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Everything posted by cubaricho

  1. I predict lots of booing from the fans at the end of the match to shred any last confidence the team has left after 90 minutes tomorrow.
  2. Someone that actually wants to sign for us? Yes.
  3. He was the one who wanted to leave. Probably because he knew he wasn't going to be given a fair chance.
  4. cubaricho

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Yeah, he's not good enough for us - just like Milner wasn't good for us but good enough for a team flirting with the top four. Let's get rid of him guys, seriously, he's just not good enough. [/sarcasm]
  5. Tevez maybe but definitely no where near as creative (or good) as Berbatov.
  6. This. I can't wait until the ignore feature.
  7. This. People will never give him a chance but fair to play for him getting on with his job (and doing it well) of getting youth talent in the ranks.
  8. It ended up being a protest (let me rephrase according to the BBC) "protest rally" after all.
  9. Glad the rally protest was a big hit. BBC all over the Ashley Out mentality of the protest. Back to square one for NUSC.
  10. cubaricho

    Players in public

    It's gotta be so easy to pull girls as a footballer.
  11. cubaricho

    Players in public

    What's the deal with this Tiger Tiger place, is it like the footballer's hang out or what? Seems like everyone is seen in there.
  12. Surely it's one or the other? Please stop protesting, I really want NUSC to work. As long as you're protesting, NUFC won't have nearly anything to do with you and of that I almost positive.
  13. The only one that really makes a difference.
  14. Alan Smith? Damien Duff? They never stir any shit and they never waste any energy when they are on the pitch. They are 100% honest working nice guys on and off the pitch. If you hate them there is something really wrong with you.
  15. He might just live in a very big house. Or have more than one.
  16. Always loved Harper. The true goalkeeping legend at NUFC.
  17. And to keep up the "NUFC fans are mongs" sentiments in the papers/on the tv - wouldn't want to let those get away.
  18. I've never heard of any rule that you couldn't change your kit more than once every two seasons - I thought clubs just did it out of principal as to not fuck over the fans.
  19. Yep i still think he is good enough to play for any club in the world. Best set piece taker in the world. He isn't imo it's Andrea Pirlo or Ryan Taylor You're right, he isn't - he's better.
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