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Everything posted by FrenchWilliam

  1. Fizzy Pop league soon to be Leccy league: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8570749.stm
  2. FrenchWilliam

    Phil Brown

    ITK ? No, it's in the papers and on the beeb site.
  3. Ipswich Reading Scunny Palace Wednesday According to this anyway: http://www.nufc.com/2009-10html/table.html
  4. Manager selection 0/2 - didn't really 'select' anyone did he? Has got lucky with Hughton imo. Backing the Manger 1/1 - january went ok Strategy 0/2 - doesn't seem to have one Finances 1/2 Media management 0/1 General runnming of the club 1/2 Total: 3
  5. Simpson according to talkSport. Gutted they had a keeper on the bench. They have to now, it was apart of the seven subs rule. Didn't realise that.
  6. Viz Top Tip # 351645 Journalists, don't have anything news-worthy to write about? Fill your article with alliteration and call it an insght piece. You'll get that Daily Mail/G2 features job yet.
  7. Anagram of "Manchester City's Wayne Bridge"? "Terry's semen decay in WAG bitch".
  8. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_5920189,00.html
  9. If African short and curlies count, Brazilian ones definitely should
  10. Perm or 'fro? http://images.onesite.com/blogs.telegraph.co.uk/user/patrick_nathanson/mirandinha.jpg
  11. Factor in appearance/goal/clean sheet bonuses too and it sounds fairly reasonable.
  12. They shouldn't sack him that would be foolish, he has just fucked up a couple of every transfer window and the team is unbalanced. Even the best managers have done that. I think he knows whats wrong with the team, and will look to sort it. They do look a shadow of the team they were last year but he will turn it around. fyp
  13. Can they afford it? Can they afford not too? The simple fact is that the squad isn't good enough though. I know that's down to him, but it means there's nothing to say the new guy would do much better. If they have to pay him off and don't get CL either, that's a lot of brass lost. They might just see it out and try force him out in the summer. Even the old trick of selling Torres behind his back won't work since he's come out and said its a possibility (or something similar) so Liverpool really are stuck with him. He doesn't look like he'll walk in this situation; for me he's the type to walk when things are going great and he feels vindicated for whatever reason, but doing so poorly he'll want to stay for his payoff as he's a huffy fecker. PS: How red are his cheeks? WTF has he been up to? Lot of tables tonight, and everyone had five courses.
  14. it's not pathetic at all, it's for the most part all fans have. few teams will win anything, marginally more will start the season thinking they can win something so the comradre and loyalty of it is all there is. Fuck me, is that a joke? Am I missing something? Basically you think fuck all about the team, the football etc. You just want to turn up and stand in the same place as 40k+ other people each weekend? The thread title is massively embarassing. So fuck we have bigger attendance than most the country, does it make us better fans? Not really. But what is really cringeworthy is to bang on (rightly or wrongly) about being amazing fans, having class attendances, and then bring out a load of excuses when we get a proper shit gate. .com for example says "Post-Christmas belt-tightening, unattractive opposition, poor weather leading to doubts over the game, more interesting home league fixtures on sale or an anti-Ashley boycott? All of the above we'd wager... " Yeah ok, they might be right on each count, but if we weren't always banging on about big gates then we wouldn't have to trot out shite excuses like this. Proper SMB craic imo going on about attendance.
  15. Colo - Why are you assuming straight line deprecitation over the life of the contract? Makes very little sense from an accounting point of view. Much better from a balance sheet and income smoothing point of view to hold all the players on a fair value basis.
  16. Cock & Lion? Sounds like Elton John's weekend plan. Close buthis weekend is: Cock then a lie in.
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