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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Got megged 3 times in first 10 mins playing right back for Stocksfield under 11’s against Hexham in 1988. Swear down the kid on their left wing was a babyfaced David Ginola Our star strikers dad was on the touch line shouting at me to close my legs and sort my life out My career never recovered after that and I focused on fingering lasses and cricket rather than playing footy
  2. I do look young for my age And my behaviour is usually puerile But I’m a child of the 70’s. I was around for Tucker Jenkins and half pence coins
  3. It means there’s a middle aged gadgie outside a football ground chatting lies, nonsense & drivel into a camera.
  4. Wait, what We’re moving Leazes Terrace onto a table now? Can you confirm if it’ll be brick by brick, or done in a oner?
  5. Did Eales say why they won’t let us choose seats anymore ? And if we get a new stadium will the Gallowgate Pigeon still have pride of place, watching over us like a fairy godmother
  6. I'd love to flush Clive Tyldesley's head down the bog then give him a wedgie so big that his beloved Manchester United y-fronts were pulled up past his ears
  7. Coming on here with that sort of insensitive talk will have you getting a clip round the lug This is not the time for it, we're traumatised right now We'll be lucky if we have 4 fit players left to pull on a shirt by early December
  8. Surprised there’s nothing in that report about how awful allocated seating is And no discussion about whether any other clubs refuse to let their fans decide whereabouts in the ground they’d prefer to sit Got to be one of the worst aspects of our awful ticketing system
  9. Current set up is a ticket touts dream like I’ve bought over 20 home tickets so far this season, helping mates get to the match If I can get that many, a tout using a bot system will have got loads more The tout could be based anywhere in the world, just profiting on the demand we have Wouldn’t have been possible with paper tickets
  10. There’ll probably be touts selling tickets to this We Are United supporter event
  11. Yeah, the slapdash way our ticketing process was rolled out suggests it wasn't thoroughly planned in-season and then launched in the summer, like any well thought out process would be And why I suspect it was a copy n paste from what Arsenal had been planning And if more clubs move to allocated seating driven by the ticketing providers I think that'll be a depressing situation for football grounds. You'd hope the FSA would step in, although not sure what clout they actually have I do think it's really important that pressure is maintained on the club via Supporter Services. The number of people who are pissed off currently must vastly outweigh the numbers who were complaining about the old system
  12. John Devine Top sports lawyer, Newcastle fan, from Denton Burn
  13. Aye, I don't think Silverstone is some psychotic Ticketing Overlord with an evil masterplan. But I do think it's too much of a coincidence that we have the same system as Arsenal. Arsenal have a very well resourced commercial operation. Supposedly NUFC have a person running ticketing who is a Marketing Manager from the Ashley era and not a ticketing specialist. So lets assume Arsenal won't have been looking to NUFC for inspiration. When people were moaning to the club last season about 10am queue being unfair and the club decided to get rid of it, it's not too far fetched to think Silverstone used his Arsenal knowledge or contacts to quickly replicate the system they were introducing. Ticketing is a small part of Silverstone's remit, they're making loads of extra lowey from selling unlimited memberships, ticket prices have been ramped up and the ground is still full every game. Kerching. What's not to like about that if you're the Commercial Director. Definitely a good news story to share with the top brass when he's in Saudi talking about the big money commercial deals.
  14. So your view is that it’s coincidence that the only two teams that do ballots and random seat allocations are the two teams that are connected by Silverstone ? An alternative is that SeatGeek are behind it and work with both clubs But it would also require the Ticketing / Commercial / Supporter Experience leaders at each club to sign off on SeatGeek’s radical proposals
  15. I'm away on 22nd. Otherwise I would have turned up and offered him outside for a straightener, no holds barred
  16. No it's not. I can go on West Ham's website now buy a ticket and choose where I want to sit We're on about ticket buying, not digital tickets
  17. Aye, it's just pure coincidence that we now have exactly the same ticketing system as the Arse Just because he left doesn't mean his commercial plans automatically get chucked in the bin
  18. The two systems are virtually identical and I’m reasonably confident they’re also unique compared to rest of league Silverstone has been at both clubs You do the math
  19. Introduced a ballot. Random seat allocation. Same as us https://help.arsenal.com/support/solutions/articles/101000485301-why-are-we-balloting-tickets-from-the-start-of-season-2023-24-instead-of-holding-a-regular-sale-
  20. I didn't like that Howay song And I'm not keen on that Andrew Cushin tune either. I want musicians from round here to do well and he seems like a canny lad, but I wasn't into it at all
  21. 2 nil down 4 - 3 up Roony Bardghji wrapped it up With a knick knack paddywhack Give the dog a bone Baldy Clock Nonce fuck off home
  22. They should just wrap gaffa tape round footballers playing in VAR games so their arms are strapped to their sides Handball controversy over
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