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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. You know it's getting tense when harry doesn't even open his window for a chat...FFS
  2. :weep: Hate being called a mug i do Keep throwing money at them so they can keep taking the p*ss? You are, ask Pardew for a wave too An empty stadium would make fuck all difference, he already has the season ticket holders money, the time to do this might have been against Hull in 2008 but i am sure Keegan was a bottling cowardly bastard back then, it's hard to keep up
  3. :weep: Hate being called a mug i do
  4. So we can't get the mackems in round 2? We have to be due them in a cup sometime soon, a good draw for a change would be marvellous.
  5. jack j

    Loïc Remy

    So are we signing Remy and Bent, what about gomis :s
  6. Zouma and Aubameyang You's are mental on here i have to say
  7. I wonder when it's going to get announced on the website.
  8. Boycoutts ? What are they then ? Mattresses ? woooooosh Normally does when I'm reading babble, I'll freely admit If Kinnear comes boycoutt the club read one bed sheet.
  9. It is hilarious to be honest, what is funnier is peoples reactions to it all !
  10. Boycoutts ? What are they then ? Mattresses ? woooooosh
  11. By going on like spoilt kids and calling for boycoutts hahaha quality
  12. jack j

    Players in public

    Peter Ramage in DW gym in byker, what a true professional is the damage
  13. Out of position or not he was cowardly today
  14. Can't believe how much i like the 2 neville brothers, used to hate the fuckers ha
  15. jack j

    Ryan Taylor

    Shit news, poor fella, ryan taylor over the wall. Cracking day
  16. 90% of the mongs kicking off wouldn't have even been to the match.
  18. travel with them will be well known to most on here for good reasons, ?
  19. I blame the parents me like, most them little f***ers can only be school age? Little rats need taught a lesson, not a violent one just some older heads to explain to them how to go on. prats
  20. Ye can shove your fucking england up your arse. Should be sung loud and proud next home game. Disgusting
  21. I thought Simpson stormed out the stadium on thursday night in a huff?
  22. Even if Cabaye, Debuchy or Krul have a chance of playing against Citeh i wouldn't risk them.
  23. Benfica or Basel hopefully, both be class trips
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