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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Oh ffs Imagine we were going to play Fulham in a cup final
  2. Just signed a new 4 year contract in September
  3. 5 transfer windows into the new ownership and most the discussion is on who we need to sell so we can buy Fuck ffp
  4. No wonder Bruno went radge at these nackers
  5. jack j

    Match Atmosphere

    Didnt sound anything out of the ordinary on the telly like Then again when I watched the PSG game back it didn't sound that good Yet when I walked out the stadium I thought it was the best atmosphere I've been in at SJP
  6. Hes having an absolute mare here Chelsea bench looks weak as piss as well. Always seem to have loads missing
  7. What are people expecting spending wise in the summer if we keep our powder dry this month as expected 60-70 million I reckon
  8. Fucksake man. Another wrongun in a world full of wronguns
  9. Aye Which was my original point. You'd think the club would have realised They're either oblivious or not fussed Who knows
  10. Potentially West Brom v Wolves. Canny derby Wonder whether WBA want wolves to win their replay or not though..? Also wonder whether WBA will spend 2 weeks crying if Wolves ask for 15% of the tickets
  11. Bleurgh what a boring draw that is. Tough game as well especially with our away form
  12. To be fair a load of them have had season tickets for years. So it's probably been fucked for years. Ashley was just a convenient excuse for it being shite
  13. Is there an international ballot for away games? I know there is for home games. Didnt realise there was for away games Then again nobody knows the breakdown of away tickets hence the anger from loads
  14. The corner still sings the bring on ya hearts ya hibs ya celtic etc verse like
  15. The club aren't helping themselves here mind I understand the need and want for new fans but the fact shes gotta ticket for psg with the rules as they are is gonna just get peoples backs right up
  16. Be lucky if there was 200 of the 6000 there on Saturday knew that one Pal started singinging mackems on a string and he got looked at in disgust
  17. Wouldn't bother me thesedays. I drove to town and home Saturday anyway cos my Mrs was on nights so needed to be back for the kids. The me of 10 years ago would say fuck that
  18. Who put the ball in the mackems net Who put the ball in the mackems net Who put the ball in the mackems net Alexander Isak Super super Al Rehash of their sewpa kev shite. Should get right on their tits
  19. Normal league allocation for there is just under 3k so definitely no need for bubble trips in the future. Not sure how it suits anyone tbh
  20. So they're still getting what they're entitled to? Fair enough most them mightnt wanna work it but they know what they're signing up for But there was probably more than ever working due to it being a bubble trip. I seen police from Cheshire and North Yorkshire ffs. Pure overkill.
  21. They weren't paid? Jesus. The tory government are worse than I thought
  22. Not for me like Queuing starting round the old barker and Stonehouse. Took 45 mins before getting to the bus. Stopped on Scotswood road for an age. Escort barely reaching 20mph Herded into a cramped concourse with overpriced food/drinks with still 2 hours til kick off Think all this added to the sanitised atmosphere. Easy money for the coppers Coming back I was one of the lucky ones was back for just after 20 past 4 so was pleased with that mind
  23. Aye I'm sure he's had a season ticket for years
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