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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. No way they could adopt something as modern as an algorithm on our shite IT system It’s more likely that they’d use Gypsy Rose Lee in her caravan on the Bigg Market to predict who’s already been successful in the ballot or not That’s about the level of complexity our website can handle
  2. Contact Suporter Services team and let them know. This new process is utter dogshit for so many reasons and the more people who contact the club hierarchy to explain why they don’t like it, the better. It’s because of people complaining about the old system that we have this crusty spunk rag of a new system in place. So they clearly listen to complaints, just the attempted solution is minging.
  3. Forwarding the ST is fairly straightforward I think. I’m using someone’s ST for Liverpool and our accounts were linked, he said it was easy to switch to my name. Still, your example just illustrates how short sighted the shite new system is. You’re gonna have to fork out for a membership and hope that you get lucky in a ballot just to be able to sit near your dad. It’s appalling.
  4. When loads of members who’ve been regular match goers can’t even get into Home games anymore, the likelihood of them opening Aways out to members is slim to none The entire new ticketing policy Home & Away is a shambles And what makes it worse is the absolute silence from the club on why the changes have been implemented in such a dysfunctional way
  5. But I suspect most fans don’t even twig that football shirts are on templates They probably think they’re all bespoke designs
  6. We’re all talking about Adidas now, it’s created a massive buzz ahead of the official Marketing campaign starting and also just before a huge game kicks off tonight So “the leak” might well have been intentional, to hype up the official launch even more
  7. My football shirt designer pal says even most of Adidas top clubs are on a template these days, they’re just better at hiding it than some of the other shirt brands They’ll definitely be far better than Castore, even if they just follow the path of re-releasing decent retro kits that most punters will lap up
  8. It’s been common knowledge in the sportswear industry for a while that we’ve ditched Castore for Adidas Its an open secret Not like he’s revealed who shot Dirty Den
  9. When I posted recently that I’d had it confirmed we were deffo going to Adidas, one of the things mentioned by the Adidas sauce was that the Amazon doc would have a big reveal contained within
  10. Possibly worse this time, to add to the fun & games they suggested there’d be a 2nd ballot for anyone who was unsuccessful in the 1st ballot But the whereabouts of the 2nd ballot are still a complete mystery. Would have more chance of finding Lord Lucan riding Shergar through the Bermuda Triangle And on the day the ballot opened, the button to enter it on the website was unresponsive for the first 45 mins. Which was a nice touch
  11. Everything that goes wrong in their lives just inevitably ends up being blamed on the shadowy hand of NUFC working against them to stifle their desires… Can’t have a flag display ? Get the pitchforks and ducking stool out fellow Massive Lads Fans, there can be no doubt it’s because the Head of Health & Safety is a dreaded Mag and he must be put on trial It’s like Salem down there
  12. I know it’s as cliched as a Burton Albion Fan In Peace etc etc, but it quite literally was a Makem at work Not even a proper Makem from Chickentown either. It was one of their rare brew who grew up outside of the North East and has had a lifetime of heart break by choosing to support them for reasons known only to himself
  13. I’ve mentioned it on here before but a makem I know was lecturing me about Saudi human rights atrocities, sportswashing, how could Mags attach themselves to such a brutal regime etc etc And once the lecture had finally concluded he seamlessly moved onto telling me he’d just been to Riyadh with work and was hoping to secure a big contract win with a new Saudi customer and it could become a huge market for their products They’re out of their tiny minds
  14. The principle is OK. People shouldn’t be buying away tickets purely to sell on. But sending out dud tickets, so random people can’t get into the ground and have to go through the rigmarole of finding the ticket office, presenting ID etc just seems to be causing hassle and potential confusion for fans How do other clubs police their away tickets when demand outstrips supply ? Is dud tickets the norm ?
  15. There should be total hell on with the club for the state of ticketing for both home and away A proper concerted effort from supporters to get them to explain exactly what the fuck is going on behind the scenes Cos from this side of the fence it’s showing absolute disregard and disdain for fans right across the spectrum of match goers Amanda, Mehrdad and Eales need to be answering questions about this and explaining why it’s such a massive fuck up
  16. Some scamp had changed his childhood allegiance from slough mag to slough massive lads fan Anyone know where his dad’s originally from ? Be beautiful fewm from Weariside if he’s a Cewnty Derhem mag
  17. Last season was kinda similar to that, but without the ballot and 48hr purchase period. It would have been so easy just to tweak what we had, to make a solution like you’ve suggested that was fairer for people who couldn’t log on at 10am on a weekday. But for reasons known only to themselves the club have created this new system that is the worst ticketing process and communications campaign that I’ve ever experienced. I can’t imagine how anyone, even the people who were unhappy and complaining to the club last season, can look at what we have now and say “it’s straightforward and better” than what we had previously
  18. Yawn. Doesn't even create a temptation to prepare the Kleenex even though mother is at work today and I have the house to myself. It'll just be someone with a few quid going on their summer holiday to the millionaires playground that is the Cote d'Azur. I prefer Workington, but each to their own.
  19. Assume so There was issues with the site this morning so that could explain why you got kicked out
  20. Same age as most of their “youth firm” who are regularly causing hassle for away fans
  21. It's a farce. Enter via the ballot: Ballot entry button not working Choose category 1,2 or 3. But we still don't know which parts of the ground relate to which category. Can we at least have an up to date stadium plan ? IMPORTANT: Tickets can be allocated in any available category, and so if successful the total price of your application may vary. Prices shown are the maximum per price ticket. So why choose a category ? Could I end up paying £77 when I only wanted to pay £47 ? If you're unsuccessful in the 1st ballot there's a 2nd ballot. When ? How ? Will I be given a new category ? Could I end up paying £77 when I only wanted to pay £47 ? And ticket prices have been ramped up again too, a very stealthy approach. @Greg I know you've already spoken to the club about fan concerns prior to Villa tickets, I assume all of this new shambles is being documented and will be raised again ? My direct queries to Supporter Services just got a copy n paste generic response about "making the ticketing process fairer for all after the fan consultation groups"
  22. It doesn't matter what place you are for this, it's a ballot entry that's open for 2 days so not first come, first served.
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