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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Adidas were filming in N Shields y’day Same street Sam used for 17 Going Under video
  2. Imagine if Milan / Dortmund / PSG fans dip in here and read the Liverpool match thread then start quoting it in their forums Consensus would be that we’re about to sack Eddie and every player is so shit they all need peddling
  3. 3 x European big boys coming up here and 3 x belta cities to visit. That’s what Champs League is about. If we wanted to play FC Tinpot from some shit tip city we might as well have gone straight in the Europa Slurp up the sweet sweet nectar lads & lasses, we’re back in the big time with nowt to lose
  4. 3 free pints of Fostaz and a packet of pork scratchings with every Adidas shirt sold
  5. Think the shite Castore supply chain and product quality combined with the ease of buying DHGate knock offs will have already hit 23-24 shirt sales in a big way If I wanted a shirt I’d buy from Adidas or Nike with confidence, even though football kit is massively overpriced. I wouldn’t give Castore any of my cash for any of their products
  6. It's deffo been timed to coincide with the last episode of the Amazon doc and the Adidas negotiations contained within It's creating a PR buzz for NUFC, Adidas and Amazon and none of them are likely to give a shit what a bargain basement brand like Castore think Like putting a framed pic of your fit new lass on the mantlepiece before your soon to be ex-lass has even cleared her jarmies from your bedroom cupboard. Savage.
  7. Other than buying tickets, have any of the members on here used any of those benefits ? Genuine question. None of them is of any interest to me personally, but maybe I'm in a minority
  8. 1: Being able to buy tickets 4-8 weeks before a game 2: Being able to choose where you sit 3: Giving some discounts on merch, tours etc etc Three basic things that Spurs do for their members that has absolutely no relation to stadium size or level of demand for tickets
  9. That's true. But I think there's 2 different issues we're discussing 1 - is charging people £37 a year to enter a ballot every few weeks fair and does it offer value compared to memberships at other clubs 2 - should the club have some sort of tiering / loyalty scheme to make it easier for certain groups of fans to get tickets With the Spurs example I'm talking about 1. But I do think 2 needs to be discussed, although any solution is likely to piss off a group of people
  10. But Spurs members can buy tickets up to 2 months ahead of a game allowing people to select the games they want to go for, plan travel etc. They can choose seat and stand. Plus they get a package of discounts on all sorts of activities and merchandise. There's decent gifts for signing up. That overall offering to me is definitely worth £45/55 even if I can't get a ticket to every game. At NUFC all we're getting for our £37 is a lottery for a randomly allocated seat that's drawn 1 week before kick off. And then a resale scramble for a handful of tickets.
  11. I haven’t looked into it fully, but my impression for Spurs was that there are two tiers and they’re based on price. Membership is £45 Membership+ is £55 Happy to be corrected if that isn’t the case
  12. NUFC memberships are now just a £37 payment to take part in a general ballot or access resale tickets. Which is dogshit. We're measuring ourselves versus Tottenham on the pitch, but look at how we compare for memberships. They've already got tickets on sale to members for games that go up to Nov 25th. We get a weeks notice to enter a fucking ballot. And they also get loads of benefits and discounts for their £45-55 annual payment.
  13. Do you mean the Gallowgate safe standing corner ? Or were there people standing in the Leazes In the safe standing section the singing rarely stops in there for any match.
  14. Platty Clerb y’day. Round me were: - blokes wanting to sing, shout & swear - owld fellas wanting to sit in silence - family of tourists - teenage girls sat playing on their phones - toddlers - couple of people with what I think was probably autism who seemed unsettled by any shouting Not sure how you get an atmosphere going with such a diverse group Too many going for beers at 35 mins, coming back at 55 mins. Too many leaving when it was still 1-1. Having spent last couple of seasons in Strawberry Corner, I often forget what the rest of the ground is actually like
  15. General consensus amongst the two Liverpool fans I’ve spoken to is that they’d be very happy with a point Lets batter these cunts
  16. The row was actually going on down near Slough, not down in Slough Just thought that little detail might help
  17. The mythical 2nd ballot is really just an example to illustrate how poor the communications from the club have been. “Enter Ballot 1, but you might actually be entered into Ballot 2 and that £47 ticket you were hoping for is now a £77 ticket. But you’re not getting any say in whether you want to pay that much, we’ll decide for you” Just lobbed in as small print with no further explanation. And no evidence if Ballot 2 actually existed or not. In the unlikely event any tickets were left after Ballot 1 just lob them in resale. Isn’t that a far easier solution for what was likely to be at the very most a handful of tickets. Being pissed off about Ballot 2 isn’t actually about a ballot, it’s about how they’re treating us like mugs.
  18. @LFEE when entering the ballot last week they added some small print to say there’d be a 2nd ballot for unallocated tickets and be prepared to pay more than your chosen category if you were allocated a seat in the 2nd ballot There was no further communication other than the small print. No-one knows if this 2nd ballot actually happened. Or if it did happen, how it would work. It remains a complete mystery.
  19. There are billions of millions of high demand sports events around the world. And just as many entertainment events too. There’s an entire industry built around ticketing to manage these events. There are experts in that industry and best practice that can be observed. Problems can be solved by those experts. Yet despite the huge financial resources, NUFC come up with a solution that operates like it was designed by an imbecile on a glue huffing binge.
  20. Let’s start by finding out what happened to the mythical Second Ballot for Liverpool Then get them to explain why we can’t choose seats anymore And I’d be interested to get the clubs insight into whether there’s more people complaining about the new system a couple of weeks after launch, than complained about the old system during last season And why are we only getting a week between ticket ballot draw and match date, how are people supposed to plan travel etc And why can’t we have a stadium plan And why can we only select one ticket category And how are they preventing tickets from ending up in the hands of touts and away fans who enter the ballot Am sure there’s more, but that’ll do for starters
  21. I’m of the firm belief that tickets should only be available to people who were born in an NE postcode, currently live in an NE postcode and can pass a Prove Yasel Geordie test
  22. It’s not even as open as a general sale It’s £37 for the opportunity to enter 19 lotteries for attendance and random seats Alongside the opportunity to scrap over the handful of tickets in resale like starving hyenas on a wildebeest carcass I’d like to know if any another club is running a system like ours for both home and away tickets And is that club also refusing to communicate with supporters about why I think we’re probably breaking new ground for all the wrong reasons
  23. I feel the same about my Dogtanian & The Muskehounds jarmies
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