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Everything posted by sixx

  1. I'm just glad he got the ball and not the player. If so we would be looking at a carreer-threatening horror injury. He should serve out his three game ban and never, ever do this again.
  2. I admire your optimisim. I really do.
  3. Don't think Sissoko makes better decisions in areas that count. If anything Sissoko always makes the wrong decision in the final third. Like when he won the header against Evra and set Cabaye up for his goal against Man Utd? Or when he scored against WBA the week before? I'm not saying he should be relied on in the final third but he can be useful. Should be his job to pressure the oppositions midfield, win the ball, surge forward and deliver the ball to players who can put it to better use.
  4. That's an oversimplification. The reason we're "obsessing" over him is because he has never had a standout performance, he never delivers anything in the attacking third and he is prone to costly errors at the back. Furthermore he isn't showing much promise being who he is and considering his past. If he isn't delivering by the standards of the rest of the XI there is no reason to keep him there while there are two other promising left backs among our ranks. Simple as.
  5. He's a solid left back. No more no less. Doesn't provide anything going forward. Absolutely nothing at all and is in addition prone to the occasional howler. What's worst though is that he isn't showing any signs of progressing as a footballer. His left foot is still useless, cutting inside is still his only weapon and teams still keep focussin their attacking intent down our left wing. We can do with better and I'm absolutely sure that Haidara has all the attributes to be a quality full back.
  6. Santon is proving to be a weak link defensively. It's bad enough that he provides fuck all offensively. Would like to see Haidara start the next game. Remy looks like he needs a bit of a rest and Ben-Arfa deserves to start a game. We desperately need a striker who 1) can win a ball in the air 2) knows what to do with the ball at his feet and 3) has a basic understanding of the offiside rule.
  7. This lad was made for siege defending. Worth his weight in gold for us these days.
  8. Tiote been great. Need to see more of Anita and Sissoko. If either of them don't perform we need to bring on HBA.
  9. Today I discovered that Peter Whittingham and Liam Ridgewell aren't the same man. Was totally blown away when I saw that Ridgewell was playing against us just moments after I allegedly saw him play against Arsenal.
  10. Both of them are very good prospects, top pros and athletes. Kolbeinn just got injured yet again and is a bit of a crock whereas Alfreð is a lot more steady. His goal haul is amazing also given the fact he doesn't really play in a good team in the Dutch league. He isn't very quick but he hounds and harrasses and has a knack of being in the right place at the right time, he also doesn't need many chances to score. Kolbeinn has more to his all round game and barely loses a ball in the air but as previously said does get injured a lot. Sadly I can see his carreer drifting away like his brothers carreer. For me Alfreð would be a rational choice and would also be a lot cheaper than Kolbeinn.
  11. Will always support Sweden at the big tournaments. Hail Zlatan!
  12. Worked a peach for Real last time they bought a stringpuller from Dortmund. Great player none the less.
  13. One of the reasons football is so superior to NFL, NBA or other american sports is that football teams aren't "franchises" that can be moved around and toyed with (up until recently to some extent). Football clubs represent their localities, social values, accents and outlooks, prevailing (even political) opinions and in some cases even religion. In most cases it's something more than just business. After all the most succesful club in the world goes by the motto of "more than a club". I for one dread the outlook of world football in many aspects and would absolutely hate to see NUFC being rebranded towards Red Bull Newcastle or whatever. I know cliches of the sort "money isn't everything" get thrown around a lot but for me it truly applies to football. It does bother me a bit to see players play for clubs only on mercenary terms and some players even choose to play for national teams as mercenaries where their only incentive is some sort of personal gain. This I can understand and tolerate for the most part but if the future of football is mercenaries playing for "franchises" that represent nothing but the purpose of profit I won't be interested for much longer.
  14. That Arsenal goal must surely be goal of the season.
  15. I do not look forward to this. Not at all. Most of my friends are Liverpool supporters. Might aswell die already.
  16. Wow. Sweden-Germany was a masterclass of good finishes.
  17. Iceland make it to the play offs!
  18. Iceland 1 - 0 Cyprus. Kolbeinn Sigþórsson brother of CM legend Andri Sigþórsson woo
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