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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. bobbydazzla

    Nick Pope

    Got to the ground about 20 mins before kick off on Tues and he wasn’t warming up, Darlow was. I hit the panic button that Pope might not be playing. Like proper “if he’s not playing we’ll get beat” feeling Relief when they announced the team was jizz inducing. He’s immense.
  2. Staveley has said that the giant screen would need to be so big that it’s feasible it could leave the atmosphere
  3. Pal of mine and his mates were in a neutral zone for a Wembley final and got chucked out after 20 mins cos the opposing side had more supporters in neutral and they complained about my pal and his group. And my pal is a middle aged sensible bloke with a very amiable nature, definitely not a radgepacket. He contacted Wembley afterwards and they admitted chucking them out was wrong and compensated the entire group.
  4. During the world cup Salt Market Social was a "fan zone" and had the England games on big screens. Was packed out so they might do summat similar. Longest queue I've ever stood in for beer mind. And I don't even support England either so it was double the pain.
  5. Should be OK for a ticket, barring a weird turn of events when they unveil the criteria. Train and hotel booked, going Sunday back Monday. But also in London on 24th so might just stay down for the full weekend. Decisions, decisions.
  6. I'd rather watch a dozen Man U fans run a train through my nanna than watch the cup final with them
  7. When I signed up for Geoff's & Woolly's rave it was on the 25th, that the same one you're on about ?
  8. Bloke near me last night reckons Wilson needs to give up his "radio podcast thing" cos it's stopping him from scoring goals
  9. Seen a couple of scrotes at the 1/4 final doing toot in the bogs, they didn't even bother going in a cubicle, while their primary school age kids were stood on the concourse waiting for them
  10. The amount of 30-50 year old blokes who cannit hold a piss in for 45 mins is mind blowing. Was millions and billions round me shuttling off to the bog during the game, some even going twice in a half.
  11. “Things going on behind the scenes, plans forming, everyone busy, big few days coming up, keep the faith” same shit, different window
  12. Atmosphere wasn’t flat around the strawberry corner, was even some singing in the east stand
  13. Nah, that was near me and he was acting like a clampit, pissing about with the ball being an attention seeker in a jesters hat
  14. best way to disguise an incoming deadline day signing
  15. The ghetto bird just went past my office, swear down I could see Maddison looking out the window
  16. Guernsey FC got any decent players who can play with a high press and are over 6ft tall ?
  17. Just been down One-Stop and bought every box of Kleenex in the shop. So much transfer action brewing right now combined with the semi final too. I’m prepping for the Jizzageddon
  18. So chuffed about this. He’s played an integral part in the rebirth of my moribund club and I’ll always be grateful to him
  19. This sums up some of the attitudes towards Gordon in here like
  20. Wait until the summer and get an Adidas shirt rather than that Castore shite
  21. We’re rock solid at the back and creating chances, if we hadn’t been getting shooting coaching from Jonny Wilkinson we would have scored a shitload the last few games
  22. Seriously, us plebs couldn't possibly know more about a player, their availability and their suitability for the squad than the current leadership team do. Back in the dark days, aye, most of us knew a lot more than Charnley. The crusty spunk rag under my bed had more insight than that cunt. But howay, giver yersels a shake man, we've got highly regarded professionals running the club, some of the best in the industry. They won't get every recruitment decision right but they know what they're doing. If they want Gordon, then they'll have done their research.
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