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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. get vince in,he still around?
  2. can't be worse than some of the dreggs we have at the mo.
  3. supposing we signed him, we would get a goal scorer for nothing, 52000 would still turn up every week, Wonga may or may not dissapear and additionally we wouldn't lose many sponsorship deals, and here's the clincher Ashley may depart even quicker, on second thoughts for SD there is no such thing as bad publicity. Feel free to comment.
  4. any different to someone buying a seat in an F1 car and displacing someone who has talent but no cash
  5. for those of us can't afford to got to Nice, the Bordeaux v Nice game on BT Sport the following week 16/1 at 7.30pm unless they show the highlights of the home game comming up.
  6. It's the blogger Jean Hackett whom appears to be at the forefront of all this,clearly has an axe to grind and surely this person using this personna should also be identified. As has been previously a lot of the public dont fully understand the issue's here and I believe the guy should be given the chance until the review is done, if it then becomes clear that the initial sentence was wrong then the "Jean Hatchet's" of this world should be prepared to be sued and also be made to account for for the trouble caused. The telegraph ran an article in which it states: During the trial in 2012 Evans admitted having sex with the victim in a hotel room in Rhyl, North Wales, straight after his friend and former Port Vale defender Clayton McDonald, but denied rape. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11149731/Rapist-Ched-Evans-thousands-call-for-him-not-to-be-allowed-to-rejoin-Sheffield-United.html
  7. It should actually be a profit of nearer 60 million if you add the extra 50 to the 10 million profit we made the year before, assuming all else being equal. All in that f***ing fat slug's bank account, along with the wonga and merchandising money. Never to be see again. Net profit on transfers in the summer, also, despite this 'Newcastle spend big on nine new players bollocks'; if you seriously think the amounts paid for Riviere and Cabella were £6.5m and £12m then you need your head looked at. None of that has anything to do with our next accounts though. As for the rest if he has took that money out then it will be shown against his loan, not that i think it will be. You think he can't hide that money? Any of our money he steals from the club in exchange for dud performances? I have no idea why anyone goes anymore. Hurt to give up my ST of 20 years but, my God, it has been liberating. I don't think he can. That's kind of the point of accounts. [/quote) Tesco managed it, cooking the books until they got found out
  8. He hasn't done his time he has only served half of his sentence. all those who go on their holidays do not fulfill the alloted time , they all serve less for good behaviour, along with also depending on whether the jails need the space, is he any worse than a drunk driver knowing fine well he's over the top and killing someone in the process, then also being released early. If your question was directed at me then no he's no worse. Though the debate is probably in the premeditation of his act. I was merely highlighting he hasn't completed his sentence yet. no, not aimed at you, just trying to explain to those not sure of the system that everything is not black & white (excuse the pun)
  9. He hasn't done his time he has only served half of his sentence. all those who go on their holidays do not fulfill the alloted time , they all serve less for good behaviour, along with also depending on whether the jails need the space, is he any worse than a drunk driver knowing fine well he's over the top and killing someone in the process, then also being released early.
  10. wyn davies

    John Carver

    never have I in all the years of supporting the club from the early sixties to the present day, and I've seen some sh*t, been so dispondent with the present setup and no way of getting rid of the present owner, firmly believer that regardless how much was offered he would keep hold of us just because he can to p*ss us off. I hope he gets p*ssed all over at Rangers just to show he can't have all his own way all of the time.
  11. hope we get McClaren gets the job got a Fiver on at 16-1, self interest of course but so has the football fraternity as a whole.
  12. playing very well at mo, oster should of banged one in, prob 2nd half WBA will pick up but at mo notmch bite from bromage
  13. and supposing he does well, what does that make us.
  14. we may know see after being released from the shackles of Ashley how good or bad he is. I'll predict he'll do weel initially and pull him out of the cr*p anyone know if he is keeping the same backroom staff.?
  15. commentator " surprisingly Burnley are finishing the stronger of the 2 sides, look vunerable all day, williamson colliding with his own keeper"
  16. could be like this for the rest of the season, on the brightside Carver is still undefeated
  17. wyn davies

    John Carver

    can we have a sackcarver.com
  18. They were interviewing the bloke who is looking after the team while they look for a manager. that guy Keith Millen is simply spouting a positive line to look after his own back, after all Pardew may take Carver & Stone with him same as when we get a new manager he will bring his own backroom staff, thus carver watching his back.
  19. SSN no nowt, always speculate and state the potential obvious to create a story
  20. wyn davies

    John Carver

    do u think he has improved since his last go as temp manager, cause i don't.
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