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Everything posted by sixx

  1. http://i.imgur.com/SQB9nEI.gif Guy was seriously giving zero fucks.
  2. This has been crap. Highlight of the match is the drunk fella with the Fellaini wig, says it all really. MU resorting to trying to get a cheap penalty at home against Crystal Palace. Class.
  3. Just noticed that Valeri Bojinov is only 27 years old and is without a club. What ever happened to that lad and how much did City really pay for him a few years ago?
  4. Wasn't there a thread somewhere for stupid football related questions? Can't seem to find it. Anyway I've been wondering for quite a while if Eden Hazard is ethnicly Belgian or if he is a son of immigrants. Not that it matters obviously.
  5. Gylfi Sig is boss. AVB has no reason not to play him now. Played as a box-to-box midfielder today and was amazing both attacking and defensively. If we beat Cyprus at home next month we're all but in there to the play-offs. Lol. I also just took a glance at the Norwegian team sheet. Dearie me... has to be one of the worst Norwegian sides in the last decades surely?
  6. Will be going. Can't wait but the weather is quite awful and it might get a bit scrappy. Hope Eiður will start this time, believe it or not the guy still has some magic in his boots and can really make a difference.
  7. sixx

    George Caulkin

    That was spot on. Good to see some real journalism. He did leave out one key element though which is the injuries. Last season was bonkers with regard to injuries and if we manage to keep them down we have a fairly good chance of finishing comfortably in the middle of the table.
  8. Fffffuuuuuck! That equalising goal from Iceland was insane. I'm trembling.
  9. sixx

    Other clubs' transfers

    I was about to post about Özil being overrated as I've never really seen him perform in "the big games". Then I decided to take a quick glance at his statistics. I am an idiot
  10. Very very tidy at the back. The Colo-MYM combo is coming along well. Sissoko and Anita also look like a good partnership. Ben Arfa has been cack poor chap, finally some movement from Cisse and Shola is of course useless. Meh it's been worse but very much available 3 points here. Pardew is going to be a coward nontheless and will try and hold on to a scoreless draw.
  11. sixx

    Other clubs' transfers

    Germany is the rumour. Not his greatest fan but he scores goals which is almost unheard of in our midfield He didn't really like his stay in Germany and will most def prefer a move within the PL. He still has a lot to prove after a quiet last season but Levy will not let him go on a loss though.
  12. sixx

    Other clubs' transfers

    Eriksen in probably means Sigurðsson out either this window or the next. We should be in for him as Cabaye is leaving.
  13. In my opinion Pardew should really pull out all the stops to bring in Sinclair. He ticks all the boxes: -Young and hungry -Available as City have already brought in Navas and Jovetic who can cover his position amongst others -Holds a HG status(?) and is English which can't hurt -Experienced at left wing which is one of our weakest links -Very fast and tricky -Brings movement and creativity, things that can barely be associated with NUFC these days Can't say I'm an expert on the guy but he seems as an obvious target.
  14. sixx

    Loïc Remy

    Ahahahaha! Rape is so funny! What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
  15. sixx

    Other clubs' transfers

  16. I'm not quite sure we will buy a right back this summer if Simpson pens a new deal and is ready to be an understudy for Perch. He has been unbelieveable tonight, long may it continue.
  17. After all this Alan Smith talk I went to youtube and saw a video of him scoring a goal. Insanely weird. He's a likeable bloke though, wouldn't mind him staying on to coach some kids or whatever.
  18. Tbf some crap players over the years have got CL medals....... *Cough* Djimi Traore *Cough*
  19. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m25o7iggKk1r6fge6.jpg
  20. wha? http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/131/399/fry.PNG?1307468855 I don't really know what I'm saying...
  21. This game has to be won. Liverpool is the most detestable club under the sun and to see them 11 points clear of us after buying two of our best players and the rest of the England 'B' team for insane money would absolutely make my day. However, Williamson will have to take more responsibility, especially aerially, Tiote has to play and if god permits, Perch delivers. Would like to see more of Ferguson though, looks like he is one of the few players in our team who understands the concept of 'pass and move'.
  22. That's a pretty gross understatement tbf This is what Wikitravel have to say about the lovely little town of Makhachalalakamakelelea: "WARNING: Travel to Makhachkala is extremely dangerous and strongly discouraged. The presence of rebels and widespread criminality is highly active in the city, sharing a similar crime rate to Grozny and Magas."
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