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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Subtle, very subtle. I like the cut of your jib
  2. As someone who despises Man Utd I can say with complete confidence that every contentious decision that goes their way is a direct result of of corruption and bias
  3. If you believe those halfwits, NUFC fans in County Durham and South Tyneside are like those perodical cicadas that lay dormant most of their lives only to emerge and swarm every 15 years
  4. I'd be a devasted man if the roles had been reversed. Watching them making huge strides whilst we languished in the doldrums with nothing to cling to but our hatred of their existence. It'd be soul destroying.
  5. Most can't even get the words or speed of Blaydon Races right, so expecting people to realise that Roma aren't Champions League is just pissing in the wind
  6. Fair comment, but it also takes a large amount of balls / pints to stand up and sing if you find yourself sitting in a quiet area wishing the atmosphere was better. More likely to get told to sidoon an shurrup than get people joining in. One of the reasons why I dislike being anywhere other than in the corner
  7. Got to Strawberry Corner turnstiles just before 5, massive queue, finally got in just as the match kicked off. Shambles. Noise from the corner was great as usual, haven’t extended the rails to the section I go in but most people still stand anyway. First game of season, late kick off, massive win, all the right ingredients for making a racket. It’s a shame if other parts of the ground were quiet. Hearing Style Council Headstart for Happiness at half time had my toes tapping. And no DJ Otzi was a highlight of the day for me.
  8. Reckon the grey haired fella with the geps in the top left is blind ? If so, experiencing a game like that but in audio only must be wild
  9. Standing in the corner is like being at different game Would hate to be anywhere else
  10. NUFC email addresses are easy to figure out A polite and constructive email to the relevant leadership highlighting concerns about the new ticketing system would make them aware that there are some unhappy fans Shy bairns get nowt, as the saying goes
  11. If I hadn’t got a grown up ticket in the resale I’d deffo be going for one of them Yoot tickets Just sign my 14 year old up for legit membership and then pull the trigger Chances of a checky stopping someone on the first game of the season when digital tickets have just been introduced and it’s likely to be carnage at the turnstiles = slim to none
  12. We've got a location that is amazing and should be coveted. But thanks to Ashley the stadium looks dated and shabby. e.g. most people have tellys in their living room that are bigger than the ones on our concourse. The Saudi's love shiny new building and infrastructure projects (see NEOM) and will want a stadium that compares favourably to other top teams. So I think it's inevitable we're getting an upgrade, just where and how are the questions.
  13. is it feasible that the feasibility study will take so long that it leaves the atmosphere ?
  14. I reckon some of the commercial thinking must be about how they can get people in the stadium for longer and spending more money, when the stadium is in a city centre location and competes with loads of bars and food options. I think classic pattern is get into ground no more than 15 mins before KO, skull a pint of minging lager, battle through the queues for another pint of minging lager at half time, leave straight after. Maybe have a pie. If the stadium has a decent food and drink offer you might get people going in earlier or staying after. But still not sure how much draw it would have over the city centre boozers and bait places. Bit of a conundrum.
  15. Bit of a contrast after watching Premier Passions y'day Was an interesting insight, not much we didn't know already but it's for a wider audience, not people who live and breathe Newcastle Would have been interesting to have a fly on the wall crew knocking about whilst Ashley & Charnley set about destroying the club from within, then see how that compared to the professionalism of the new leadership
  16. Aye, my mam said that happened to her too
  17. Do you have any underpants that have been worn by Jason Tindall ? Asking for a friend
  18. About 120 based on my quick tally
  19. Wonder what they'll do with the Youth seats that no kids seem to want to buy There's about 100 tickets that would be snapped up in an instant if converted to Adult
  20. I got one in my basket y'day for a mate who was after a ticket, just checked every hour or so during the day and mid afternoon there was a single in the Leazes that popped up.
  21. Hearing Fields of Anfield Road makes me want to burst my own ear drums with a chopstick
  22. Strawberry Corner is full of standers and they rarely stop singing, even before the new rails were put in Get that replicated in a few other areas and it'd make a huge difference
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