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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Yeah, seems Man U is £900m with performance clauses etc I said in my post £700m just for bantz cos it was still loads of cash but less than Man U We’re a club on the rise, in Champions League with some tasty signings and a cup final appearance so our shirt deal should be at least as lucrative as any club in a similar position But the reality is that Liverpool & Tottenham will go bealing to the PL if we get paid anything more than Accrington Stanley get for their shirt
  2. I was told his groundbreaking master plan would have been along the lines of going to Adidas for shirts, Nike for shorts, Puma for socks That’s just me making up the brands but you get the gist
  3. Am sure there’ll be more sponsors rolling in. From what I can gather about Commercial Director contracts they typically get commission from their club every time a new sponsor signs up. So it’s in their personal interest as well as the clubs Heard a story that one CD from a big club was looking into the possibility of doing a deal where 3 different sportswear brands made different elements of the team kit. As that meant 3x rather than 1x commission for him. Their established kit maker got wind and stopped it At the end of the day these modern CD’s are just money and career motivated, if Silverstone doesn’t get us a training kit sponsor etc etc then he’s damaging his career and both him and the club are losing out on relatively easy money given how few sponsors we have currently vs other clubs
  4. I’m not clued up on the fair value rules for shirt makers but if we rocked up with a £700m 10 year Adidas deal am sure there’d be hell on from Liverpool & Tottenham and we’d probably get a massive points deduction from the PL
  5. Nope. One sauce will definitely know but wouldn’t be inclined to say. The other sauce wouldn’t have any financial info I’d assume it’d be close to max “fair value” for a lower table side with no global reach as that’s how the PL wants to categorise and restrict us But that’s just me speculating about the £’s
  6. Asked a 2nd sportswear industry sauce who also confirmed they’ve heard the Adidas deal is done That persons assumption is that we’d be on template
  7. Scenarios are built into contracts to reflect achievements at the end of each season. Have a look at the £900m deal Man U and Adidas have just agreed, extra bunce if they do well, reduced bunce if they miss out on Champs League and so on Also a decent manufacturer would prefer to avoid signing a contract in early 2024 to then have shirts designed, signed off, manufactured and in the distribution network in less than 6 months. They ideally want to do design work 24 months ahead if possible. And anyhow, the Premier League will cap our maximum shirt deal at their perceived “fair value” for the next few years anyway, so probably very little we can gain financially by holding out
  8. Wonder if they were allowed to choose their seats
  9. Probably so they can sort designs and start to plan volumes and that sort of thing My football shirt designer pal would often be presenting new shirt ideas to the biggest global clubs a year ahead of launch
  10. From what I can gather the switch to Adidas was agreed a little while back, but I only just heard about it from the industry contact recently It’d be no surprise though. Silverstone has his connections there and the Adidas team being at our games means it’s not exactly been a cloak n dagger process About as subtle as your wife bringing her hunky gym instructor round to watch telly in your living room
  11. Have it on good authority from within the sportswear industry that the ink is now dry on our new Adidas contract
  12. Millions of billions of quids if he can get behind a laptop and sort out the ticketing system
  13. I for one, will always trust an ITK comesock
  14. When I have a tug, black & white striped jizz squirts into my Kleenex
  15. I'd like a ticketing department at NUFC that tries
  16. You don't have to be a self appointed uberfan to be concerned that to have a chance of watching your team you will firstly have to pay £37 and be lucky enough to "win" via a ballot, but then won't actually be given the opportunity to choose your own seat from what is available and pay the relevant price. That's just the fundamental basics of event management and every other sporting and entertainment venue that hosts high demand events seems to be able to manage it, apart from NUFC.
  17. Can imagine the scenes inside the club as the season approaches….. Ok everyone, welcome to the staff meeting, we kick off against Villa 12th August, we need to be sorted, big season coming up ! Lets work through the essentials yeah Got enough players ? Aye Got a manager ? Aye Got some goal posts and nets ? Aye Got grass and white paint on the pitch ? Aye Got flags for the corners ? Aye Got some strips for the players ? Aye Got a ball ? Aye Got some tickets fans can buy ? Ermmm, not exactly
  18. 100% this @Heron We need a Wor Flags banner with that on for the Villa game please
  19. Seriously ? You’d like to go and see your favourite band in a stadium but the only option you’re given is to pay money for the ticket and be thankful you got in. Might be in a section that isn’t suitable for your preferences, might be separated from friends and family, might be at the very back and able to see fuck all. Howay man. Buying a ticket for an event doesn’t work like that. I’ve never bought a ticket to any entertainment or sporting event where I was allocated a seat at random.
  20. When spending money people usually are presented with some sort of choice so they can calculate the value of the purchase. And they’ve taken that choice away. We’ve basically paid £37 to have the “privilege” of possibly being able to get inside SJP on a match day and the only choice we have is what price of ticket we’d be willing to be allocated. Its absolutely dogshit.
  21. The opportunity to choose my own seat would be the minimum I’d expect when buying a ticket for a sporting or entertainment venue Anything less than that would be unacceptable The same applies to NUFC
  22. Hopefully they won't continue to tolerate it and the pressure on the club to sort out this shitstain of a system will continue. If the Trust etc now keep schtum and those in charge think we're satisfied with the little bit of movement we got today, then it's a sorry state of affairs.
  23. Click on the link in the "Ballot is Open" email Takes me to a page which says "Not valid URL" You couldn't make this shit up It's 2023 for fucks sake 20 years ago I was using online ticket buying systems that were more advanced than this sack of absolute shite Have we got a Victorian luddite sat in his top hat running our IT systems or what
  24. They could have had a window in which memberships are sold e.g. buy one buy 1st Sept or miss out for this season. So memberships were limited by time, not volume. And don't forget that last season they said memberships wouldn't be capped, then capped them. So the management of comms around memberships has been shit.
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