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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Rare shit day in an outstanding season that’s exceeded all my expectations. Take it on the chin, learn from it, move on.
  2. Only time I’ve met Paully was on Swifty’s bus to Villa away 2006. It was a mental trip, proper carnage on that bus. 17 years down the line and he hasn’t changed
  3. We have a stadium that’s slap bang in the city centre so it’s an amazing location, that’s why
  4. You may not have a country but you're spouting a load of cuntery
  5. bobbydazzla

    Jacob Murphy

    Where's this 5 a side being played ? Indoors at Eldon Leisure or outdoors at Powerleague in Dunston This will affect my team selection
  6. That he's a daft makem cunt with shite for brains
  7. My best pal is a red mancunian, his pre-game prediction was "we've got no midfield, you'll win"
  8. I should have used “preferable” rather than “better” Standing just creates a more vibrant atmosphere I reckon. Sitting down is for quiet events, the cinema, a classical music concert, a relaxing pint with a mate. Standing up is for when you want to make some noise, be animated, create some hustle and bustle.
  9. But why is it better to mumble to yourself sitting down rather than standing up ? The eagle eye view from L7 of the tactics unfolding on the pitch isn’t compromised by standing up
  10. Well strictly speaking all standing areas in grounds were forced to be scrapped cos of the Taylor report and the government response to it Fair enough having some seated areas in grounds as there always be some who want to sit, but I’d love it if we got back to vast majority standing at football matches
  11. Why would you rather sit than stand ? Unless they are physically incapable of standing for 90 mins I’m intrigued why someone would rather watch a match sitting down. Sitting dampens the experience in my opinion and when I have to sit down at a match or gig it feels frustrating, like I’m not fully involved.
  12. Fucking baldy dutch horology nonce cunt. Hope we batter these. Cannit fucking stand them.
  13. TBF when we used to play U12 sports against the lads from Berwick they already looked like fully grown men and most had beards. So he could probably hitchhike without fear of being nonced.
  14. Was chatting with a Makem through work, he's a nice bloke, well educated, got a good job, not typical of the breed. Anyhow, he was keen to point out his feelings about our Saudi ownership...the sportwashing, the beheadings, the deplorable human rights etc etc. But I didn't bite. I moved the subject off football....."how's the job going, what you been up to recently ?" his reply..... "Just been to Riyadh to pitch for some business with a potential new customer"
  15. If I’m excited about youths does that make me a nonce
  16. bobbydazzla

    Joe Willock

    Miggy, Bruno, Botman, Pope and others were getting so much praise heaped on them earlier in the season that it put Willock’s good but not spectacular performances in the shadows to some extent ?
  17. He clearly feels more confident starting with quality but tired players, rather than rotating with shite but not tired players. There's a group of lads on the bench that I hope never get on the pitch for us again. They have a decent attitude and are contributing to squad harmony but they're miles off the standard we're aiming for on the pitch. This is a transition season, try not to stress and just enjoy the ride for what it is.
  18. On the telly I could see quite a few people sitting in the safe standing at Chelsea last night, which surprised me
  19. All of Strawberry Corner then stretch round into Gallowgate lower tiers, ideally all way to Milburn corner. Large swathes of people already stand in these areas so there's a precedent and the change would get less resistance from "sitters" I'd imagine. Leazes should get a big section too although it's a while since I've been in there so not sure of best areas to convert. Some of the best atmosphere I've experienced since we went to 52,000 was the L7 singing section. Setting up similar in a lower tier would be ideal so the noise carries both up and down.
  20. That explains why they’ve scored more pelanties than anyone else
  21. DJ One Deck blasting a song through the PA system when we score would be DEFCON 1 for me. A drum would be DEFCON 2.
  22. Was a filmer in the Gallowgate concourse during half time of the scousers game and he went pitchside in Strawberry Corner during 2nd half filming crowd scenes
  23. definitely related in my opinion. people are just more verbally and physically animated when they’re stood up in a group. same at gigs, if you’re at a music venue where everyone is sat down it’s usually flat. get everyone standing and the atmosphere is loads better.
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