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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. reminds me of the spaniard Marcelino with the dodgy finger.
  2. maybe we should lay down just to put more salt on the would, may as well extend the record as it won't make any difference unless it affects Ashleys pocket
  3. we're only allowed to buy a couple of players a season !!
  4. Probably find that he will take dividends from the club in lieu of wages or bonus to reduce the tax burden
  5. wyn davies

    Loïc Remy

    It should of been me (as it says in the song) Ashley dipped out on another money spinner due to intransagence
  6. still getting to grips with the premiership and bearing in mind hadly played a game, no doubt will improve with time.
  7. define headbut, did Remy headbut, did Pardew do it as defined below? "A headbutt is a strike with the head, typically involving the use of robust parts of the cranium as the area of impact. Effective headbutting involves striking a sensitive area of an opponent using the forehead, such as the nose of an opponent. It can be considered a very effective but risky maneuver as a misplaced strike can cause greater injury to the person delivering the headbutt than to the person receiving it".
  8. didn't head but him, question is, what was Meyer upto?
  9. one by one they disappear
  10. could be called off due to safety concerns especially if the wind really picks up
  11. the group that own the old newcastle brewery office, 1st hotel in UK and bought the office as they like Newcastle United, was working there when place was being done up.
  12. If Ashley is on his way out and sells to some super rich person ,who then spends zillions on players,where does that leave the club when they've had enough, in the clarts with debts they can't pay and in deep sh*t.
  13. I think it's the beggining of the end for Ashley as he prepares to bail out
  14. played too many games consequentially in a false position
  15. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    believe today and the russians on the 27th Feb, get rid he'll be worth nothing in the summer
  16. is this the start of a bailout, unfortunatley to late
  17. Which was a thought earlier on when he got the Rangers shirts deal etc etc
  18. wyn davies

    Loïc Remy

    Remy won't be along this way for long, so we may as well forget him and stop going on about the red
  19. well at least some of you will be around to see the regime come to an end and hopefully improve , for those in their late 50's plus ,whilst the club remains a cash cow that won't happen.
  20. Fans buy the ticket have the right to complain just like any other transaction that goes tits up.
  21. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    any strikers available out of contract that doesn't contravene the transfer deadline rules, that could perhaps do a job on the cheap?
  22. which player is next on the list to leave and make a huge profit for his pockets?
  23. only way to resolve this issue, is to hit him in the pocket by not turning up, unfortunatley there's plenty of mugs out there who have bought season tickets out there, consequentially he already has pocketed that, so it won't hurt financially. The other option is not to renew for next season and those who pay at the door in effect not turn up.
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