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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Just wait until you get to Bob Murray’s gold mixer taps
  2. I just want to see this scene recreated, with Jamie Reuben pulling the Best of DJ Otzi CD from his desk drawer
  3. I’d certainly see this is a viable alternative to the design that was posted on here where the stadium is floating in the sky with giant escalators up to it from street level Could get the architect of each competing design to have a fastest dancer competition at the Monument, the winner gets to make our dream stadium a reality While the entire city is distracted by the dancing we also take the opportunity to plough a wrecking ball through Leazes Terrace
  4. Haahahahahahahaahhahaha You really haven't got a clue You're gonna hate this. But I'm a massive Tory too and I've got a Maggie Thatcher sex doll that I make sweet love to just before the 10am ticket sale starts. And I hate music.
  5. True, but there might be some owld fellas used to the silence of the East Stand who have seizures when Dave from Cruddas Park comes back after his half time bump of ching and screams at the top of his voice that the refs a daft cunt
  6. Think he's been huffing Bostik in his bedroom when he should have been using it to build his toy planes
  7. It wasn't a closed shop of our design. That's the clubs fault for capping the memberships when they said they wouldn't. And there was still 35,000 in the queue every week so hardly a handful of people just bowling up leisurely and buying tickets without even having to try If you don't like the word "dedicated" to describe a fan of any sports club who attends every game then what word would you prefer and I'll go back and edit my post ? You seem to love Uberfan but I'll add in Soopafan, GeordieHero, Toon King, Football Nonce, Stadiumhog.......you choose and I'll do it
  8. Not really for the regulars, either getting tickets through the ballot or resale, as most people haven't been able to get seats where they would normally prefer to be. So they've got a ticket, but not the one they ideally want. And there might also be newbie ballot winners who aren't happy with their seats. The biggest unknown is that no-one can really get a sense of what the atmosphere could be like. If you've got people who would normally stand and sing in areas where that is frowned upon and vice versa, then it'll be a strange one.
  9. The ones who weren't successful in the ballot but still got a ticket have had to get creative to source one e.g. refreshing the ticket webpage non-stop for 6 hrs. Which I guess illustrates the point that was made earlier in the week about dedicated fans vs casual fans. I'm generalising obviously, but a casual fan will lob a ballot entry in and see what happens, a dedicated fan will look for every possible way to get their hands on a ticket. That's why last season some of us were able to attend every game, even if we weren't available at 10am on ticket sale day.
  10. Starting to think that taking a chance in the resale is better than entering the ballot. Quite a few of us who missed out in the ballot have since got tickets in the resale and some of us even got to choose where to sit. Time of year might be a factor, as loads of people are away on holiday so ST's might be resold more often than at other times. But so far the resale suits me better than a lucky dip.
  11. Wow, you must love having a snout Smoking isn't allowed anywhere in the ground, so you might want to stock up on some nicotine patches or gum I've heard a rumour there's a smoking area being created just outside the ground at Leazes Terrace, as the club are hoping it might get "accidentally" burnt down and we get the green light for redevelopment of the East Stand
  12. So am I. Conceived behind Dontino's Nite Spot and born in Hexham General Hospital. I was also King of the Wentworth Roller Disco from 1990-1992. So pipe down with the passive aggressive anti-Hexham jibes please.
  13. And if you do get access there’s then a random allocation of whether you sit on your sofa, armchair or chaise longue
  14. I've had the misfortune of being sat next to ST holders who seem to only want to go to the game to bitch and moan and scream abuse at the players. Even when we're winning. I just don't get the mentality.
  15. Totally agree, but unfortunately I think it's more likely they'd look at purchase history and decide that people who've been going for years are less likely to be the sort of customer they want inside the ground. They've got tens of thousands of fans like me and you in the ground on ST's already. The master plan appears to be attracting "untapped" customers by making it as easy as possible for anyone who fancies it to have a go at winning a ticket in a lucky dip. As an example think of all those wealthy International students in Newcastle, get them in the ground as neutrals who want to watch a Champs League quality side and they might go back to China as Newcastle fans. Then we've got a rapidly growing Asian fan base. And so on. Also the ticket price increases this week have barely been mentioned, most are ranting about the ballot and seat selection instead. Wouldn't be surprised if they start coming after ST's with big price hikes and more corporate seating areas. For starters they can't be happy that people are still paying Ashley era prices for Champs League quality football.... Then Silverstone gets to say "look, I'm mint at my job, revenue at NUFC jumped from £fuckall to £shitloads" It's just more achievements on his CV, he's got no loyalty to longstanding fans of Newcastle United
  16. 86th in the queue Saw a seat near my preferred one and just stuck it in my basket and got the fuck out of there. Went back to look for a seat for a friend but where empty seats showed up, they couldn't actually be booked. This was a couple of minutes after 10. I've got extremely lucky. And I have massive sympathy for people who have missed out. This new system is beyond a shambles.
  17. I think a lot would depend on how flexible the club are willing to be about ticketing. Following recent events it feels like all the club are interested in is filling the stadium with no thought for fan experience or customer service. The average punter will want some say about where in the ground they sit. Also a lucky dip 1 week before the match doesn't give many fans outside of the region time to plan their travel, hotels etc. If it stays like that then I can see interest starting to decline and the huge demand we're experience right now is the peak, not the norm. So maybe a modest increase to the existing site will suffice.
  18. We have reseller sites, most are awful, but some are ok although those are just an official method for legit buyers to pass on unwanted tickets at close to face value eg Ticketmaster resale But don’t forget, the club has created a ticket resale system, they just haven’t told anyone how it actually works and it goes live in less than 12 hours
  19. Yep, I know which parts of the ground I enjoy and have like minded people in. And I expect a lot of others who have been to games do too. I guess the club are just assuming that the desire to watch a game live outweighs the preferences that people would have. The new atmosphere created by lobbing everyone in at random will be intriguing, to say the least
  20. It’s one of the main reasons why I’ve had a lifelong desire to be able to choose where I can sit
  21. Seems like it The question remains as to why, when every other stadium in the land allows attendees to select a seat
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