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Everything posted by cubaricho

  1. Wishful thinking, tbh. I doubt we'll get that many first teamers in - probably a bunch of fringe/reserve players and 3 quality signings.
  2. That looks just like the one I photoshopped.
  3. too many a's in his name.
  4. Really surprised Butt made it onto the pass percentage top five - only one outside of the top four (no pun intended) as well!
  5. They also need a third kit, they play that thing called European football. I'd love for us to have a new kit this season.
  6. Man City was my guess before I even looked. Their pitch just looks massive on TV.
  7. Watched it on TV myself and have to agree. TFC supporters are a credit to the league. Hopefully Montreal can join them in MLS as they get at least 10k a match for their USL team.
  8. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i285/cubaricho/mockup.jpg Did a quick mockup for you. Although I hope the northern rock logo changes for next season.
  9. Hopefully 11 May 2008 @ Everton - 2-0 win . Long way from the States.
  10. Has anyone floated the idea of getting someone who's possibly a bit beyond their years (someone like a Sol Campbell - only a LB) that wouldn't mind not playing every game and could help teach Enrique the in's and out's of being a LB in the Prem while being able to cover for Enrique if he's injured? There's got to be someone that's a bit older and wouldn't mind imparting their knowledge on to Enrique while still trying to push him on to become the player we all can see that he will be.
  11. Alan Tudyk as Damien Duff http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a183/JanuaryAm/alan.jpg http://www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/content/images/2006/07/24/duff4_400x300.jpg
  12. That's a funny sentiment. I would wager Harper has been more "loyal" to us over the years - playing second fiddle for long periods of time when he's obviously just as good of a keeper.
  13. Everyone complains that Duff was played before Zoggy "regardless of skill" - anyone think that maybe Duff got played there because his attitude was better? It's really hard to determine this stuff because none of us are there for training and have no idea how Zoggy carries himself in training. He may have the raw materials but maybe his attitude is shite in training so he doesn't get played?
  14. Someone genuinely creative in the midfield so we can go back to 4-4-2 with wingers and still have the same punch as before. Could also use another RM/Winger to help push Milner to his best (although he does a damn good job without it already).
  15. was cup-tied for the cup draw, and visited his family for his grandmother's funeral. will be back for us though (naturally).
  16. cubaricho

    Getty Images

    problem solved (along with some contrast/levels/etc...): http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i285/cubaricho/sjp_celtic_full.jpg original image from karjala. here's a little before and after action: http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i285/cubaricho/sjp_celtic_full_beforeafter.jpg
  17. I thought we were done with trophy signings after FFS left? Henry and Ronaldinho would both be useless signings. They would demand the team be worked around them and that's not how KK would ever manage a team. We need a cohesive team unit with solid players in all positions, not one or two big "stars" that would demand the team be centered around them. If you hear all of the comments that Arsenal players have made since Henry's leaving - they are loving it - you can see why he wouldn't be a good addition to our squad. People like Fabregas have spoken one the incessant need for everything to go through Henry, his personality and playing style both demand it. I would hate that on Tyneside. I'd rather have a real team.
  18. Still early days (to be honest Spurs and Fulham were both really poor) but I like what I see. I'm once again excited to be a Newcastle fan.
  19. Noticed the same thing. Easily should be in for Carson if you ask me. James, Green, Kirkland are my three.
  20. Obviously I meant 1000m.
  21. The first thing Ramos did when he came into Tottenham was try and make them more fit and I read something the other day that each player runs, on average, 1000km more a match than they did before he took over. Their sudden rise and promise is no coincidence when you hear facts like that. Let's hope that Keegan can muster some of the same kind of magic.
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