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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. It’s even less feasible than an airplane flying so high it leaves the atmosphere
  2. I don't think anyone has blamed individuals, just a large group on here dislike the ballot and really hate allocated seating. But it works better for you and I don't think anyone would take issue with that. Although, if you're getting a ballot ticket then playing on your phone when the match is on, taking vids of the opposition scoring, going for beer at 30 mins, leaving for home at 80 mins and sitting in silence apart from to tell other people to sit down and be quiet. Then we are blaming you. 100%.
  3. Based on all of the noises from within the club their priority is getting more people into the ground each season and selling more season tickets wouldn't fit that aim. As the 10 year deals end there'll be some people who can't afford, or don't want to pay their new increased price, my gut feel is that if ST's are given up they'll just become game by game sale seats instead
  4. This is my situation. I can rarely get a ticket in an area where it's considered acceptable to stand and sing, which is what I want to do at the match. Allocated seating is shit and needs to change, give people the choice so they can go to the areas that suit them best. Another factor, albeit very specific, is the club sending letters to people in a seated area where standing and singing was the norm, telling them to sit down or lose their tickets. As others have said we've got 35,000 ST holders who need to up their game too. They're the ones who can make the most difference. And instead of people looking back over bygone eras and saying we've always been a quiet ground so that's just the way it is, why not focus on the future instead and come up with ideas on how we can try and make it louder. On the playing side Eddie's turned plodders into world beaters, what's stopping us doing that in the stands ?
  5. Unrelated to St James Park but at Wembley the queues at our end were huge, but there were a few turnstiles with no queue, so I used one and was in within a minute Crowd behaviour is a strange thing
  6. Dunno, both of them were using their own ST‘s and had never had a no entry before I presume the 3rd lad who’d got a ticket from a tout had just been ripped off with a ticket link sent multiple times and it wasn’t a tech issue
  7. Last 2 games I’ve been with 2 x different ST holders and their phone got a “no entry” scan. Absolutely no idea why So they try scanning a few more times, it’s keeps going red, then they have to get back through the queue and go round to box office to sort it out And I’ve also been with a lad who got “no entry” cos he’d bought his ticket off a tout All these little problems add up to big delays when multiplied by hundreds of people
  8. Biggest problem will be finding a small queue. Anywhere round the south end of the ground is heaving
  9. Gallowgate end of the Milburn also has big queues. East side of Gallowgate is worse though Only part of ground I’ve been to this season where I wasn’t queuing for a minimum of 10-15 mins was Leazes East Stand corner And I’ve been getting there 30 mins before kick off
  10. I’ve done it this season and got in fine Used to do it with the old ticket scanners too Look for the shortest queue and just dive in
  11. I’ve got a pal who knows Mehrdad, his reason for posting about atmosphere was to attempt to “galvanise the support”. Those are Mehrdad’s own words to my pal Mehrdad’s basically thinking the players are working really hard and delivering great results, the atmosphere should be better And because fans are feeling pissed off about ballots, allocated seating and the change in away tickets, that’s what fans have jumped on to vent frustration
  12. Impossible, I know and regularly use every single swear word
  13. Would I have to take your kid(s) and is it Ok to swear around them ? And will they expect a hot dog and some pop
  14. Ok. You give me your season ticket and I’ll let you have my ballot / resale tickets I manage to get a ticket for every game so you’re guaranteed to get in, you just can’t choose where to sit Fancy it ?
  15. That’s your prerogative to just be grateful to be in the ground, but it’s not applicable to everyone And as you’ve got an ST that presumably you’re happy with the location of, you’re not having to experience how shit it can be for members paying £45+ to be lobbed into a different part of the ground for every game If your season ticket seat was moved to a different part of the ground every game how would you feel ?
  16. 100% don’t want everyone to be like me. if that’s how you’ve interpreted my post then you misunderstood. We should have the broadest spectrum of genuine fans in the ground But when we can’t choose where to sit we’ve got primary school kids in Safe Standing and blokes who want to stand and be vocal sat in sections with old gadgies who want to sit quietly and so on Personally I want to stand and be vocal, but now I can rarely get seats in areas where that’s possible due to the ballot and random allocation And on the flip side we’ve had comments about parents with kids ending up in Strawberry Corner and having an awful experience due to the language Multiply by hundreds or thousands of people and it’s contributing to a consistently flat atmosphere And the owners have now realised there’s an issue
  17. Comparing the atmosphere pre-Oct 2021 isn’t a fair comparison as for a decade before that the club had been dying a slow and painful death How many games between Oct 21 & May 23 had a turgid atmosphere ? I don’t remember many, but then I was always in noisy areas. Not every game will be rocking, it’s just not possible as the opposition, game situation, kick off time all play a part, but it’s been consistently flat this season even though we’ve been winning most games And I think a major factor is the shite ticketing policy
  18. Ticketing is without a doubt affecting the atmosphere I want to stand and be vocal, win lose or draw I want to be there to support not spectate But I’m getting tickets where I can’t stand and be vocal because everyone around me is sat in silence and that’s the way they like it So my voice is no longer contributing to the atmosphere, whereas last season it was, as I was able to buy tickets in a section where I knew I’d be with like minded folk Now multiply that by hundreds or thousands of people and you’re telling me it doesn’t affect the atmosphere ?
  19. We’re so much greater than the sum of our parts, the exact opposite to Chelsea And the amount of goals we’re scoring is unreal, with so many players hitting the net Sir Eddie of Howe, I’d pipe you dry in a heartbeat
  20. Well it’d be louder if your employees hadn’t completely fucked the ticketing situation Mehrdad Was in Milburn Paddock today and it was like a library I totally understand that some people don’t want to stand and sing, but to sit in silence and not even react at events unfolding on the pitch takes some doing People only there to spectate and not support, happy to cheer a goal and piss off at 35 mins & 80 mins Awful. Wish I could get in Strawberry Corner and make a racket with like minded folk, like I did every game last season
  21. and speed them up to a billion million mph
  22. Goal like that would have been headline news on the back page of the Courant
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