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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Standing sections is the key to a better atmosphere in my opinion. If we were starting from a blank slate I think it'd have huge impact to make significant sections of the Gallowgate and Leazes safe standing and if people want to sit for the game move them elsewhere (easier said than done, I know). I'm down the front of the Strawberry Corner most matches, we all stand, plenty sing, it's the best part of the ground for atmosphere. And I was in L7 when we had the singing section and it was the same. If you're sat down watching a game or gig, then the atmosphere will suffer, people are more likely to be animated and create noise if they're stood up. There's still people in Strawberry Corner who only seem to go to games to be ultra negative and hurl abuse at our own players, but that's a different problem.
  2. Didn't seem arsed about supporting us at all, just wanted to shout racist abuse about anyone who wasn't white and was wearing a red shirt, or working for Wembley. Not sure why a group of 30 pitch-side stewards who weren't even within earshot were deemed to be an acceptable target, but it shows the mentality that we were dealing with.
  3. Was some very loud, disgusting and consistent racist abuse coming from a lad near us, rightly got pulled up on it and tried to deny what he'd been shouting, then started hurling abuse at the lads who'd pulled him up on it. Nearly ended in a brawl. Tickets like gold dust and yet they sadly get into the hands of vermin.
  4. Slide one into his lass and do some excited whoop whoops when you blow your beans allawa her chebs
  5. Onwards and upwards This was an important step on a much bigger journey I hate those Manc cunts, but fuck it, they’ve spent a fortune whilst Ashley spent nowt, they’ve got strength in depth and a good manager. We’re playing catch up after years of neglect Our time will come
  6. They could go for pizza in Ponteland
  7. With a squad that lacks quality in depth and in the first full season of complete overhaul at the club there was an inevitability that we would stutter at some point this term It’s a mid table squad at best, yet we’ve got a chance of Champs League and in a cup final We’re achieving far more than I would anticipated back in August
  8. Main hope pre-match was no red cards or injuries. Fucksake. But fuck it. What’s done is done. Going to London with low expectations and just gonna enjoy the weekend whatever the result. And to anyone moaning about the atmosphere, the Strawberry Corner never stopped chanting. Acoustics are largely to blame for that noise not carrying round the ground.
  9. Need to have a word with myself. Too anxious about this. Was ticketless in London in 98. Got a ticket in 99. Awful days. I hate Manchester United. Losing to them, very awful. Beating them, very beautiful. I’ve got a ticket. I’m lucky. Enjoy the day. But I hate Manchester United. But beating them. Just imagine. I got my club back. We’re in a cup final. Stop the anxiety. See the big picture. Enjoy it. Whatever happens.
  10. 14 years of a zombie club then within 18 months we’re in a champions league spot and a cup final. With largely the same players. Yet the angry mob still want to piss and moan. I’ve got no issue with a bit of constructive criticism as the new regime aren’t infallible, but just do it in the context of the amazing things they have achieved. Some of our fanbase are screaming bloody murder about every little issue they perceive and these daft clampits need to wise up sharpish as they’re an embarrassment.
  11. I find it offensive that they make Sir Bobby Robson look like the God of the Nonces
  12. Bewtifil mewvement in ewnisen frem them plackka begs marra
  13. From what I've read online from fans of other clubs who've gone to finals they should just let you through no questions asked Security are more concerned with ticketless fans trying to jump the gate, crowd control, watching out for radgies etc etc etc than an ordinary bloke using his mam or dad's ticket
  14. I know someone who’s balls deep in the Saudi civil engineering scene and some of the shit they’re planning for NEOM looks like it’s been dreamt up during the peak hours of massive coke binge Increasing capacity at SJP and moving Leazes Terrace brick by brick will be seen as a minor piece of building maintenance work for the Saudi’s
  15. About as much use as putting a nightclub in the local OAP care home
  16. Can Strawberry Place open up a low block defence when we're struggling to break teams down at home Worrying
  17. Lowest was 900ish. Highest was 25,000ish. Couple of tickets sorted at the back of safe standing. Maximum relief.
  18. From what I read about other clubs going to Wembley for finals the security are more arsed about stopping people trying to jump the turnstiles, fake tickets, radgies looking for a scrap etc History would suggest that a well behaved adult on a concession ticket or a ticket not in their name will generally just go straight through the turnstiles
  19. My understanding is that you can drop down. Are they saying 1-3 can't drop down to 4 and below ? Even if you could, it's a risky manoeuvre to gamble on it given the ballot for period 4. And that's if there's even any tickets left after period 3 obvz.
  20. People who got / kept season tickets in the Ashley era but despite the incredible positives post-takeover are being loudmouthed negative cunts hurling abuse towards our players and generally acting like ungrateful entitled twats
  21. Some folk in the ground need to give their heads a shake. Going to the match just to scream about how everyone in a black and white shirt is a useless cunt. Season ticket holders who seem to delight in being loudmouth negative twats. This isn’t the Ashley era. The season is exceeding all expectations. We don’t need to be happy clappy blind optimists but fucking hell, if someone’s idea of supporting the club is spending hundreds a year just to stand and shout their mouth off calling every player a cunt then that cash would probably be better spent if they had a weekly session with a therapist. And let someone who actually wants to support the side have that season ticket.
  22. I’ve sat in home sections when we’ve played at Highbury, Stamford Bridge and Old Trafford. Keeping quiet during most of game wasn’t too difficult but impossible to stay silent when we scored. Highbury we won and went top of the league so a lot to celebrate. Zero chance I could keep my trap shut if we’re beating the Mancs in a cup final.
  23. I’ve said this in another thread but a pal of mine who would never cause ructions got lobbed out of neutral seats after 20 mins cos he was sat in a section with mainly opposing fans and they complained about it. Wembley have since apologised and compensated him but he never got back in and missed the game. So I’d be very wary of being in Manc seats unless you have the capability to stay silent.
  24. Should be OK for a final ticket. Might still go to King St rave, it's a class night. Got train booked early doors Sunday, yikes.
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