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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. I think you’ve got too caught up in the specific issue of Haydn’s mates gall bladder. He’s just used it as an illustration of the principle of allocated seats being unsuitable for some people It could equally have be an 80 year old with a dodgy hip and bad eyesight being lobbed in level 7, it could be a 6 year old being scared shitless amongst the radgies in Strawberry Corner and so on and so on Thats the point that‘s being made Theres already unhappy people who are posting in here who were successful in the ballot, but been given seats they would never have chosen to pay £44 for This isn’t not about loyalty, or working hours, or gall bladders, or entitlement Its about people attending an event in a stadium being able to select an available seat that suits their personal preferences and budget Which is standard industry practice
  2. I posted this in Tickets, but even if we just look at the Villa game in isolation this is how it has played out......and it's absolutely diabolical. - We bought memberships in good faith, but weren't told how the ticket sales would work. - We had to choose ticket price categories in the ballot, without being able to see on a seat plan which part of the ground we were applying for. - We don't even know if L7 is open to all, or just for families. - Ballot success was only confirmed 8 days before the match. - There's no provision for anyone's personal circumstances when entering the ballot e.g. Haydn's mate not being able to walk up stairs. - If your allocated seat isn't suitable, you can't sell your ticket - Resale tickets are released tomorrow but we don't know how to buy them It's a fan relations disaster and there should be hell on. I've contacted leadership at the club directly in order to share my concerns, but there needs to be a constructive and co-ordinated effort to get our frustrations aired.
  3. But there’s a clear and legitimate work around for those people. You only had to know members who could be online at 10am, then link accounts. Lads in here were helping each other out for instance. I couldn’t even get a membership in 2022/23 as they weren’t selling them post-takeover. But I had friends with season tickets who I had to ask to let me use their +1 If you were determined to be there, there was usually a way. Now there isn’t. It’s a lucky dip.
  4. Bobby Dazzla finds some friends or forum members who are able to be online at 10am during the week. He links his supporter number to them and asks them kindly if they could buy his ticket.
  5. And don’t forget to mention that from Oct 2021 to Aug 2023 Bobby Dazzla bought a ticket to every game and was usually in Strawberry Corner putting his full support behind the team, even in the days when relegation looked a certainty. He’s also a former season ticket holder, went to away games in both top flight and 2nd tier and was at 1999 & 2023 cup finals. He’s supported the club for 35 years and stopped going to the match as a protest against the Ashley regime. Joe Bloggs just likes to take selfies at big events and post them on Instagram.
  6. A person who wanted to go last season and was determined to attend had multiple routes to try and secure a ticket. This season there's one way. A lucky dip.
  7. Tiered in this instance means you would build up some sort of recognition for previous purchase history or unsuccessful ticket applications, giving easier access to tickets for people who historically have been regular match goers Cos at the moment you have 3 groups that are vastly different. 1) season ticket holders 2) people who can afford the very expensive hospitality tickets 3) anyone else (NUFC fan, neutral or away fan) can pay their £37 membership and be on an equal footing in the lucky dip If you're not a season ticket holder, or able to splash £200+ on a hospitality ticket, then you might as well have zero history of supporting the club
  8. Potentially it's the worst of both worlds. If someone couldn't log on at 10am, or didn't have a friend who was available at 10am that they could link to, then now they've got to cross their fingers in the random ballot. So how many people who were frustrated at being locked out by the old system, are now chuffed to be going to the Villa match ? Personally, I don't know a single one.
  9. I totally get why the 10am weekday time was unfair for some Would you have been able to log in if they'd moved sale times to evenings or weekends ? Or if they'd kept 10am weekdays could you have linked your account to someone who could log on at that time ? I was always able to make myself available at sale time, so got tickets for pals who weren't There was easy workarounds to the old system, if people were determined to get a ticket they probably could. But now it's 100% down to luck. No level of control over how likely you are to get a ticket, or where you'll be sitting in the ground.
  10. As Ian says, there's a large group on here who have rarely missed a game since Oct 2021 that didn't get tickets for Villa I'm very intrigued to know how many of the people who were either unavailable for 10am sales, or tried and failed to get a ticket in 10am sales, actually managed to get a ticket in the ballot. Cos as I understand it, that's the group that the two main groups the new system was supposed to benefit.
