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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Aye, there was a flabbergasted look on Sven’s face when he realised just how shit the reserves are
  2. Only in the league and league cup He played against Sheff Wed
  3. bobbydazzla

    Nick Pope

    It’s already at the are stage, not will probably be
  4. bobbydazzla

    Nick Pope

    But who put the ball in the makems net ?
  5. Sunday School Noncing Firm
  6. bobbydazzla

    Nick Pope

    gIVeN iS tHe OnLy IrisH KeEpER wHo DoeSn't KnoW WheRe DuBliN iS m8
  7. bobbydazzla

    Nick Pope

    The Pope is so good I've turned Catholic
  8. Eddie didn't say we've got a massive pile of cash and are looking to buy key players in key positions. If I wasn't so worried about our league position and our unbeaten run I'd be even more worried about his lack of transfer bantz. Overall, I think it's fair to say, I'm worried.
  9. Nodded that one in against Fulham, that'll do for me
  10. 3rd in league lost one game in league all season best defence in league healthy goal difference worrying
  11. Was he even near the airport ? From what was posted on here he was at a chain restaurant that has a load of outlets and one of them happens to be near Rio airport
  12. Imagine the current leadership assessing how close we are to achieving something amazing this season and thinking: “ooooh, let’s gamble our magnificent season on a radge little scouse rat who is a shite footballer with a shite haircut and shite trousers and will cause ructions in the dressing room with his shite attitude” Have some belief in their judgement, they’ll have done their research and will do what’s right for the club. If we sign someone, Gordon or whoever, have faith in their decision. We’re not run by incompetent cunts anymore man.
  13. Because Wikipedia says he plays for Newcastle so it must be true
  14. When it lands we must send a scanning crew on board. We want every part of this plane checked.
  15. I speak a bit of Portuguese and the full outburst translates as: "Here man ya little daft rat faced cunt, I'll find oot where ya hoose is, burn the fucka oot and nick all ya computa games"
  16. Mobile phone signal in football ground, what the fuck is this voodoo hoodoo magic No broadcaster will ever need to worry about that prank happening at SJP
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