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Everything posted by Luc

  1. He can sing English, it's great!
  2. Even Carr would do better at lb than N'Zogbia.
  3. Andy Johnson taking the piss on news conference: "Fulham is a top team with a great gaffer" http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid958992159/bctid1717903209
  4. Luc

    Alan Smith

  5. Saha up front if he doesn't join West Ham.
  6. Before making all these different formations we should first kick out all useless players we have.
  7. Setanta Sports is reporting that the agent of Fabricio Coloccini has told Newcastle they will have to look elsewhere for a new defender. His agent, Marcello Lombilla, who is somewhat outspoken to say the least, is claiming the Deportivo La Coruna star is another example of slavery in football (oh well - we suppose he’s doing his best to get the transfer through). Newcastle United have had a very good bid rejected for the Argentine international, who is desperate to make the move to Tyneside, where he will at least double his current wages. Deportivo’s President Augusto Cesar Lendoiro is being a little greedy in trying to get at least a €12M (around £9.6M) fee for the player and Marcello Lombilla believes it could scuttle the transfer. Newcastle have already offered £1M below that figure, but are said to not be budging on that figure. Lombilla told El Ideal Gallego: “I spoke to the directors of Newcastle to explain to them and told them that they should look for another player because I know what their limit is and I know they can’t afford the money Lendoiro is asking for.” Lombilla continued with an attack on the Deportivo President, using the comments of Cristiano Ronaldo earlier this summer by accusing Lendoiro of slavery. “Three years ago he promised us that if there was an offer of €10M for Coloccini, the player would be able to go,” “Last summer he didn’t let him go to Zaragoza and now that we have a major offer, it’s the same.” “Slavery was abolished years ago. Will Lendoiro have the conscience to be able to sleep easy after ruining the career of a player?” You can’t say Fabricio’s agent isn’t doing all he can to get the transfer through, which of course would be good for his client, good for Newcastle and very good for himself. We still think that Newcastle are in with a good chance of getting the player - and hope that doesn’t put a bad spell on the deal. Comments welcome. http://nufcblog.com/2008/07/30/transfer-news/coloccinis-agent-tells-newcastle-to-look-elsewhere/
  8. Why? Just showing our hand to our transfer rivals. Also it's no help to our fans if we admit the interest and are unable to conclude a deal for him. It would bring me some inner peace.
  9. I wish the club would, or smash the rumour or admit the negotiations
  10. He wanted to go coz they went down. Cheers. He isn't in FIFA BTW.
  11. Despite who they'll get, I think Spurs will have a shit season anyway.
  12. I know nothing about him or french football but why Metz let him go?
  13. Luc

    Title Chances

    Arsenal. Scolari is a cunt, Ronaldo is gay and Rafa doesn't have a clue.
  14. Didn't know carr signed fow wba.
  15. Sign the right kid on a life long deal, that's the spirit
  16. not a bad signing for ajax, not the greatest of defenders, but some1 with experience of playing at the top (barca) Sorry but he is junk. Ajax should be aiming for much higher. Ajax also linked with Marquez so they are.
  17. http://ajaximages.com/imagebank/flex/image/medium/ajax/commercial/2008-2009%20Season/New%20Contracts/08-07-29%20Contr%20Oleguer%200003.jpg
  18. Luc

    Torsten Frings

    He's German, that's about it.
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