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Everything posted by sixx

  1. I'm not quite sure what this guy is supposed to bring to the table. I'd take him out of the starting XI once Remy is back and give Cisse another game or two upfront with some help from Remy and hopefully Ben Arfa.
  2. We're gonna get thrashed if Remy and Debuchy aren't back. Not sure if I'll even bother to watch this if the line up will be the same as against Everton.
  3. Would be the perfect replacement. - He can shoot and has an eye for a pass, is creative on the ball which we very obviously lack - Gylfi is a lot more combative in midfield than most people perceive, works very hard off the ball - Works best in a midfield three, maybe along with Anita and Tiote - Can take a mean set piece. No one is even remotely able to strike a dead ball in this team - He's young and has a lot to prove after a barren spell in Tottenham - Shouldn't be very expensive, Spurs are packed with midfielders Hope Spurs buy more midfielders this summer so we can get him on the cheap.
  4. Holy shit the passing is bad, it's like these guys have never even seen each other before. Dummett is also useless.
  5. I hate Liverpool just as much as the next guy but I have to admit they've played some very nice football this season, very impressive and easy on the eye. Wouldn't mind if they won it rathen than City or Chelsea.
  6. I just love it when non-Newcastle fans tell me of the wonderful job Pardew is doing and how ungrateful I am.
  7. Wales 1 - 1 Iceland half time.
  8. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwjnhkYwNQ1qi97m3o1_500.jpg
  9. Only if this guy had a bit of end product.
  10. This. Hope this will instill some confidence in the team. De Jong also gives me a bit of hope, a lot better on the ball than Cisse.
  11. Because he hasn't played in the PL? He's played for pretty much all the top clubs he could have FFS 2 years in Spain granted, but most of the rest in that horrible Italian bollocks and now France. Just a shame such a great player has been wasted like that. Jesus Christ. Ron Brittania is seriously the most fitting name I've ever seen anyone be called. Get a grip. Because he hasn't played in the PL? He's played for pretty much all the top clubs he could have FFS 2 years in Spain granted, but most of the rest in that horrible Italian bollocks and now France. Just a shame such a great player has been wasted like that. Jesus Christ. Ron Brittania is seriously the most fitting name I've ever seen anyone be called. Get a grip. Because he hasn't played in the PL? He's played for pretty much all the top clubs he could have FFS 2 years in Spain granted, but most of the rest in that horrible Italian bollocks and now France. Just a shame such a great player has been wasted like that. Jesus Christ. Ron Brittania is seriously the most fitting name I've ever seen anyone be called. Get a grip. He's not wrong tbh. Where could Ibra have gone to make his career better? The PL, it's not the be all and end all man, he's played for Ajax/Milan/Juve/Barca he's literally don't the opposite of waste his career Saying Ibra has wasted his career playing for 5 historically enormous clubs in 3 nice cities (Turin being the only meh city). Milan is awfully boring.
  12. As far as I'm concerned, this guy is one of the best football columnists around. World class stuff.
  13. I'm not even angry or annoyed after yesterdays showing. I just feel jaded and indifferent. Please, Mike Ashley, just sell the club. No one is enjoying this.
  14. I fucking love this Real Madrid team.
  15. Same here. Say if West Ham go down this season, and if there is any justice in this world they will, I'd take him back in a heartbeat. For a nominal fee of course. I for one genuinely believe he was forced out of the club against his will and as someone mentioned above, supporting NUFC hasn't been the same since he left. It kind of proved once and for all that everything is for sale and there is absolutely no integrity or loyalty left in football.
  16. Finally they buy an attacking midfielder.
  17. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Q7iJvZM64HA/UUtPgFYFRaI/AAAAAAAACFE/KC9BRlQe02s/s1600/Sad-Philippe-Senderos-animated-gif.gif
  18. Why haven't I seen this before?
  19. at the time it was a stonewaller, waiting to see it again. Bet it'll be one of the things that doesn't make the highlights. Forgot about that. Can't recall if it was ever shown again during the game on TV.
  20. Didn't think Pardew had that in him. Overall a good display from us but we so evidently need a striker so we can move Remy to the flank. And also RIP Samir Nasri. Horrible little shit.
  21. I don't really ever watch Man Utd unless we are playing against them but is Fabio any good? Someone mentioned above that his contract ends this summer. I think I've never seen him play and I haven't heard about any clubs sniffing around as his contract is running up.
  22. sixx

    Tom Ince

    If we aren't in for him at this price we're probably not looking to get anyone in at all. Ridiculous.
  23. Looking forward seeing him getting a run in at right back.
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