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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Paul Catterson is the club Dr, been there since the Ashley era He should cut Harvey's toe off, problem solved
  2. I’ve bought 2-3 tickets per game for every game so far I’m passing them on at face value to friends and people off here who were struggling to get tickets and otherwise couldn’t go If I can get that many tickets with just some persistence and a rapid mouse finger, imagine how many tickets a tout using bots could get But aye, the system is fairer isn’t it
  3. Leazes West L4 was better than I’d thought it would be, plenty of singing and standing Although a woman in front of me was sat on her phone looking at the Lottery results and pictures of her mates Xmas trees at 1-1 with 10 mins to go What a waste of a ticket
  4. Feel like I’m Ebenezer Toon and I’ve just been visited by The Ghost of Newcastle’s Past Traditional NUFC result. Let’s hope they become few & far between cos I’ve seen enough to last a lifetime We’ve come so far so fast but need to keep our foot on the pedal and not slacken off, both as a team and as fans Fail we may, sail we must
  5. Castore have just secured £145m in investment which now values their company at £1bn Was scratching my head when I saw the news given they've been utter dogshit for NUFC for a multitude of reasons
  6. It’s Twitter. The festering putrid boil on the arsecheek of society.
  7. have you forgotten winter 2021 when we were still stinking the league out looking nailed on for relegation and scraping a 1 nowt home win against Burnley sent the crowd into raptures ? I’d say keeping us up given the steaming turd he inherited from Bruce was his first big test and he passed with flying colours
  8. what’s he supposed to do when the only option he’s had is 10 fit outfield players playing every 4 days and now we have a clampit in goal too ?
  9. I’d be shitting it about playing Glipton Grasshoppers away right now like
  10. Well deserved win, they’ve been the far better side Edit: Last few mins just got a bit more interesting
  11. Looks like Nissan have definitely called in a big pre-Xmas Saturday shift Making sure there’s enough Jewks for all the bairns to open on Xmas morning
  12. Is it feasible the river could rise so high that it would leave the atmosphere ?
  13. Soon as the camera panned to his face at kick off last night my reaction was that he looked washed out and knackered Wouldn’t have been surprised if I’d been told he’d had a bug
  14. Overachieving last season has definitely been a blessing and a curse This season was always going to be a wild ride and a tough learning experience but the injuries have made it even tougher Too many people on here can’t see the big picture and lurch from ecstasy to agony when they’d be better to view this season as rollercoaster section of a 10 year journey that won’t have a linear trajectory But still, fuck all scousers
  15. Subs don’t make Howe’s world go round, he’s reaching out to a higher ground
  16. Alexander-Arnold shows his arse crack to the camera before he takes the corner Should have been a red card and disallowed goal
  17. Makes a change, most makems are massive dicks
  18. It becomes a more straightforward decision to stop going when Ashley and his parasites are bleeding your club dry and running it into the ground with sneering disdain for the supporters. And lets not pretend the first few months of the new ownership were rosy for the fans who did return, they were some of the worst NUFC performances I've experienced and I've been going to the match for 30 years. There was hope that there'd be a brighter future, but on the pitch it looked like we were destined to go down. There's lots of differing sides to the discussion, everyone had their own reasons for staying or going. It's just a shame it continues to divide the fans over 2 years since the parasites were finally eradicated.
  19. Add a load of crisp packets and carrier bags swirling round the pitch and we’d basically be the Makems
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