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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. For Euro trips and cup finals / semi’s we’re stuck in a rut. Travel in huge numbers, get mortal for days and “takeover” a city pre-match. Game is often underwhelming and a sideshow to days on the drink. Result rarely goes our way, atmosphere is poor and we go back home disappointed. Reminds me of how Rangers and Celtic go on. Hopefully as we get better on the pitch the drinking will become the sideshow to being there for the match and successful result. And we can then go akka on the ale celebrating post-match rather than pre-match
  2. Divn’t stress, Champs League was nowt more than an adventure and learning experience this season More important that we keep getting back into it season after season We’re having an injury / gambling ban nightmare, worse than even most pessimists could have predicted, but we’re still doing OK on the domestic front and that’s what matters this term
  3. Being mid 40’s now, the success of the mid 80’s Everton team is one of my earliest football memories. We’d play swarmball in the playground pretending we were the Everton title winning side Watched a documentary on them recently, which brought it all flooding back Adrian Heath is one missing from your 11 who was also vital to them in that era
  4. Keegan era we had an identity - we’ll score more than you, it was exciting but ultimately flawed Robson era I never felt we had an identity or had the edge to win things compared to Man Utd or Arsenal and we were always sketchy at the back Howe era we have an identity, a system, tight defensively, clinical up front, tactically astute and greater than the sum of our parts. Team spirit is outstanding I think this is the most confident I’ve ever been of NUFC
  5. Exactly this Last few games I’ve seen them luckily scrape past Copenhagen, get twatted off us and City then luckily scrape past Fulham They’ve been awful in every game
  6. Man Utd are shite Consistently scraping lucky wins against shit teams is very different to having an off-day but still picking up a win Will take summat special from the baldy clock nonce to get them playing decent football because they’ve looked rubbish for ages and decent sides will take them apart Fulham were also shite but opened them up repeatedly An even contest between two poor sides
  7. So they can bulldoze the mansion then relocate Leazes Terrace to Runnymede Road, brick by brick
  8. If you’re in Strawberry Corner you cannit hear the away fans. Maybe some banging when the Euro cunts bring a geet massive drum If you’re in the Leazes you cannit hear Strawberry Corner, even if the away fans are quiet I’ve been in both this season The acoustics are shite
  9. We could make Leazes Terrace retractable after it’s been moved to the tennis courts brick by brick
  10. I reckon 25% will be the very minimum price rise for the 10 year deals, they know they can sell them tickets for shitloads more The fact 10 year deals were even offered is an indication as to just how clamming Ashley was for a guaranteed revenue stream and how unlikely the chances were that the quality of football would ever improve Must rile the fuck out of Silverstone & Eales that people are on such cheap deals and now watching a Top 4 side
  11. Shoes Off If You Love The Toon
  12. Aye, that Cardiff Friday night was one of the best home games I’ve ever been to. Was in Curva Nord and it was going beserk
  13. With the current state of Manchester United they’d be starting from a lower base than when they tookover Sky, but be lolz if INEOS run a football club as badly as they’ve run a cycling team
  14. How much £‘s will he trouser if he gets the bullet ? Bank the Glazier lowey, spend a few months relaxing by a pool somewhere sunny with factor 50 slathered all over his baldy bonce, walk into a job he’s capable of in Holland or France
  15. Nah. Not having that Someone can go and watch a game as a neutral or tourist without causing issues for genuine fans of those clubs It’s all relative to how easy it is to get tickets to the game and how you behave when you’re in the ground I’ve been lucky enough to go to a big Rio derby game between Flamengo & Vasco at the Maracana and there was 40,000 empty seats, me being there made fuck all difference to the fans of either side
  16. But there can be no argument against the fact that the unofficial standing and now club approved standing has made a massive difference in Strawberry Corner Its the loudest part of the ground by miles And the old L7 singing / standing area was the same I don’t know if Chelsea & Liverpool encouraged more vocal fans to move to their rail seat areas. You need that to happen for it to work And Chelsea have been fucking wank since they had rails put in, so not surprising the atmosphere is shite
  17. Obviously for standing to work you need the right people in there Could make the East Stand rail seating but if it was still filled with the current crop of OAP’s then it’d remain quiet But say to supporters that a new rail seating area is a singing area and let people move in / out as per their preference When we had the officially sanctioned singing section in L7 people who wanted to get involved gravitated up there and it was class
  18. Going to the match has clearly changed since the 90’s, I don’t think the type of experiences I had on terraces can ever come back But safe standing means certain clubs are catering for fans who want to stand and be vocal Chelsea have 12,000 rail seats, Liverpool will have 13,000 for example. And lots of top flight clubs are happy for thousands of fans to stand in seating areas Our rail seats feel like a token gesture and half are in the away end. I hope there’s plans to increase rail seats, that would be a big step forward NUFC also seem to have a draconian attitude toward threatening bans for standing in seating areas. And loads of our fans are obsessed with telling others to sit down
  19. This is a really important point and it's why I got in touch with the Head of Supporter Services directly Complaining about it on here or Twatter etc is a way to compare frustrations and vent, but it's not going to change anything A consistent flow of polite complaints going directly to the club via Supporter Services will mean they can't ignore the fact that there's a lot of pissed off match going fans. Doesn't mean they'll address any issues, but at least we can try There's also the option to go through NUST and the likes but I've yet to see what traction the supporter groups actually have. But maybe that's because I'm not on Twatter which seems to be the way their actions are publicised
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