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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. I think the mythical 2nd ballot has now vanished into thin air But I noticed this on the Man City ballot that I don't remember seeing on other ballots #ballotwatch
  2. I’m pals with the lad who wrote that. Newcastle daft but living in Brighton these days and has a young family so home games aren’t an option very often, but he was a regular at aways. Now he can’t get to either.
  3. Probably doing a ballot in the ticketing team to decide which person gets to fix the issue But first they needed to do a ballot to work out which desks people would have to sit at today And that could only happen after the ballot to see who would get to make the morning cups of tea
  4. having 17 seats showing as available for Brentford, that aren’t actually available, is a nice touch a proper chef’s kiss cherry on top for any members still scratching around for tickets got to admire the #bantz of our ticketing team
  5. It's proper minging like. Some of the worst customer service I've ever experienced How is anyone from outside the region supposed to plan travel and digs for attending games Even though I live 20 mins from SJP it's still a whitey not knowing if I'll have a ticket until the week of the match, must be millions of billons times worse for anyone outside the region
  6. There's a gadgie called Ginger who's just joined from the World Tennis Tour Not sure if Ticketing falls under his remit though, he's a Marketing bloke
  7. Maybe that's why they won't sell any more season tickets, in case people get themselves into financial strife by buying one I might write to the council insisting that Sven Adult Books limits the amount of jazz mags a customer can buy because some might not be able resist going into a jazz mag buying frenzy and end up wanking themselves to death
  8. Level of fewm from Makems reaching fever pitch, all because Eddie Howe was the GNR starter If a globally famous half marathon started in Sunderland, the route was through Wearside and they asked Tony Mowbray to be guest starter I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid. They’re such a weird gang of smalltime arsewipes
  9. If you're polite and offer constructive feedback I don't see the issue in contacting individuals, it's their job. If Greggs had introduced a new system that made it really difficult to get into stores and buy their sausage rolls then I'd fully expect people would contact their Head of Customer Services to express their frustrations. Or they'd go to Cooplands and buy their sausage rolls there instead. Which is the issue with football, it's a captive customer base.
  10. I emailed the individuals in Supporter Services / Liaison directly, on one email. I got a reply with 24 hrs. Was a cut n paste response but at least I knew my message had made it into their personal inboxes. Their email addresses are straightforward to work out.
  11. For anyone who is frustrated by the new system for either home or away tickets, I would strongly advise emailing the people who work in Supporter Services at the club and politely explain why you're not happy. There's so much disdain amongst match going fans and it's only right that the club are made aware of this. We have a Head of Supporter Services and a Supporter Liaison Officer. It's part of their jobs to deal with queries and complaints. And naturally, if anyone is delighted with the new system, send an email and praise the team for a job well done.
  12. Assuming the older asian people in that pic from Brighton are genuinely day trippers, they're exactly type of fans that the club now want at home and away games. It was mentioned millions of billions of times in the Amazon doc by Silverstone & Eales. They're targeting Asia, Middle East and America and want to build a global brand. You can't do that when access to tickets is via a network of geordie lads who've followed the team for years. Many of us who have consistently been to home or away games will hate that this situation is happening. But it's the new NUFC.
  13. I ordered L when I’m normally M, fit is just right From a seller that was recommended by others on here, so I knew to go one size up
  14. Can get all 3 from DHGate for £30 in total Then the money you've saved can go towards buying a legit Adidas one next year
  15. The club has made improvements to its ticketing system this summer to not only enhance the matchday experience at St. James' Park but to ensure loyal supporters who have eligibility to buy tickets - as recognised by the club's long-standing loyalty points system - have their priority access protected. What is that bit in bold referring to ?
  16. Bruno wears Adidas boots. It's probably part of his sponsorship contract that he does promo work for them And they were filming an Adidas advert in Shields y'day
  17. Aye, just had 3 shirts land from them this morning. I'm usually an M but the L is spot on
  18. There is to be no Amazon stand alone episode dedicated to the Adidas deal. And I've listened to your ideas, I've listened to them all, and I haven't liked a single one.
  19. How many Amazon Prime viewers want to watch a documentary episode dedicated to NUFC signing a deal with Adidas that airs months after the original series came out More chance of successfully pitching Monkey Tennis to Tony Hayers
  20. They didn’t have to rush it. This timing was the plan I heard via a top bod at Adidas ages ago that the new deal would be revealed in the Amazon doc. And any marketing campaign would have to kick off once the doc had aired Which is exactly what’s happened Whether the episode “leak” was accidental or it was sneaky marketing we might not know, but it certainly created a buzz And everything Adidas are doing also ties in nicely with the Champs League draw, maximum impact
  21. Have Castore ever done any marketing like this ? I have no recollection of them supporting the club with any form of advertising or marketing campaign. Or getting high profile local 3rd parties involved like Sam, End etc. My memory of Castore's launches is that they just take a few pics of players in the shirt
  22. They will have said something along these lines I reckon
  23. Based on the decor I can confirm that they’re in the Steve Bruce Fitness & Conditioning Suite at the training ground
  24. Just been past Sven Adult Books and there was a black n white striped dildo in the window with a trefoil on the tip Anyone know if that’s linked to the Adidas launch ?
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