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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Good. He fucking deserved the boot too. He couldn't organise a defence each one of the back four bit him in the arse. He's a smug, mediocre, cunt.
  2. There's absolutely no way we'll get anything for Colback. No fucker us daft enough to want him.
  3. toon25

    Lee Charnley

    Here here. Well said.
  4. toon25

    Graham Carr

    Well done you old cunt.
  5. Look at that squad, man. The recruitment of players has been embarrassing. I literally cannot remember a thing De Jong has done of note since he arrived. And Saivet, man, what was the fucking point.
  6. 90% off free transfer Colback? Well thought out..... We could only dream of selling that useless ginger cunt.
  7. Whatever happens, whatever has happened, I'll always be grateful for this place the lighten the mood and polish the turd. Stick together and we'll get back the club we support.
  8. The epitome of our recent history.
  9. Brilliant stuff. Sadly he's got the funds to take the hit though. We should've made it far more uncomfortable for him.
  10. 'The club will not accept that the club is currently in a relegation fight, though admit that some work is to be done. The club reiterates that there is plenty of football to be played this season and look forward to seeing Steve work with the players to improve results on the pitch'.
  11. Tear up the place and hoy every fucking seat in the direction of thumb head.
  12. toon25

    Steve McClaren

    Was the perfect fit for this club tbh. Gutless. Cowardly. Absolutely talentless and a complete boot licker. Hope he has those horse teeth smashed in.
  13. Another Carr masterbuy. That old cunt needs shipping out asap.
  14. It was the utter failure to admit we were in the shit after 10 games it so that's particularly galling. Reading through those minutes was like reading some sort of communist party meeting. And, of course, I know the rot had set in long before. It says a great deal, actually, that so many have meekly accepted relegation. Think of the shit we gave this fat cunt last time we went down. He had the club up for sale. He's the absolute master of crushing expectations. He's ripped the soul out of our club.
  15. Please save our club Rafa.
  16. Equally detest that smug fraud Martinez. Utter utter cunt.
  17. Does that mean Norwich go above us?
  18. Isn't that Billy from Eastenders?
  19. Still can't believe we're going down. Surreal.
  20. They're utterly detestable though, those porn twats. Absolutely no dignity about them at all. Go ahead and do your business quietly rather than telling every man and his dog what you're 'planning' to do. Fucking smug twats. That stadium deal was a complete sham. Fucking tax payers money paying for security etc, ffs.
  21. toon25


    Aye, agree completely. We need a proper manager. Not some untested rookie or 90s dinosaur.
  22. Credit where it's due, he's an absolute expert on crushing expectations. The inertia among our fan base has been disgraceful. Imagine if this cunt had bought Liverpool.
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