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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. You could choose your seat for the cup final
  2. A quick response from the club is a step in the right direction. Fair play to them. But the system is still massively flawed. People want to choose their seat, it's been like that forever and giving us that choice via an online portal is not fucking rocket science. It's a very basic level of customer service that any sporting or entertainment event offers. To not offer that is unacceptable. Hopefully the Trust and whoever else the club listens to will keep up the pressure in a positive way and we'll see some more adjustment to what is still a shite system.
  3. They could have split available tickets into 2 or 3 sale days for members. e.g. Thurs 10am Fri 4pm Sat 10am Not necessarily those times or in that order but you get the jist Find it hard to believe that someone wouldn’t be available to log on at 3 different times, or couldn’t link to a friend who could log on at one those times. And preventing people from using multiple browsers isn’t difficult, plenty of other ticketing sites have managed it Personally it would have disadvantaged me as I always got a low queue number last season, but it’d be infinitely better than having fuck all choice over where to sit and what to pay
  4. Same. As petty as that sounds. I absolutely loved the section I was in last season, made friends with those around me, was with a group of like minded people who wanted to stand and be vocal, bought a ticket in the same area, often the same seat, for every game. Now I feel proper deflated that I almost certainly won’t get to be there again this season. And if I do get a ticket for a game I could end paying over the odds to be given a seat in some parts of the ground that I’ve been in before and really disliked.
  5. Because The Premier League make a mid game announcement that any club who have worn black and white stripes and have a fan called Gertrude are no longer eligible to ever play in the top flight ever again
  6. Fights break out all around the ground, starting when Jemima from Jesmond who usually sits in the Platinum Club lets out a blood curdling scream as she spots the dead pigeon above her head from her allocated seat in the Gallowgate. Her scream frightens the life out of 82 year old Geoffrey from Gosforth who for 60 years has been to a few games per season and enjoyed the silence of the East Stand, he spills his hot Bovril all over the shaved head of Barry from Benwell who’s been hoovering ching all day and has skulled 12 pre match pints in a seedy city centre boozer. Barry starts to kick fuck out of Geoffrey, so Geoffrey’s wife Gertrude who has been allocated a seat in the Leazes, steams down the full length of the pitch to save him, swinging her handbag like a medieval weapon. Chaos ensues. The match is called off.
  7. You want to get a flight to Benidorm. 10 days before the flight you have to enter a ballot for a ticket. To enter the ballot you have to pay £37 as an annual fee. If successful in the ballot the airline will choose the flight price and where you sit. The flight price they select could be almost double the price of the cheapest option and none of the options are particularly cheap compared to other airlines. Their airplane was built in the 90s and is really showing its age, it has none of the facilities you’d expect from a modern airplane and was flown for 14 years with minimal upkeep by an unscrupulous previous owner. It has a dead pigeon in the luggage racks. Fuck that. I’d rather walk.
  8. Could you choose your seat though ?
  9. how many elite clubs globally operate a ballot policy where fans can neither choose the price, or location of their seat ? and if there are some, do their fans feel it’s a been a positive change ? cos in my opinion, it’s an absolutely fucking shite state of affairs
  10. What if I've got terrible eyesight and end up in Level 7 ? Or I like to have a full view of the pitch and admire tactics, but end up low down in a corner ? etc etc etc etc What's so difficult about letting people choose where in the ground they want to be and then they pay the appropriate price for that area It's pretty much standard practice for every sporting or entertainment event that takes place in an arena Fuck knows why they want to take that away from us
  11. Biggest fan relations test since the new lot took over Guess we'll really get to see how much they care about our amazing support that they are so keen to praise us for "You were brilliant last season, we couldn't have done it without you" is sounding very fucking hollow right now.
  12. You’ve definitely got to a very extroverted character to bowl up into an unfamiliar part of the ground, next to unfamiliar people (who’ve probably been there for years) and start belting out songs etc And I pity the fuckers who want to sit with a Bovril and enjoy a civilised match day experience but end up lobbed in amongst the hullabaloo of Strawberry Corner
  13. There’ll be 80 year olds having to trek up to level 7, prawn sarny munchers in the strawberry corner and radgies in the posh seats it’s a fucking car crash Whoever in the club hierarchy thought this new system was a good idea needs to come out in public and explain why
  14. has there ever been any other club who do randomly allocated seating for home games across a large price spectrum ? genuine question, I've never heard of it ever. and how many have a ballot for home games ? what an absolutely appalling situation. there must be enough pissed off fans to warrant a proper push back to the club on this.
  15. The current ticketing fiasco is the first real dropped bollock from the new regime, IMHO. Not just the lack of clarity on ticket sales, but the lack of communication. Takes 5 mins to write a "sorry for the delay etc" message and post it via the club socials so we have some insight into what's happening. At the moment no-one has a clue what membership actually means and how / when we'll be able to buy tickets. It's a shambles.
  16. Whatever next ? A coach can’t even enter the stadium on match day if they’ve used a tanning bed. Pathetic.
  17. The Emirates plane does indeed cause a surge of excitement in my loins and a cry of “look up to the skies mother, look up, it’s the Emirates plane, it’s been to the desert” To which mother replies “move away from the window son, there’s a lot to be feared for a 45 year old in the big bad world, plane travel is not for you. Drink your cup of warm milk, I’ve cut the crusts off your jam sandwich just how you like it”
  18. The Walter Mitty of Wallsend. Bloke is an absolute cunt and talks utter, utter, utter shite. Self obsessed delusional money grabbing fraud.
  19. Price equilibrium is where the demand for goods is equal to the supply of goods so prices remain stable Market value is a calculation of what an asset will actually sell for if it is put up for sale in normal market conditions
  20. I’m sure the transfer team will have factored in the various FFP scenarios when negotiating the deal
  21. I strongly suspect £25m was the fee that Liverpool were happy to approve
  22. So then it doesn’t matter what we got for him cos our financial resources are so deep it’s largely irrelevant other than for FPP purposes Lot of people in here still worried about using discount vouchers in Aldi when we’re wealthy enough just get the butler to do our shopping for us in Harrods
  23. Sack the transfer team. They’re clearly shit at their jobs.
  24. Do you think there were other clubs willing to pay more ? Or we should have kept him as an unwanted squad player and not banked the £25 million ? I might think my house is worth £25 million but if no-one is willing to pay it then it isn’t. Thats how market value works.
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