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Everything posted by FrenchWilliam

  1. That starting line-up by the time Brazil 2014 comes round: Retired, retired, legs fallen off, retired, dropped (playing in div2), retired (but pundit, so everyone still thinks he's a cock), in a wheelchair, retired, retired, retired, dropped (player-manager for non-league team), retired (retreats back into his dad's shadow, who has his own itv saturday night show, and is still a bellend), crocked and/or retired, dropped (still impact sub for relegation battling PL team), dropped, dropped, retired.
  2. He'll probably still stay with us even if he does get the England job so dream on. Don't think the FA would go for that again. Got shit press last time.
  3. That's not English either. How dat? Did you get a mod to change that, because it was definitely 'they're' when I posted it. Ha ha, no. But I realised about 1 sec after posting and changed it myself. Dunno how it was changed in your quote though.
  4. Who are all these fucking radges on 606 calling in to say sack Capello cos he's not English? Off their fucking tits.
  5. They're superbly organised and excellent on the counter. They thoroughly deserve this, with the exception of the phantom goal. International football has always been about playing as a team rather than relying on excellent individuals, which is why the Germans have always been pretty good. No question they've deserved it. But I will never understand how a player like Klose or Podolski can disappear for an entire club season, put on the German shirt and still look like the typical Germanobot superstar. Every year. Without fail. It's outstanding. No matter what happens in club football, they will find 11 players with German passports that will make the semi-finals. Pride. Half of them aren't even real Germans. It can't just be pride. . I don't buy that shit at all, they've lived there most their lives and are 'officially' German and clearly do have pride
  6. qft I agree that video/5th ref would slow the game too much, but hawk eye would take milliseconds, is proven, and should be implemented.
  7. People on here going on about the money players are on, have a fucking word. It's the same for half the Brazil, germany, spain and argentina teams, but they don't seem to be bottling it.
  8. Cracking article from Caulkin: http://timesonline.typepad.com/thegame/2010/06/in-memory-of-sir-bobby.html
  9. Maradona's a fan anyway... http://twitpic.com/1x05yf
  10. I've heard they're making them take a shower though? Any one know if that's true? Fucking disgrace if you ask me. Blatently saying ST holders are scruffy cunts.
  11. How is 24 any more or less 'round/symmetric' than 16?
  12. I've scored at least that many in my 5-a-side league, doesn't mean I'd be a good signing.
  13. http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1034/64958345.jpg
  14. Yeah I remember that, cool ad. Can't believe it's from 1994 though. www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXH7cPlaMB8 PS- Youtube's blocked at work, so I hope that's the right video.
  15. Same. Xmas, and a 'Blaydon Races Celebration with Benny Graham'. wtf?
  16. Even though he's not going as far as you suggest, he's still making a gesture by saying 'I've been paid for nowt this year, so will play for nowt when my contract runs out'. Seems a bit tight to nit-pick and say it's a shit gesture, when he didn't have to make any gesture at all.
  17. Quite a few countries just announce the final squad iirc.
  18. That's your own interpretation, and a very optimistic one at that. Funny how virtually nobody else, including people on other websites and all of the media has understood it that way. Hope you're right of course but I highly doubt it. yeah but thats techincally what "new capital outlay" means It's not: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&safe=off&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7SVEA_enGB351&defl=en&q=define:capital+outlay&ei=ADzoS_vlOILK-Qbt1-jZDw&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title&ved=0CBUQkAE I think the more generally accepted definition is the purchase of a long-term or fixed asset (ie player). My understanding of it is there's no plan to buy players. It doesn't say we don't have the money, or won't get extra coming in from the PL/TV this year, it just says we don't plan to spend any on players.
  19. Caulkin's take on it: http://timesonline.typepad.com/thegame/2010/05/ahead-of-thegame-newcastle-plan-leaves-club-on-quicksand.html
  20. Don't know if they're new or not, or if they're in this thread already, but was flicking the the WC shirts, and quite the Serbia home and both Slovenia shirts here: http://www.uksoccershop.com/categories/1286&sort=20a&page=7.html
  21. No I mean Nicky Butt. The shit joke wouldn't work otherwise.
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