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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    The football is dire mate, absolutely rotten. Last season we could say 'yeah but it's getting results, he's making us hard to beat and we'll push on from there'. The way we started this season was enough to tell me that there was never the intention to move on from there, he only knows keep it tight and nick one football. He's getting stick because of the football, when you consider the talent we've got in some areas, we're an absolutely awful team. Bang on.
  2. toon25

    James Perch

    Solid but unspectacular is Perch. I do like him a great deal though - shows application and effort and seems to step up when we need him. An integral squad player we can rely on.
  3. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Trying to battle relegation using relegation fodder tactics. What a buffoon. Hoofing to Cisse, ffs. Detest the man's tactics and his approach to games. If he'd had some balls in September /October we wouldn't be in this position. Fuck sake.
  4. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Bin this absolute fucking cretin. Complete charlatan and anti-football merchant. Carrying no attacking threat whatsoever and still looking uncertain at the back. I'm sorry, but irrespective of the players we bring in we're still going to struggle whilst this fool is in charge. Fucking abysmal showing. QPR, Reading and Southampton all looking like decent sides with a modicum of fight and spirit. Our lot looked as though they were a bunch of individuals. As Mike mentioned on here last week, its clear as day that they're not playing for Pardew.
  5. The consistent wasting of set plays is nothing short of embarrassing.
  6. Won't matter who we bring in this month if Pardew has still not put in place at least some semblance of a system.
  7. An obvious point, I know, but we really do have the footballers to be playing better stuff. Williamson needs replacing asap.
  8. Can really see QPR getting out of the shit, sadly.
  9. No one. Just like when Jimmy Hill presented it. Have 1 man presenting the matches and that's it. Aye. That's why I tend to record MOTD and then watch it on a Sunday morning. Skip through the bullshit and just watch the footy.
  10. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    I think this will be 100% accurate! We'd sink like a fucking stone if this were to happen. Morale would dissipate faster than Ashley's wallet at a whip round for drinks.
  11. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    Arry's the one pulling the strings at QPR in terms of transfers? Either that or Pards is in Dekka's office getting a P45.
  12. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    Is my main worry.
  13. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    Warra cunt that man is. They're clearly still interested, then. Can see them offering a shit load ££ with some sort of relegation clause to get him.
  14. Just noticed Wolves have pulled the plug on their manager after 3 wins in 17 following the defeat to Luton.
  15. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Tbh, I can't complain about the recruitment strategy. We've got some fucking great players and for peanuts too. The problem atm, as I see it, lies squarely with Pardew and his failure to integrate these individuals into a decent footballing side. At the end of the day, I don't think anyone can argue otherwise that we need a talented manager to manage this club - not just a man that can deliver results on the pitch, but someone that can 'manage' the owners as well.
  16. This is my biggest problem above everything, perhaps if there was the kids wouldn't look so lost and out of place and thus when they are brought in results would be easier to come by. At the end of all of that actually continue their development instead of looking like they are hitting a brickwall. It's a crying shame. Agree completely. Ashley likes the idea of following the Arsenal model - bringing in promising youngsters and bringing them through the ranks, but the reality is, he doesn't have a frigging clue (nor indeed the footballing nous) to put in place a coaching infrastructure to develop these youngsters. Over the past, what, 5/6 years(?), we've to my knowledge had only one youngster to break through and that was Carroll (certainly one the reasons why I was so gutted when he left). It would do a lot of good to send some our kids out on loan, but in order to do that you need a fucking squad - something we'll simply not have whilst this cunt is still here.
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