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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Not on Twatter so I can’t see how the poll works but presumably the best measure is how many ballots entered and won, not just how many ballots won
  2. It would help if the songs weren’t sang faster than the speed of light Even once you figure out what the words are, keeping in time as they belt through it at a billion miles an hour is something even the finest Makina MC would struggle with
  3. The new Adidas kit with the Saudia sponsor looks canny Seen a kid wearing it at the weekend
  4. DJ Otzi needs to be put on repeat. Before, during and after the game. We quite simply don't need any other music.
  5. To be fair the queue for a carvery van will often provoke outbreaks of violence, especially if people hear the supplies of pork cracklin are starting to run low
  6. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  7. We put 4 past PSG in the week that the Smogs but 4 past the Makems Whodathunkit
  8. Given the quality of his goal bursting forward from the outside of the PSG box on Weds I would think Eddie‘s making a huge mistake if he doesn’t start Schar in midfield Quite frankly, it’d be worrying.
  9. Aye, would be a piece of piss and relatively inexpensive for the club to get the names of those touting tickets and block their accounts Although with unlimited memberships and no need to demonstrate prior purchase history to get tickets, a professional tout could well be creating fake accounts and buying tickets on false names and addresses As opposed to someone who actually goes to games but couldn't make it to the match and took the opportunity to fleece some cash out of their fellow fans
  10. Seems to be an increasing amount of the 1996 / 1998 Adidas Brown Ale sweatshirts popping up at the match. Looks like a site called Magic Sponge is selling them on a 6 week lead time, anyone know if they're a legit site ? Obviously the ganseys aren't legit...
  11. Tout signs up for membership and gets a ticket in the resale Tout sells ticket at inflated price and forwards the ticket download email to the punter Or if the tout is a massively snidey cunt they could forward the email multiple times and take payment from loads of punters But only one of the punters will actually get into the ground
  12. Hamza Choudhury will have been straight on the phone to his agent
  13. Lad at turnstile in front me last night had spent £130 on a ticket an hour before the game and it wouldn't scan Suspect he'd been fleeced by a tout He was devash
  14. Log in to your account Go to personal details Scroll down to My Friends & Family Go to My Relationships Create a New Relationship Add their details If you add them, you will be auto-added to their account too
  15. Holy smokes What a night that was. At one point I was just stood with my hands on my head struggling to take it all in. 2 years ago, almost to the day, I ventured back into that ground for the first time in years to see us play Spurs and was shocked at how bad we were and I despised the fraud in the dug out Last night was another huge milestone on what has been an unbelievable journey for everyone connected to NUFC. And I’m in love with that amazing man in the dug out. So proud. Right, enough wittering on. I’m off to watch the highlights again and have another massive wank.
  16. By 8.02 the flags will have been put away and 90% of ground will be sat in relative silence, pissing and moaning about summat that a player hasn’t even done yet Amirite ?
  17. Just spotted a little group of their Ultras round Haymarket. Aggressively stared them down for a nanosecond like a Makem in Tenerife who’s spotted a toddler in a Toon shirt slurping a Calippo by the pool. They did nowt. Soft clarts. Haymarket remains a black n white stronghold.
  18. Watching Man Utd implode is as joyous as finding a carrier bag full of jazz mags in a hedge when you were a youth, then getting home to see a note from your mam on the kitchen bench to say she’s gone looking for bargains at the community centre jumble sale and won’t be back for a couple of hours
  19. I have the same feelings about 2009-10 in level 7 corner, it was class. Cardiff on a Friday night in Feb stands out for me. The buzz around town before the game cos they’d brought a big contingent and there was an edge to it. Then we battered them on the pitch and the L7 corner was in full voice. Deafening noise. After the depression of relegation it was a relief to be part of something in the stands that actually felt positive. There was one game where thousands of us kept the “we don’t care about Ashley” song going for what felt like an entire half. It was mega.
  20. Probably cos it's sung at a billion miles per hour and people can't make out the words
  21. Oh we're the Geordies, The super Geordies, We're Newcastle, They say we win no trophies, Tell us something we don't know, We follow our Newcastle, Through the rain, the sleet, the snow, Oh we're the Geordies, The super Geordies.
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