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Everything posted by sixx

  1. sixx

    James Perch

    I might add that I wouldn't trust him solely in the Tiote position against bigger teams than Norwich.
  2. sixx

    James Perch

    Very surprising today! Personally I think he can function well when he doesn't have too many responsibilities in CM as Cabaye, Guthrie and occasionally Jonas helped him out with the grafting. That left him with many interceptions to make and some time on the ball to make decent passes. Hats off to him, well done.
  3. Well a win is a win. Nonetheless what bothered me the most was the complete lack of urgency when we were on the ball. As soon as Norwich put some pressure on us, especially when donkeys like Williamson and Simpson were on the ball, we completely panicked. Tim Krul is no better on the ball than those two aforementioned by the way. There seems to be absolutely no ability to keep the ball within the team at all and that is very very worrying and frustrating when we have such talented offensive players in the team. We were at home, we didn't create many chances, we let Norwich(ffs) come at us and have a field day and we showed no intention to keep the ball. Three cheap points today but boy there is something wrong with the mentality within the team and the philosophy Pardew is deploying.
  4. Can't help loving this Real Madrid team, great football. I have a man-crush on Xabi Alonso. Yup.
  5. sixx

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Absolutely. Tired of having Jonas on the left, so frustrating seeing him taking brilliant runs down the flank and not being able to center it properly. He is important though as a defensive cover for Santon but when we get a left back in Santon should definitely move to the right along with Jonas. Ben Arfa should be deployed on the left flank to put in crosses too as we have at the moment two wonderfully skilled strikers who thrive on those sorts of balls. It's also important that Jonas and Ben Arfa can switch flanks which should be of great benefit for us. Top priorities are a good first choice left back and a backup center back, seems obvious enough to me.
  6. sixx

    Feeder teams

    I think we should just generally scrap the reserve team. Either a player plays for the u-18 side, plays for the main team or goes out on loan. It's absolutely pointless to run a reserve league which seems to deliver nothing to up and coming players. Especially when England has 27 levels of competitive football, all reserve players should be able to find a club to go out on loan to which actually plays in a league that has some meaning.
  7. Holy shit Shaqiri is good.
  8. According to Wikipedia: "Full name: Nigel Shola Andre Reo-Coker" Do we honestly need another one?
  9. Liverpool?! Arsenal. At least Arsenal have won the league in the last million years.
  10. Who needs trophies when you have two Ameobis?
  11. If there are two words to sum up Liverpool Football Club, those are: Next season.
  12. German stadiums And dear god Neuer rules, ManUtd are walking through the Schalke midfield.
  13. Such a waste of talent. I think he could do with a season in Huddersfield with Lee Clarke. He should be the right man to make something of him.
  14. If Wolves go down and we get Doyle for a reasonable price, preferably under 5 million, and buy another striker maybe from the French league I'll be more than satisfied. Doyle is by no means a world-beater but he is in my view underrated and has valuable experience in this league.
  15. Finally some end product from the lad. If he can keep up crossing the ball regularly from the left he can be a cracking player.
  16. sixx

    Wasted Talent

    Adriano and Mutu for me. Especially Adriano who was almost scary in his prime for Inter and Parma. Mutu in his first season with Chelsea looked unbeatable at times. Also José Reyes is a mention, I honestly thought he would be unstoppable after his first games with Arsenal. Was it just me being young and stupid or did Mario Stanic look really good for Chelsea in his first days there? What happened to that guy? Bit weird thinking that all those guys mentioned have barely reached 30...
  17. Would like to see him on the right flank with hopefully more space for his runs. He's not strong enough to deal with centre backs like Hangeland etc. Would like to see him in this system: Barton Tiote Nolan Ranger Jonás Lövenkrands? Didn't he play on the right wing against Chelsea in the cup?
  18. Lacina Traore Tom Cleverley Niko Krancjar I would see all three as realistic chances and they would all improve our squad massively. Would also want to add a more experienced striker and see a strikeforce of Traore-Ameobi-Ranger-New Striker. A back-up for Enrique would be nice too as would a back-up for Tiote as Alan Smith is useless.
  19. Abysmal. Both Pardew and the players should be extremely ashamed of themselves. Especially Pardew who underestimated Stevenage clearly. Asshole.
  20. West Ham have a bit of a momentum going on so we shouldn't be underestimating them. Do you think Carroll will be fit for the match? I f he's not I'd like to see the same formation as in the game today although I'd be glad to see Löven swapped for Ranger.
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