley had been a very easy ride by the media and had any sort of attention been raised to his mismanagement of the club, then its highly likely the cunt would have fucked off. I was cut off when I spoke about a boycott of his businesses as well as the club. I said he needed to be hit in the pocket to get him to fuck off. Yeah they love a cut off if it doesn’t fit their agenda. Gough and Durham are cretins. Well done for trying to get the message across. Cheers. Absolute fucking joke trying to dig Rafa out for going to China, like.
  20. What did you say? Did you get any pushback from the usual morons on there? I said that Darren Gough was talking bollocks in suggest we were a mid table side, and frankly Ashley had been a very easy ride by the media and had any sort of attention been raised to his mismanagement of the club, then its highly likely the cunt would have fucked off. I was cut off when I spoke about a boycott of his businesses as well as the club. I said he needed to be hit in the pocket to get him to fuck off.
  21. Just been on Talkshite defending Rafa.
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