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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Think his Dad wouldn't let him move to us. Seems to not like us much. Dad's generally don't, we're the football equivalent of the boyfriend who turns up on a motorcycle. Brilliant.
  2. Genuine question here (was discussing with my mate earlier) - why did Torres turn to shit? Was it just the move to Chelsea that took all the confidence out of him or was it injuries?
  3. Stelling is in a class of his own when it comes to football broadcasting.
  4. There isn't one redeeming quality about Stoke, tbh. Awful, awful team but very well drilled and efficient.
  5. Do people reckon we'll buy another striker this window, then? Or are the club willing to wait for this chap until the summer?
  6. So very excited about Tuesday's game now. How we've managed to get this guy, MBiwa and Debuchy I don't know. Tremendous window.
  7. They'll pay it if they want him badly. Scrotum face will be getting desperate.
  8. Still smiling from ear to ear here at this signing. What an absolutely superb coup and a great lift.
  9. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    I'd question the extent to which a few new players is going to change his approach and mentality in games - especially when it comes to defending a lead. I appreciate that Ashley has chosen to back him, but I'm sceptical as to whether we'll witness a drastic improvement in tactics. The only thing I'm hoping for is that our 'footballers' will now take the game by the scruff of neck themselves. These new signings will certainly give us all a huge lift though, and I don't think we can underestimate the effect this'll have on positivity in and around the club.
  10. I think it would destroy me if we signed this guy and still went down. Fuck me, that'd be some achievement from Pardew.
  11. Suppose it comes down to what the club feel that player could offer them for remainder of the season. Suppose we could trace one or two similarities with the Colo situation insofar as he's so important to us that we'd rather keep him here for 6 months even though he could well be off in the summer.
  12. Please, please sign this fucker. Would make my day.
  13. Personally think we could do with at least another forward to play in a central position. Danny Graham would be a good shout. At the end of the day we're one injury away from being toothless up front. That Said Cisse's been shite this year as well. We lack goals and a threat up front, that's for sure.
  14. That av and sig are fucking brilliant.
  15. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    someone ought to start a "who would you go for" type thread.
  16. Anderson looks like a reet fat bassa.
  17. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Yes. Just give it time.
  18. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Yes indeed. Agree with every word.
  19. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Perhaps people have had some breathing space since last night, but I really don't know how anyone can even remotely justify prolonging his time here. How many chances does he get? How many 'wait and see' opportunities are we going to give him? I think we've passed that time now. 16 games left and no sign of any noticeable improvement in regards to results.
  20. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Aye. Turned off after that.
  21. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    If you want to know what an easy ride this twat gets from the media, tune into 5live now. Ian Dennis spouting absolute shit - reckons Th substitutions were justified and that Cabaye went straight down the tunnel after he went off for treatment. Absolutely no reference to the piss poor record we've had this season - kept bleating about finishing 5th last year, etc. Probably made worse that the caller wasn't arguing,like. Just accepted what he was being told.
  22. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Completely agree. New manager takes precedence over new players for me atm. Am convinced even with the current lot that someone more competent could keep us up. Both would be nice, like.
  23. Aye but this lad is stepping into a relegation battle and may need time to settle where as Colo has shit loads of experience. He has to be here until may im afraid. Absolutely right. Would like to see the club put their foot down on this. We need Colo desperately. Tell him he can go at the end of the season. As TT says, though, the writing is pretty much on the wall if rumours of the 60k contract for M'Biwa are true.
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