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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    I take it we've still got an excuse for a striker
  2. Cabaye interviewed on French telly, pleased to be returning to France, looking forward to future games and has settled in quickly
  3. If true and happens, another few quid in the sky rocket
  4. Too late was the cry I forgot they're an hour ahead in Europe.
  5. got the PSG game on with BT Sport let's see if they bring him on and see what we're gonna miss.
  6. give the guy a break, I can see him now him rushing about in a profusion of sweat , trying to the last second desperatley trying to sign someone.
  7. appears to be a lack of interest in this derby, probably as we are n a difficult situation with strikers, losser
  8. plenty of time yet for Joe to work his magic
  9. It's a poker game, who cracks first, and the player becomes unsettled and demands a transfer, Lyon in a no-hope situation and transfermarket website ain't that far out on valuation.
  10. Lyon value him at £7.9million http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/clement-grenier/profil/spieler_72479.html
  11. can we determine what a significant bid is ?
  12. wyn davies

    Loïc Remy

    will appeal no doubt which may bye time
  13. According to the recent Delloitte figures turnover in 12/13 was £91.8m. That's down on the year before (£93.3m) despite a europa campaign because of our lower finish in the league. In 11/12 Ashley could afford to pull £11m out AND spend £11m (net) on transfers. Net transfer spend was almost £11m in 12/13 too but Ashley said he would not take out the money (£18m is in my head?) he had planned to...whether that turns out to be true or not remains to be seen but you would expect it to leave us with plenty money in the bank if so. Actually, I calculate it at £95.9m if you go by the other euro conversions in there. (RM: €518.9=£444.7 -> €1=£0.857, so €111.9=£95.9) where do we think the money is going? obviously to his backpocket to recover all money the club owes him.
  14. what if Cabaye remained and got injured just after close of the transfer market and was out till the end of the season, I'm pretty sure the problem would be covered through use of the present squad or we get a free agent, so I cannot see what the issue is, managed without Carole didn't we.
  15. take 25mill for him and the world carries on no different when someone important leaves a company the company continues
  16. They even write an article when he scores in training down there http://www.offthepost.info/blog/2014/01/photos-andy-carroll-scores-in-west-ham-training/ How long before he is crocked again? Exactly, more likely Alladice trying to delay the inevitable by making suggestions which won't happen
  17. wyn davies

    Eusebio - RIP

    fantastic player, Portugals star in '66 world cup, always feared, another light gone out.
  18. no need to worry if anybody is cuptied this time around
  19. Standing on the terraces was a nightmare when you were a youngin in the 60's &70's, pushing and shovin all over place, could hardly see the game, needing the toilet and not wanting to move cause you'll lose your spot, best place I found was in the Popular side near the 10minute flag.
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