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Everything posted by ChrisJbarnes

  1. well were paying his wages surely we have the right to veto it?
  2. when man city scored last season corradi scored it, barton set it up and corradi knighted him with the corner flag, it made me laugh
  3. Bloody ell, is it possible we could win the group? just goes to show what an amazing manager steve mcclaren is really mackems.gif
  4. macedonia 1-0 up against croatia!! if they lose does that mean we go through ?
  5. gareth barry dropped? he was the only one doing well? stupid mcclaren. i mean why not go further and start jenas and dyer and smith? maybe ramage for good measure
  6. why do they announce it the day before? can it be changed now its been announced? also, looking like a pretty crap team but doubtful this game will mean jack shit!
  7. lets just wait until norwich have an injury crisis and then well hear: "wer playing shite cos of the injuries but ive never used that as an excuse"
  8. I merged it mate. oh rite i see. why is it though all our academy products seem to turn out to be really good championship players but no more? huntington just moved to leeds, pattison to norwich, obrien to hearts, chopra to cardiff and now sunderland (where he hasnt been great), ramage (no further comment required) ameobi (not very good) and taylor is by far the best but still not looking great at the moment. do we see edgar making it?
  9. good glad we are looking at younger people, shame hes a striker though but hey good for the future!
  10. oh right sorry must have missed it! i swear i started a new thread though rather than posting it here? oh well, good luck to him i say but dont see why roeder sees him as the new jesus
  11. matty pattison on loan to norwich until januray, good riddance good luck to him, and god help norwich!! http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1168374,00.html
  12. yeah its insane, i was driving down the motorway, and saw aston villa, birmingham and wolves from the motorway all within touching distance of each other, also saw bolton but that was further away
  13. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1166492,00.html
  14. i reckon there will be a battle for the goalkeeping spot between bellamy jenas and solano in there somewhere
  15. there isnt really anyone who stands out who should dfinately have it, but im going with joey barton, because he seems to have an excellent attitude so far, and will hopefully improve with time. poll?
  16. enrique and martins on, switch it round then well have: harper talyor roze faye enrique milner barton emre zog matins viduka which is a pretty gd team imo
  17. if we can go in at half time at 0-0 well have done well, and wil hopefully dominated the 2nd half
  18. "14 - Sensible:: Emre goes in wildly and commits a foul. The Sunderland crowd are on their feet, but referee Martin Atkinson is sensible and makes little of it 12 - Rash:: A positive run by Wallace is brought to a halt by Taylor, who goes charging in - completely missing the ball " genius!!
  19. apparently sunderland have made an excellent start and us a shite one. thats wat sky sports website says, true or false?
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