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wyn davies

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Everything posted by wyn davies

  1. should of have had 3/4 today game went off boil owards end of first half, same with second thought QPR were gonna knick it, we were fortunate
  2. http://biztaxlaw.about.com/od/glossaryr/g/restraintoftrade.htm Restraint of trade is a very old legal concept relating to the right of individuals to do business, or pursue a trade or profession, freely, without restraint.
  3. it's a restraint of trade, and as has been previously mentioned other cases have shown that they were provided with another opportunity. If these other so called celebrities of which in my mind Ennis and her ilk aren't, (they're only athletes whom in a few years will be nobodies (Daley Thompson) as an example, where is he?, at a later stage in their lives are discovered to have been upto wrong doing, tax evasion, saville type, etc etc then a sportsmans career will have been destroyed by those who also may have skeletons, Malky Mckay being another potential issue. I would like to assume that these other personalities would hand over all of their earnings as they under the this present onslaught thats going on, wouldn't of been entitled to a career.
  4. Regardless of the whether or not, alot of high profile people are potentially leaving themselves open to being sued by preventng the guy from working for a living. If he was Joe Bloggs down the street would there be as much grief and the answer is no, if he was done for drunk driving would he be in this situation,no he would'nt be as has been proven in the past.The guy has done his time therefore let him get back to work.Employment law states there is no reason why he shouldn't return back.
  5. looks like another clean sheet against Torino for Roma's back 4
  6. They still have a chance to qualify, NEWCASTLE were in a worse state than them with NIL POINTS and staged the biggest comeback ever seen and still not beaten I believe to get through to the knock out stages, believe it was the season Tino scored 3 against Barca at St James.
  7. To be honest we don't need players to be Geordie to become thorough black and white. Countless players have come to the club, some for the playing opportunity, some for the challenge, and some because we offered the most money. But once they have arrived here they fall in love with the club and become proper black and white in my eyes. Keegan, McDermott, Quinn, Dabizas, Solano, Ketsbaia are all proper black and white today. In fact that is probably something else that is wrong with Pardew as he has never been able to tap into this and make the current crop of players 'get' the club like the past generations have. Sir Les?
  8. only 30min or so b4 decision time for Pardew, if he doesn't go after this then we're lumbered, unless ashley see's his investment going down the tubes of course.
  9. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    will be sold in january so enjoy while we can
  10. gone by christmas, in time for the January transfer window for the new manager
  11. bollox with sky am gonna watch the more sensible Sports Hub on at 9.00 on BT Sport, at least won't have to put up with all the Sky fabrication
  12. wyn davies

    Lee Charnley

    there are lies, damned lies & stats
  13. wyn davies

    Loïc Remy

    personally grab him at a decent price for us after all we took Demba with a dodgy knee and we came out well regardless of the release clause price, maybe Liverpool of getting bumped like they did with Caroll.
  14. voted for the krauts still got memories of the argentinian '66 team bunch of animals as Ramsey said at the time.
  15. Oh well at least we can concentrate on the league now
  16. well regardless of what happens after the weekend ,time to watch a club with some ambition
  17. wyn davies

    Dan Gosling

    The French Premier League? oh sorry you mean League Division 3
  18. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    you never know a change of scenery may work wonders and he'll pop them in without issue's
  19. wyn davies

    Papiss Cissé

    may be ready for a club to take a chance on him prior to the close of the transfer market window on 31st August, if the buying club is prepared to take a risk.
  20. never given a chance always supposedly had a problem, basically never fancied, just like marvo, except the cost of buying him! from wicki In 1999 Marcelino transferred to Newcastle United for £5.8 million, after impressing with Mallorca in Spain and Europe. A lot was expected of him at his new team, but he appeared only 20 times (all competitions) for the club in the first year and a half, being placed with the reserve team for the rest of his spell and finally reaching an agreement to leave in January 2003, having not featured for the main squad since 11 February 2001, against Charlton Athletic.[1] Marcelino also suffered several different injuries during his time with the Magpies, which stuttered his career there.[2] Scans on the affected areas were occasionally declared to be inconclusive,[3] the most serious of his injuries being a snapped finger tendon which prevented him from playing for two months.[4]
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