  11. Let’s be honest, when it comes to ticketing (both ST’s and Members) the club have lost the plot They clearly don’t know what they’re doing and their communications have been appallingly bad, probably because they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing Ticketing is a basic part of running a sports stadium and they’ve absolutely mugged it
  12. I meant Francis is raking it in Francis (real name Luke) has done his own telly show, has sponsorship with Gucci, he’s released a book etc etc All because he did some nerdy social media vids about trains a couple of years ago
  13. Are they radgies ? If not, do you have their addresses ? Asking for a friend But seriously, there in lies the problem. Regular match goers have been frozen out and day trippers are taking their place. Am genuinely intrigued by the atmosphere for Villa, I suspect it’ll be as flat as some of the cup games last year
  14. Why are season ticket holders any different in the clubs eyes? A member might have been buying tickets regularly for decades but for whatever reason didn’t have a season ticket. They might have lived abroad for instance. Does that member deserve to be frozen out whereas a season ticket holder who only started going to games in Aug 2021 is given untouchable status ? I’m not kicking off another “who’s the loyalest debate” just emphasising that if prior members are perceived as having no priority, what’s to stop the club going after ST holders seats too There’s already been stories on here this summer about ST holders having massive hassles with the club because they’re not willing / able to pay thousands to stay in their existing seats
  15. Remove season tickets and ballot every seat every game That’s the only fair way If loyalty doesn’t count for previous members who may have been buying tickets regularly for years then why should it count for season ticket holders Clearly I don’t think that’s a good idea, but it illustrates that the principle is exactly the same as what’s happened to a large group of fans this week
  16. That’s a good point. Previous system benefited people with an attitude of “I really want a ticket, so I’ll figure out a way to do it” Even if you couldn’t get online at 10am as long someone you knew could, you just linked your account to them and sorted the ticket. I did that on behalf of friends. The new system will be much more suited to people who think that going to the football could be interesting, I’ll chuck an entry into the ballot and see what happens.
  17. Straw poll….. Q1. Does anyone know people who consistently failed to get tickets since Oct 2021 and have now been able to get a ticket for Villa in the ballot ? Q2. Does anyone know people who consistently succeeded to get tickets since Oct 2021 and haven’t been able to get a ticket for the Villa game ? Maybe it’s the circles I move in but I don’t know anyone in group 1 and I know loads of people in group 2 If it was a switch in process to make it fairer to access tickets, there should be loads of happy people in group 1 to balance out the loads of pissed off people in group 2
  18. Had a running track when I was there for the Superclassico in 2004
  19. Bit like Francis the trainspotter Real or fake ? Have met the lad a couple of times and if it’s fake he’s an outstanding character actor who never lets his mask slip But one thing I do know is that he’s raking it in, probably wiping his arse on 50 pund notes these days All because he makes videos of himself being an autistic nerd
  20. They should just put every single seat in the ground into a ballot for every game. See how that goes down. “Season ticket holder for 84 years, don’t give a fuck mate, we’re growing the customer base. Shut the fuck up and get in the ballot”
  21. 100% agree that 10am scramble wasn’t fair on those who can’t be in front of a screen at the time tickets went on sale a workaround for them was to link to someone who could, but that’s by the by lobbing everyone into a massive unlimited pot and picking out winners at random is equally as unfair on those who have a history of being match going regulars there’s probably loads of people out there who couldn’t log on at 10am and also haven’t got lucky in the ballot. they’re getting fucked in both holes. there must be a solution that works that’s better than this current shitstorm they’ve created its 2023 for fucks sake and loads of events have a greater demand for tickets than supply
  22. What's the most effective way to let the club know that there's a very frustrated group of regular match goers who now can't get tickets and are very pissed off about the situation. Channel it via the likes of NUST and @Greg ? Go on lots of solo missions with emails to Supporter Relations ? There's a group of us on here who have ploughed money, time and emotion into being at every game since the new regime took over and now many of us can no longer get into the ground. Am sure there's plenty of people out there in the real world who are in the same position too. It's got to be worth trying to fight for a change.
  23. A private jet What’s the possible connection to incoming / outgoing transfer business at NUFC? Without that context it’s simply an airborne vehicle, doing what it was designed to do, which is allowing people to travel through the sky at high speed
  24. The Amazon dudes were up close filming my section of the crowd at plenty of games last season If my mug doesn’t feature I’m gonna sue
  25. I wouldn’t say Man U have a squeaky clean public image. Giggs shagging his sister in law and various other accusations Rio on the gear Scholes sucking his daughters toes Rooney will shag anything with a pulse Ronaldo’s rape case And that’s just off the top of my head None of those is comparable to the depravity of what Greenwood was recorded doing but there’s been plenty of sordid stories about their club legends
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